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7:00 a.m. sharp the bell rang but no one rushed into the class. As usual Esme Tan sat in her seat, reading a book but not oblivious with her surrounding.

"Oh.My.Gosh. Did you hear? There's a new teacher coming in. I heard she is not local and like she is related to that old bat or something-." The queen B in Secondary Level 2 of Toshiko High, Vallerie Cho, announcing her presence. No one besides her swarm of crony was paying attention to her. As usual.

"-and I heard she's ugly as a boat.." Vallerie continued with her chatter even when seated in the middle of the class where everyone can see her and pay attention to her. By the time Esme tuned out, Valleri was already holding up a hand mirror checking her reflection which is no doubt in under layers of make-up. Words like "boring" "unfortunate bat" and "weirdo" were among the continuos string of nonsense Vallerie was spewing out.

Esme Tan desperately wanted to tune out from the noise but her excellent brain picked up another wave of conversation from the back of the class: the popular group. Esme internally groaned as she flipped to the next page. This class sure is noisy. As usual.

"Yo guys, I heard there is a new teacher this semester. I heard her hair is purple." One guy, who Esme was not bothered to identify, chattered. Another chimed in "Purple? Dude, that's sick man!" and cue a round of goofball laughing. "I heard the old bat personally hired this new teacher. From what I heard she was up there at the capital. And I hear-" 

The unidentified voice was cut off by another student. "Yeah, you heard a lot of bull crap these days. You mean the one with purple hair Vallerie was blabbering about?  Who cares about the new teacher anyway? Anyone of you saw the match last night? man, now that's what I call sick. Did ya'll see how ..." Talk about sports went around among the boys. 

Esme almost managed to regain her focus when another distraction barged in.

The distraction was none other than Noah Trevor, a usual latecomer. Noah walked towards his seat at the back of the class where the boys were gossiping about sports. Hair disheveled, uniform un-tucked, necktie in a loose, careless knot, a handsome face despite the messy appearance. He dropped his bag on his seat and proceed to sit in a careless manner on his desk, facing his friends. "Hey guys, do you guys think the new teacher will be hot? I hope she is hot. I heard Vallerie Cho over there talking about some new teacher with purple hair. I bet she is hot. I hope she is hot." Noah Trevor's favorite word of the day: hot. 

 As if on cue, Vallerie flipped her long high ponytails back, mirror still in hand, stood up and turned to Noah with her signature so-called-queen-look; a slow head to toe inspection under her lashes, head slight tilt to the side, lips pouting in a Vallerie like manner. Crossing her arms across her chest in an annoyed fashion, Vallerie smiled her annoyed smile "Noah Trevor. Stop acting like an immature boy and sit properly on the chair like everyone else. And how dare a guy like you calling out my name so freely in class. I thought I made it clear it was over between us. I like someone else now." Vallerie puffed and turned her face away.

'Here we go again.' Esme mentally sighed and tried to continue with her reading but it was in vain since Noah Trevor spoke up. Esme exhaled a small bit of frustration and closed her eyes. Noah Trevor. The guy with good looks and a decent brain. The only guy who is in ranks with Esme. It was impossible for Esme to not be attracted to Noah Trevor. Just as every female student of the lower level of Toshiko high. The only thing that kept Esme's pride away from becoming an avid member of Noah's fan club was Vallerie Cho. The living proof that Noah Trevor is not so clever after all. But she was still attracted nonetheless 

Esme opened her eyes to a battle scene. Vallerie and Noah were head to head in a heated argument. The subject of argument: purple ugly boat.

" how can you tell someone is hot just by her hair color?" that was Vallerie "..My hair is jet black and I'm hot. You yourself said so!" Vallerie was almost out of breath presenting her point.

"When did I say you were hot? Everyone here has jet black hair. I only remembered saying you look..uh, nice. And besides, come on purple is wild and sexy! Have you ever see an ugly person with wild purple hair?" Noah, in everyone's opinion, has a good point. The whole class was suddenly betting-Purple hair: Hot or Nay?. The debate quickly escalated into a war of insults and dug-up-cringe-worthy details of their broken relationship.

"Aww come on man. Purple hair is definitely hot. I think it's a sexy color. You-" the guy was cut off by his former girlfriend.
"What? What about me?? Do you have any idea how hurtful it is to hear your ex talking about someone else being h-"  Vallerie suddenly sound pitiful and- is that tears? Trust Vallerie to turn some random topic about her and her non-ending drama.

"Oh, now I'm hurting you? I was only talking about her hair!" A frustrated Noah who is almost losing it. 

"Whose hair are we talking about and is someone sick?" 

A soft but firm unidentified voice suddenly interjected.

All eyes turned. Esme almost dropped her book. Eyes rounded in amazement. It's not purple, it's pink!


A/N: So, is purple hair wild or nay?

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