Part1. Please, for God sake!

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Rainy day. Everything is simple. People are rushing, as always. Were do they rush? It's Sunday, come on! Where can you possibly rush on Sunday? But for some people, Sunday or any weekend doesn't mean anything. They're always working, working and working. Ben Bradlee was one of those. But he is lucky, actually. At least, he loves his job. So, it's not like a prison for him. He loves everything about his job. Even his trip to get there. Well, you can't, actually, call it a trip. More like a 20 minutes ride on a good car. His favourite car. Oh, only the memories about how he bought it already were making him laugh. His wife went crazy, when he said about buying a car. "Why? We can be good without it! Don't spend your money on that!" Oh yeah, he remembers it clearly. She was really mad. He even thought that he will have to get divorced now. What is wrong with those women? Will someone one day explain it? But his thoughts did come true. He got divorced. However, there was no hysterical screaming, fighting, nothing. Just:"Honey, I don't feel anything". That's it. No matter what, he still can visit his girl. And his ex is okay with that. That's seems like the best divorce ever, doesn't it? But not looking on all those things, Ben still felt himself...lonely. He got used to being waited at home by someone. Now, it's just an empty house. Not to tell that he hated it. He just felt himself uncomfortable. He needed some company. And surprisingly for him, he found that company in a very strange person. Katherine Graham. Yes, she was his boss and everything but for some reason, he started to enjoy spending time with her. It was so strange to him. And what about Kay? Well, she always loved Ben. No, that's not a right word. She respected him. He was a very talented worker. But since he got divorced, she also started to enjoy her time with him. It was strange to both of them.

Finally leaving his thoughts, Ben realised, that he is already at his work. His road to the work was like a reflex. He could even sleep while driving but he would get there. He parked his car, locked it and went to the building. On his way in, he met his boss.

-Morning, Katherine.

Kay was looking down and thinking about something when he greeted her. She momentarily raised her head and made an eye contact with Ben. What is that feeling? She saw his face, his beautiful grey hair, his hand in his pocket and the other is holding papers. She saw that look every morning everyday. But now, it was a different feeling. It felt like there were butterflies in her stomach. It was so weird.

-Morning, Ben - she replied. He smiled and kept walking. Kay felt herself stupid. It couldn't be. Is it? No way! Is No. How is that possible? She loved once. She can't love again...Can't she?

What Kay didn't know, is that Ben had an exact the same thing. And he thought the same too. He can't love. Not again. Or...Can he?

When he finally got to his office, he threw the paper on his table, took off his jacket and threw it on the back of his chair. He started reading paper but he couldn't stop thinking about Kay. What is wrong with him? Why is that happening?

-Stop it! - he said to himself. He tried to focus on his work but failed. - Damn it! - he threw the paper on the floor and angrily leaned on the back of his chair. - I can't! That's wrong! So wrong! - he said to himself.

-Mr, Bradlee - a tiny voice made him turn his head to the door - Mrs Graham is calling for you.

-Yes, coming - he replied as always. He took his jacket and started to walk towards the door. Next to his secretary, he stopped. - By the way, she is miss. Not mrs.

Ben was walking as always but something was wrong. And it wasn't about Kay. It was about why she called him. She never called him like this if it wasn't serious. Usually, she would just come by herself to his office. So, he was prepared for a serious talk. He knocked to the door twice.

-Come in!

Ben walked in a big, light room. He showed his head first to make sure that it was Kay and that she was alone.

-Oh, Ben. Come in. Thank you for coming. - she called him in.

He came in and closed the door after him.

-And what's the problem, Kay? - he said while holding his hands behind his back.

-Why do you think that there's a problem? - she asked.

-You rarely call me to your office unless it's serious. So tell me, what happened.

Kay set on her chair and leaned on it's back. Only now Ben noticed that she looked a little exhausted, her hair were little messy, her eyes were a bit red. He came closer to her desk and set on the edge of it. Kay always loved it. Not looking on the fact, that there is always a chair, Ben always seats on the edge of the table.

-What happened? - he asked quietly.

-Take a look - she said, dropping on the table a piece of paper. He took it in his hands and read it.

-What's that? - he asked.

-I found it under my door this morning.

-Kay, that's serious! You should go to the police! - Ben screamed while jumping off the table.

-I can't! Can you read? They wrote that if I will, they will kill me! - she screamed.

Ben was standing still. He leaned with his arms on the table and made a deep breath.

-So, why you called me? - he finally asked, raising his head and breaking a dead silence.

-You're the only one, whom I trust. Please, can me? - she said quietly.

-Ugh, Kay! I'm not a policeman. I work at the paper. How can I possibly help you?

-Just...protect with the time. You're not a police.

Ben was shocked. He never thought that would have happened. What is he supposed to do? He is not a policeman. But he knew, that if she will go to the police, she might really get killed. Looks like there is no other choice.


Kay smiled. He wasn't a warrior of course but at least, she could count on him.

-Thank you. Thank you very much - she stood up and put her hand on his shoulder. She could feel that he was shaking a little bit.

-Am I free to go? - he asked.


He went towards the door and stopped In a doorway. He turned to Kay and looked her in the eyes.

-See you in the evening, Kay. Take care of yourself.

The door closed. Kay set back in her chair and took her glasses off. She was scared. Someone wanted to take her down. Why? For what? Because of those papers? Impossible. Her head was full of thoughts that she didn't realise how fast time went...

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