CH. 6

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The last period is over. Students of Toshiko high are busy packing their stuff, each with a different plan to spend the afternoon off after school.

Esme as usual packed her stuff in a calculating and organized manner. The class was almost empty by the time she was done. She put on her bag pack, carried the usual paper bag for her lunchbox in her arms, and headed towards the door. She was suddenly stopped in her tracks when she felt a gentle tug on her bag pack and a low-masculine-voice called out her name. "Esme."

Esme's eyes widened when she turned her head to see. She could hear and see from the corners of her eyes, Vallerie Cho and her cronies stopping in their tracks to watch them. Their whispers, unpleasant.

"Kk-Kayden!" Esme blinked several times in disbelief. Her conversation earlier with ms. Jade flashed across her brain made her blushed suddenly. He needs you.

"Um, well, uh- Oh, Sorry." Kayden abruptly let go of the tag he was holding. 

Esme ducked her head a little and turned around to face him fully. She hugged her book tighter. I can do this! Esme took a small reassuring breath and ask. "How can I help you, Kayden?" He needs your help.  The words ringing in her ears.

"Well, um, you see, I have trouble with the task that you gave me," Kayden said, showing her the list that she gave him.

"Okay. Which part?" Esme said as she grabbed the other end of the paper that Kayden was holding and scanned the paper for any marked notes or words.

"Everything. I don't understand a single word that is written here. Accept for this one." Kayden pointed at a word.

Esme blinked once. Twice and another one. She looked over at Kayden. Are you kidding me? "That's your name." The paper containing the list of notes and reference work that she gave him was just as it is when it was handed to him. His name and her name was typewritten in the same column.

Kayden gave her his infamous heart-melting smile. "That's how hopeless I am. Can you help me translate the words?"

Esme was staring unblinkingly at Kayden. Is he kidding me? It's in English!  Don't tell me he only reads the traditional language?

Kayden dropped his smile. Esme looked shocked. Oh, shit! Did my dumb-ass request knock the sense out of her? I knew this would happen. I should have insisted Noah to help me.

Kayden moved his face closer to Esme and tilt his head a bit.

Was it because I smiled? Noah did mention to me not to smile. He said my smile could kill. Do I have a killer smile? Kayden was beginning to panic. 

He moved even closer and waved a hand in front of her. 

Vallerie and her cronies let out a high pitch sound. Esme let out a surprised gasp (most probably because of the squeals) but she did not move. Instead, her eyes rounded in amazement. 

" Your eyes, its midnight black." she blurted out her observation.

"And yours is... like normal brown." Kayden trying to match up with Esme.

Normal... brown? *Blink. *Blink. Esme was trying to make sense of it.

Normal brown?? Now I sound really stupid. Kayden mentally slapped himself. 

It was Esme who realized first that their face was mere inches away. Roughly 6 inches away. She thought. 

Esme slowly put up one finger as she observes the different expression flashing across Kayden's features. What was the word again? Handsome? Oh, yeah that was the word Ms. J used. 

Her index finger landed on his cheek. The flashes of expression stopped. Kayden's gaze went down to the finger that was poking his left cheek. Then slowly, Esme pushed back his face away from hers. Kayden blushed.

Both Kayden and Esme were oblivious of Vallerie Cho who was struggling to get away from her cronies who were holding her back. She was shouting words like 'unhand' 'how dare you!' 'Kayden, No!' and other incoherent sounds 

"I'm sorry. Did my smile killed you off?" Kayden asked when he managed to compose himself a bit.

"Excuse me?" It was very rare for Esme, putting aside her shyness, to be rendered speechless several times in a day, not to mention in under 5 minutes.

"Well, Noah said not to smile because my smile kills. Did I kill you with my smile? You were pretty out of it for a few seconds there. Got me worried a bit." Kayden scratched the back of his head, breaking eye contact with Esme.

I wonder what he will say if I say it's because he's stupid. Esme blushed at her thoughts. And was immediately ashamed of herself. She mentally hit her head with a chair.

"uh, um- yes. Your smile caught me off guard. You do have a killer smile." Esme said quietly with her eyes downcast. 

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought it was my dumbass question that killed you off. I'll just remember not to smile that often then." Kayden said grinning. His promise not to smile *often* went out the window.

Both fell into silence. Esme looked up and locked eyes with Kayden. Something unseen passed between them.

It was Esme who broke the silence this time. "Well, um, I think we should discuss our project tomorrow. Can we do it in the science club instead of the canteen? The canteen is a bit noisy."

"Uhhhh, hmm- I think I can manage," Kayden said thoughtfully.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." Esme turned and walked by a fuming Vallerie Cho who was barely contained by her cronies.


"Sorry, I'm late. I got lost trying to find this room." Kayden was only 5 minutes late but he felt bad for unknown reasons.

"Oh, it's okay. I was just sorting through our project." Esme said in her usual soft voice. She put down her pen and took something out from the paper bag that she always carry to school. It was a blue lunch box and another pink lunch box. She put the blue lunch box in front of Kayden.

"This is for you. I hope you are not allergic to eggs. I know you will not have time to grab lunch at the canteen. That is why I prepare an extra one. Just in case." Esme said and handed out cutleries to Kayden.

"Peanuts. I'm allergic to peanuts." Kayden answered. Kayden was moved beyond words and was almost in tears. In truth, he was late not because he got lost, but he was deciding whether or not to grab a quick bite at the canteen. But knowing it was impossible to have a quick bite, Kayden chose hunger.

"Kayden, allergic to peanuts. Done. It has been noted in my mental list," Esme said and gave a small smile.

"You smiled!" Kayden said with a smile of his own.

Esme's face turned a warm shade of pink.

"I was wondering how you would look like with a smile," Kayden said.

"5 bucks."

"5 bucks?" Kayden raised both eyebrows.

"5 bucks for my smile," Esme said now with a straight face, palms upwards, extended towards Kayden.

Kayden let out a laugh. 

"But I don't have 5 bucks," Kayden said wiping his eyes, traces of laughter still in his speech.

"Then I shall claim it when you have your 5 bucks," Esme said trying to hide her smile.

"Make sure you do." Kayden flashed her a wide smile then proceed with enjoying his lunchbox.

Esme's excellent brain plunged into a tumult. This time it was a real killer smile. Her heart skipped a beat.


A/N: Finallyyyyy some development

-->What do you think of Esme and Kayden? 

--->Is their development to fast?

Suggestions and opinions are always welcomed!

Thanks for reading v(^_^)v

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