CH. 10

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Four sets of wide-eyed females stared back at him. Three against one. Not a fair fight. 

Kayden blinked assessing what to do next.

"Kayden!" It was the annoying voice who broke the silence. The girl dramatically whirled, ponytails and all, to face him directly. Kayden winced a bit. What's her name again? She looks familiar.

"Uh..hi," Kayden said then diverted his attention to Esme with a loose comfortable smile. 

"Yo, Esme. Sorry. Did you wait long for me? The meeting with the team took longer than expected." Kayden took a side step and move towards Esme who stood behind the chair she usually occupies. Her knuckles were white from gripping the back of the chair.

Esme just eyed him with an expression Kayden could not identify. Fear? Relief?

"I didn't know you were having company. What are you girls talking about?" Kayden said calmly, trying to calm down the tension. He is slow most of the times but Kayden could quickly tell heavy tension when he sees one. Thanks to his years of reading opponents in the basketball court.

But as Kayden moved closer he could see hints of unshed tears. Rage suddenly bubbled up in him. It took everything he had to stay calm.

The man should always be in front to defend the lady. 

Protective instinct took over him. Kayden moved to Esme's side and without noticing, pulled her to stand behind him.

"I don't know what you were discussing but I think you are done here. Esme and I have a very important project to prepare. We would appreciate it if you leave." Kayden calmly spoke in contrast with the rage he was barely keeping control of. Tears.

"Ohohohohoh!" the girl laughed in what it seems as a ladylike manner with fingertips covering her mouth in a polite gesture. Which, Kayden finds annoying. "Oh, Kayden. We were just talking like best friends do. Right, BFF?" The girl tip-toed to see Esme over Kayden's shoulder.

Kayden could feel Esme huddled closer against his back. Or was it him who took a step back closer?

"Leave. Please." Kayden was almost at the edge.

"Oh, Kayden. You don't have to be so serious. We are leaving. See you tomorrow, BFF!" the girl spoke in a tone dripped with threatening sarcasm. Then the 3 crows left. By then he felt Esme grabbing the back of his shirt. He could feel her shaking. Is she crying? Kayden did not dare to turn.

Helplessness replaced rage. Kayden looked up the ceiling, not knowing what to do next.  The last time he saw someone crying was many years ago when he was still a kid. And he just stood there watching his friend crying not knowing what to do. Just like now.

The shaking stopped and a long shaky breath was heard. The grip on his shirt slowly loosen. Kayden turned slowly and looked down at the top of her head. Kayden felt a pang in his chest. He wanted to pull her close and comfort her like mothers do when their baby is upset but he decided against it.

"You okay?" Kayden asked softly.

The head nodded, eyes still down.

"Do you need privacy? I can leave if-" 

A dainty hand shot out and grabbed the edge of his shirt. There was a stretched silence.

"I-I don't know how to face you." A small, shy voice finally spoke up.

Kayden was speechless for a while. Then he chuckled. 

"How about we start with not looking at the floor?" He said then gently tugged her chin up. Her eyes blinking slowly, lips pursed in a fashion which reminds Kayden of a sad puppy. That look grabbed his heart and it made him furiously protective over her.

He let go of his chin and gently pushed her into the chair she always occupies. He took his usual seat and began. "So, who was that girl?"

Esme gave him a surprised look. "You don't know her?" She asked in disbelief. The scary encounter earlier was briefly forgotten.

"Hm... Nope. She does look familiar but I don't think I know her." Kayden admitted.

"That was Vallerie Cho," Esme said in an I-don't-believe-you tone.

Kayden shook out a 'nope'.

"Vallerie Cho... she's our classmate." 

Still nope.

"She used to date Noah-"

"Hah! I knew she looked familiar." Kayden finally remembered who that girl is.

" So she's Vallerie Cho huh. What's with her deal? Why was she harassing you?"  and now he was curious about what happened earlier.

Esme inhaled deeply and started her explanation.

"Vallerie Cho likes you. She was upset when ms. J made us partners." She began

"She was madder when I decided to continue to be your partner even though I was against the idea of working with you at first. " Esme continued slowly.

"She became furious when he found out that I have been preparing lunch for you," she explained with downcast eyes. Esme was ashamed that Kayden found out she was an unwilling partner at the beginning. 

"Kayden, I-" Esme tried to explain but was cut-off.

Bam! Kayden slammed the table with his fist. His breathing in an angry succession.

Esme flinched and closed her eyes. She was more scared now than she was before.

"I can't believe that Vallerie Cho is a rotten boat! I'm glad Noah is no longer dating her." Kayden spat out furiously and shuddered at the memory of her.

Esme slowly opened her eyes. She was hopeful. "You're not mad at me?"

"Mad at you? Why should I be mad at you? For seducing me? No, Esme. I am not mad at you for seducing me." Kayden said trying to reassure Esme whatever was bothering her.

Esme tilted her head a bit and squinted her eyes. She was trying to make sense of Kayden.
"Did I...seduce you?"

"You did not? Then Vallerie Cho is a lying rotten witch boat then. How dare she accuses you of seducing me!." Kayden sounding more ridiculous by the second.

"Oh, my stars." Esme was so ridiculed by the situation that she started to laugh. Kayden eyed her in confusion. Just a few moments ago she was on the verge of tears. Now she's laughing?

"So, you're not mad at me for not being a willing partner at the beginning?" Esme asked with hints of laughter still in her voice.

"Are you kidding me? I was happy beyond words when you approached me to discuss our project. I should be grateful to have the top student in my class as my partner. Willing or unwilling. How can I be mad at you for making the effort to work with me?" Kayden passionately argued.

Esme felt a warm feeling in her chest. She was humbled by his speech. She reached out to hold his hand. "Thank you, Kayden." 

Before Kayden could say anything, Esme pulled back her hands and put out their files.
"We should get started. We wasted a lot of time." She said as she flipped through the pages.

"One quick question before we start," Kayden asked suddenly.

Esme sounded a 'hmmm...?' without looking up from her files, indicating Kayden to proceed with whatever question he had in mind.

"Did you seduce me?"


A/N: Whoops. Pardon the cliffhanger.

Thanks for reading! (n_n)v

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