Terrible end

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In the morning, Kay woke up with a very warm and strangely good feeling. She slowly opened her one eye only to realize that she was sleeping the whole night clinging to Ben's chest. Kay looked at his face. He was sleeping. Then she realized that his arms were wrapped around her. Poor Ben. Did he spent in this position the whole night? She wanted to get up but accidentally clinged again to his chest. And all over again, his heartbeat made her freeze. Kay still couldn't understand how that heartbeat makes her feel so good and relaxed.

-Good morning, Kay - Ben said suddenly.

Kay shaked a little bit and looked at him.

-Oh, hey. Umm, good morning. I thought you were sleeping. Sorry.

-Kay, please. You gotta stop apologizing to me for every move you make. - Ben said. Kay giggled. But that's what she was taught. You always apologize, even if it's not your fault.

-Today is the day - she said quietly. Ben closed his eyes and made a deep breath. Today was the court day.


An awkward silent began. Both of them didn't know what to say. Ben, as a real man, decided to break the silence.

-So, umm...are we getting up? Or can we be late? - he said sarcastically.

Kay smiled at him. She loved him. God, she loved him so much. Those eyes, full of joy, sarcasm, love. Kay loved that Ben. And she wanted to love him until her last breath.

-Yeah, i think we must get up. I don't think they will let us in if we will be late.

Both Kay and Ben got up. Kay went to take a shower and Ben was left on his own. He was sitting on the bed and thinking about today's day. Maybe it's a bad idea? What if they should stay home? And what if Abe is right? Ben heard how Kay turned on water. Maybe...he could just...No. Or?

Ben got up of the bed and walked to the door to the bathroom. He slowly opened it and walked in. Kay heard the sound of opening door.

-Is that you, Ben? - she asked.

-Yes. - he replied.

-What is it? - Kay asked.

Ben walked up to the shower. Kay saw him starring at her. Not to tell that she was uncomfortable. Come on, they had sex already. How can you possibly be uncomfortable after that?

-Ben? Are you alright?

He gave her a tiny smile. Ben wasn't thinking any longer. He walked in the shower. Hot water started to roll down his muscular body. Kay liked that idea. She slowly grabbed his neck and kissed his lips. Ben wrapped his arms around her body and brought her closer. This was the best morning that both of them ever had.

At 7 o'clock, both of them were ready. Kay was walking down the stairs, where Ben was already waiting for her. He was wearing his suit that he used to wear the last time he was in court.

-You look beautiful. - Ben said.

Kay walked up to him and gave him a blushing smile.

-You too. - she said.

Ben looked at her sarcastically.

-You mean, I look beautiful? - he said. Kay giggled and punched him softly. She loved when he was making jokes out of nothing.

-You look handsome then. - she replied.

By the 8 o'clock, Ben and Kay arrived to the court. They were greeted by Fritz. Him and Ben shaked their hands.

-Hey. So, how are you? - Fritz asked.

-Fine. A little worried. - Kay said.

Three of them walked in the court. The police officer leaded them to the court room. All three sat together and started to discuss something. To their surprise, there were a lot of people today. They stopped talking when Arthur walked in. He looked at them with all the hatred that you can ever express. Especially at Kay. Ben grabbed her hand and covered her up with his other arm. Arthur gave them an evil smile. In a few minutes, everything started. All people were listening how judge was reading, what Arthur has done.

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