CH. 4

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"Okay, class. That's it for today. I am proud of your performance today. Everyone successfully submitted their notes. So there will be no monthly test for you this month..." 

The whole class cheered at the prospect of no test. But it quickly dwindled to disappointment as Ms. J finished her sentence. "... however, you will be doing a group project instead. "

Complaints and groans filled the classroom. Ms. J smiled and continued with her decree. "I have already listed the groups. Since we have an odd number of students in this class, some of you will be in pairs and some will be in threes. Yes, Victoria Li? You seem to have a lot of questions today."

Victoria put down her hands and stood up. "On what grounds are you grouping us, Ms. Jade? Usually, you let us choose our groupmates. I think this sudden change of system is upsetting the whole class." The whole class murmured their agreement.

"As expected from the class rep. I was waiting for that question" Ms. Jade smiled in approval.

"To answer your question, this grouping is based on my analysis of your performance for the past three months. I am not happy with the conclusion of the founding. The extreme curve on the dumb and smart graph chart is just so upsetting. The dumb is becoming dumber while the smart ones proceed with shooting up the graphs alone. The average? Flatter than my sorry flat chest." With every word, Ms. J was getting more and more upset. The telltale sign? The impatient clicking of her heels against the floor.

"If this class applied the teamwork I saw earlier today, everyone should be on the same level in the performance chart. Instead, you waste your teamwork trying to distract me from your incompetence to finish. A. Simple. Task." Click. Click. Click.

This is how scary Ms. Jade's mood swing is.  

The class was still not used to the unpredictable mood swings of Ms. Jade Williams. But at least they know how to properly respond to the situation. Silence.

Inhaling deeply and letting out a loud sigh means Ms. Jade Williams is cooling down. The heels are no longer clicking.

"So, to overcome this issue, I am grouping you into a group where each of the team members will have to pitch in 100% effort into the project. However, some of you might have challenges adapting with a partner or a member whom you are not familiar with, especially those with clashing personalities. Not everyone is lucky to have an easy-going-personality. The shy and quiet ones, I apologize, but I am afraid you are the ones who are going to suffer the most."


"The stress is killing me! Look at my skin, it's so dry because of the stress!" Vallerie Cho wailed.  Her groupmates, Noah Trevor and Victoria Li both let out a sigh of exasperation.

"I can't believe you used to date her."

"I can't believe I used to date her." 

Both Noah and Victoria said at the same time. "Oh!" "Jinx!" "You're it!" 

That was the NoToria duo. Two weeks into working together, they found out they have a lot in common. They even came up with the term NoToria together. Victoria who is known with her cool and aloof demeanor found herself enjoying silly expressions with Noah.

Vallerie scoffed and rolled her eyes."Of all people how in the world did I end up with you two losers. I wish I was paired up with Jace or at least Adam. Why do I have to be in a trio group? Why? Whyyyyyy?" Vallerie complained dramatically.

"Because, Vallerie Cho, you are not smart enough to pair up with them and they are no better than you." Noah Trevor was patient enough to explain the nth time to Vallerie Cho.

"Then, why am I with you? Your grades are not that good." Vallerie pouted.

"Because, Vallerie Cho, Tori here has good enough grades to pull me through. Our average makes up for yours. And what do you mean my grades are not good? I'm the only guy who made it into the top 5 ranks in our class. Tori is number 4. Right, Tori?" Noah winked at Victoria who was coolly staring at Vallerie.

"And according to Ms. Jade Williams, we now hold the responsibilities to pull up your average marks somewhere in the 3rd quadrant at least. You are now almost at the bottom of 4th quadrant." Victoria added on.

Vallerie Cho was rendered speechless because everything they said was true. "I hate you. I hate both of you! And I hate the ugly boat Ms. JaDe wiLLiAmS!" Vallerie said in a mocking tone. She made a face before slamming her book shut. "Ugh. I am so jealous of that girl Esme. Just because she is number one in class, what rights did she have to be paired up with Kayden?"


"Kyaaaaaaa! Kayden! Oh My gosh! Kaaaaaydeeeeen" the sound of squealing girls filled the canteen.

"It sure is noisy here," Esme said quietly. Uncomfortable with the commotion around, Esme did not dare to open up her lunchbox in fear of the shouting girls. They are so scary!.  Esme cried a little inside.

"Is it? Well, this is how it is at the canteen. Sure is loud trying to get their order." Kayden answered Esme while enjoying his lunch tray.

"This is... normal?" Esme eyed Kayden. She is now regretting her decision to discuss their project at the canteen. It has been two weeks and this was their first discussion. It took a lot of courage and effort for Esme to even talk to Kayden. Her rising panic was added on when she started to hear malicious whispers about her. ''Who is that girl sitting with Kayden?" " Ew look at her hair" "How dare she!".

Esme forced herself away from the whispers. She should have insisted on doing their discussion at the science club. At least it was quiet there and she could eat and discuss peacefully. It's like a bloody warzone here. Esme thought regretfully.

 But no. Esme did not even have the chance to suggest the science club. Kayden said they will be doing the discussion at the canteen. Esme just nodded along. It was too much of a bother for Esme to give a second opinion.

Kayden paused his spoon mid-air when he noticed Esme was still gripping both sides of her blue lunchbox. "You're not going to eat that? Lunch break is almost over." Kayden asked.

"I'll eat later. I'm not hungry." I'm scared of your crazy fangirls! Esme shouted in her head in contrast with the quiet reply she gave Kayden.

"Okay.*munch*munch*. I'm done. Tell me what I need to do." Kayden pushed aside his tray and prepared himself for the instructions.

"Uh, Kayden. We are supposed to discuss and agree on our individual tasks." Esme explained in a soft voice. 

" Oh. Okay. This is new to me." Kayden flashed a goofy smile, displaying a hint of perfect pearly white teeth.

"Well, to start, the ti-"

"Yo, K-man! How you doin'?" a senior greets, cutting off Esme. Kayden and the senior exchanged some handshakes and pleasantries about the weather and stuff.

"You were saying?" Kayden turned his attention back to Esme.

"As I was sayi-"

"Heyy Kayden~~" a bunch of girls crooned as they pass by their table. Kayden gave a small smile and waved at the girls.

Esme sighed. This is going to be a tough one.


Author's Note:

I feel so bad for classifying students into categories *dumb, smart, average*. No students should be labeled and stereotyped as such.

Anyway, please look forward to the story development. It has been quite a slow development. Found my self drowning in my own boring stuff(T_T)

Suggestions and building comments are welcomed! 

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