Epilogue pt. 2

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~five years since graduation~ ~Three years since the last epilogue~
     Music could be heard at least a mile away. Jungkook and Yoongi's voices were ringing out past the crowd. They had gotten very popular over the past few years. This was just one world tour of many. When they got back to the hotel they could've passed out immediately but they had promised their boyfriends that they would call.  Both boyfriends complain that they wish that they were home. Both Hobi and Jimin were still in school trying to pursue their dreams. It had been about two weeks since the couples had seen each other and it was driving everyone crazy. Hobi's finals week was next week and Yoongi wasn't supposed to be home yet. This was causing Hoseok major anxiety. Yoongi was the only thing that really calmed him down, but he was going to have to go through a terrible week without his boyfriend.
     Hoseok had been having really bad anxiety lately and he was trying his hardest not to show it to Yoongi. He was having panic attacks at least once a day. Most of the time Hoseok was panicking about his boyfriend. He was so worried about him and he knew he had no control over what was happening. His schooling was also causing him major anxiety. His anxiety for the past week had been through the roof. He also hadn't talked to Yoongi for the whole week. Usually, they facetime as often as they could, but Hoseok had kind of been avoiding him. When Yoongi finally had the time to facetime, Hoseok had said that he would rather call. Yoongi paid no mind to it, he was far too exhausted to question anything at that point. He did start to question things when he noticed that Hoseok had stopped talking. He also heard heavy breathing.
     "Hoseok, baby? Are you alright?" He received no response. He became even more concerned when he could hear intense sobbing. He began to yell into the phone. "Hoseok! Hoseok! Are you okay!?" The call ended. There was a knock on Yoongi's door. It was Jungkook. He had heard Yoongi yelling and he wanted to check-in.
"Jungkook, we need to go home right now." He pulled out his phone. And dialed a number. "Jimin, I need you to go over to my place right now. Something is wrong with Hoseok." He spoke with urgency. He hung up the phone immediately after he said what he needed to say. "I will go talk to manager Sejin. Get packed." Jungkook knew that Yoongi wasn't a dramatic person. If he was flipping out, it was for a damn good reason.
     They landed in Korea the next morning. Yoongi rushed to get home as quickly as possible. Jimin had told him that Hoseok wouldn't let him in the apartment and that he said he was fine, but he wasn't responding to any of Yoongi's texts. Hell, he wasn't even making a point to not open them. He was just straight up leaving him on read. Jimin had also told him that Hoseok had been avoiding him for the past couple of weeks, but Jimin didn't really notice because he was deep into his studies. Yoongi decided it was probably best if he didn't tell Hoseok that he was coming. So, when he finally got home, he didn't bother with knocking on the door. He just swung the door open, revealing a mess of an apartment and no one in sight. Yoongi looked at the time and realized that Hoseok had a class at that time. Aish. So, he made his way into their bedroom. When he got there he was greeted with a human-size lump in the bed.
     "Hoseok?" Yoongi called out. "Babe, are you sleeping?" He went to the side of the bed and pulled the blanket off of him. Yoongi saw his face and he was in awe. Hoseok had a black eye and bruises along his jaw. He just stood there examining his boyfriend's face. He had no idea where these came from. He was already worried about his boyfriend and now he was absolutely distressed. Hoseok was also supposed to be in class right now.
     "Hoseok, wake up baby," Yoongi said gently and nudged him. Hoseok grumbled and lazily opened his eyes. As soon as he saw Yoongi's face he shot up and jumped back. He immediately covered his face.
     "Why are you here?! Aren't you supposed to be in Japan?" Hoseok yelled.
     "Yeah, I am. But I was way too worried about you to stay on tour." Yoongi explained.
     "Are you missing a concert?" Hoseok asked, knowing the answer already. Hoseok knew the tour dates so well it was practically like branding in the back of his head.
     "No, we had a couple of days off before the next concert. Right now, I need you to talk to me and tell me what is going on."
"Umm... yeah. Okay, just let me go put some makeup on-."
"When have you ever put makeup on just to be around me? I already saw your face. Explain." Hoseok peeked out of the blanket and then unwrapped himself.
"I umm... I fell.... While I was... cooking. Yeah. Cooking."
"That's a good story. Let's hear the real one." Hoseok looked like he was about to cry. "Babe, I'm sorry if I sound harsh. I just love you so much and I need to make sure that you are okay." Hoseok nodded and then began to sob. Yoongi got in the bed and Hobi crawled into his lap.
"I've been having really bad anxiety lately." Hoseok finally said. "And I've been having panic attacks."
"I'm so sorry, baby." Yoongi hugged his boyfriend tighter. "Do you know what the anxiety is about?"
"Umm... y-... No." Hoseok stammered.
"C'mon, baby. You know that you can tell me anything and everything. It doesn't matter what it is. I just want to help you."
"W-well, mostly my anxiety is about... you." Yoongi sat in thought for a moment. He totally understood why Hoseok would have anxiety over him. His job was incredibly nerve-wracking. Some fans were crazy and that could be dangerous. They also have received death threats in the past. They also were going to all of these new places, and they never knew what would be safe and what wouldn't.
"I understand, Hobi. I'm always, and I mean always, here to talk." Yoongi confirmed. "Now I need you to tell me what happened to your face."
"Well, one day I was walking home from the little cafe a couple miles away. You know the cute one that sells little witch hat cookies?"
"Yeah! I love that place!" Yoongi exclaimed. "Okay, carry on."
"I'm pretty sure the owners are lesbian. I'm also pretty positive that they are Wiccans. I always thought that was cool. Do you think it would be inappropriate to ask them about it?"
"Babe, can we talk about the lesbian witches later, I need to know what happened to you."
"Oh, yeah. Sorry." Hobi apologized. "Well, anyway. I was walking home when this big burly man started walking right next to me. He asked me if I was your boyfriend. I didn't know how to respond because I didn't know why he was asking. So, I just asked him, why do you ask? Then before I knew what was happening he had punched me. I fell to the ground immediately. I tried to fight back, but this dude was huge. Then, all of a sudden the police were there and he was being dragged away. Before the police could even talk to me, I ran. I ran all the way home. I don't know why I did it, but I did. That was a couple weeks ago."
"A couple of weeks ago!?" Yoongi yelled. "Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I'm sorry. I just didn't want it to stop you from doing your tour. I was just gonna tell you when you came home." Yoongi was exasperated.
"How come you aren't in your class?"
"Oh, uh... I haven't been going.... since I got beat up." Hoseok admitted. "I've been having anxiety about leaving the house. It was just so out of the blue. I am worried that it will happen again."
"Oh, god. Baby, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you."
"It's okay. It wasn't your fault." There was a knock on the door and the doorbell rang. Before Yoongi knew what was happening, Hoseok had hidden under the covers and he was sobbing and heavily breathing. He realized that his boyfriend was having a panic attack because the doorbell had just rung. As much as he wanted to comfort Hoseok, he really needed to get to the door so whoever it was wouldn't ring the damn doorbell again. He ran to the door and swung it open. Jungkook was standing there about to press the doorbell again.
"Don't touch the fucking doorbell," Yoongi warned.
"Umm... okay?" Jungkook said and dropped his hand. "I was here to check in and see how Hoseok is doing. I also wanted to let you know that management is flipping out and they want you to call them."
"Fuck management. Hoseok is not okay. I need to go comfort him. Could you make a sign that says don't touch the fucking doorbell and don't even think about knocking? Thanks." Yoongi slammed the door and ran back to his boyfriend.
Yoongi talked to his boyfriend for hours. He just wanted to understand what was going on with him. He found out that Hoseok was actually on academic probation. It baffled him. Hoseok has always been a good student and is crazy smart. For him to be in this condition, he must be in a horrendous mental state. Yoongi felt like a terrible boyfriend for not noticing that something was wrong sooner. But, there was nothing he could do about that now. All he could do was get Hoseok some help. So, he made him a therapy appointment right away. He was almost immediately diagnosed with panic disorder. Which made total sense, there was really no rhyme or reason to when Hoseok would have panic attacks, they just happened. Hoseok decided it was best to take a break from school.
Yoongi had few priorities in life. The first one was his boyfriend. His second one was his friends. The third was his fans and lastly was his career. This being said, he needed to make sure his boyfriend was okay. He needed to stay home with him and take him to therapy. He also had to almost always be with him just in case he had a panic attack. Yoongi decided it was best to cancel the rest of the tour. Management wasn't very happy about it, but Jungkook understood completely. He was actually pleased. He really wanted to spend more time with his boyfriend, even though he was almost always studying.
Yoongi didn't know when Hoseok was going to get better. So, he decided to take a break from work. He wasn't sure how long it would take, but he needed to be there for his boyfriend. His fans were devastated, but the real fans understood. Jungkook decided to take a break but eventually decided to continue working without Yoongi. He didn't want to perform though. Not without his partner.
About five months later, things began to look a lot better. Jungkook had been working for about four months without Yoongi. Hoseok was on medication and going to therapy about three times a week. With all of the treatment, he was getting better quickly. They were both ready for Yoongi to go back to work. Hoseok also started to go to his classes once again.
Yoongi learned something important after those many months. The biggest smile hides the most sobs and the brightest eyes hide the most tears.
    Hoseok was on his way to becoming a veterinarian and Yoongi was ready to give his fans some more music.

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