CH. 13

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A week has passed since the presentation. Esme's routine resumed as before she started the project with Kayden. Everything was at it is but Esme felt something different. Something new. 

Esme as usual, sitting in the science club, alone. She was in the middle arranging the table of elements when she got distracted with her thoughts.  Her mind wandered back to last week.

"Class, can anyone of you remember the reason why I chose and specifically assigned you into groups" Ms. Jade looked around for answers.

"It's a system to improve our performance chart by re-shuffling us into groups according to our academic ranks and personal performances." Victoria Li was the only student who dares to speak up when the storm is raging.

"Correct. Thank you, Victoria Li. And did I mention any specific level you need to present for this project? Did I mention that it has to be a high school project level? NO. The main thing that I requested was the teamwork! " Ms. Jade stated.


"I am aware of and recognized each of your talents. The majority of you are still stuck with the abilities of elementary levels. That is why levels and standards are not included in the rubrics. If I demanded high school level projects, many of you will fail." Her comments were harsh. But it was the brutal truth.

"I am very happy with the many improvements. However..."  Ms. Jade inhaled deeply and continued with a tone of regret.

"I failed to teach you the professional values of completing a task."

The silence was almost unbearable.

"I did not want to share this but now I think it is important for everyone to know about this incident. And I hope, it will not repeat" Ms. J continued in a somber mood. 

"A few weeks ago, I've found out two students had done something very childish and unprofessional. But they promised me that they will not do it again. So I let them be because I trust my students." She started recapping.

"Then I heard some unpleasant rumors going around. It sounded like blackmails and threats. But many claimed that it was faux. No harm is done. Again, I trusted my students." Ms. J took a few moments to decide how far she should reveal.

"And then, this morning, I was surprised when one of the groups who came in for final consultation requested permission to submit their model project on a later date. They claimed someone destroyed their model."  The story went on.

"Since I am almost ancient. I have seen almost all the antics pulled to extend their due date. So it was hard to believe their claim. However, that group tried again and negotiated with me. I decided to give them a chance."

"True to their claim, I have concluded that someone did destroy their model. I saw right through the odd behaviors." Ms. Jade concluded. 

"You know who you are." Miss Jade scanned the class slowly. "And those who are curious, mind your own business."

After that incident, Peggy met Esme personally and apologized. She admitted to giving Vallerie the combination lock of Esme's locker, tripping Esme, revealing Valerie that their presentation is not a high school level presentation, and reporting to Vallerie the lunchboxes for Kayden.

At first, Esme was furious and felt betrayed but at the end of Peggy's confession, Esme felt sorry for her because turns out, Peggy was an unwilling accomplice. They were threatening her with horrible stuff. 

As for Vallerie Cho and her cronies, Esme was not sure what happened to them. They were no longer harassing her but she still receives the occasional glare from Vallerie Cho and her cronies.

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