I know now (ending)

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-Kay! Kay, wake up! - a loud shouting made Kay jump up through her dream. She didn't even wake up fully. When she opened her eyes, she saw a hand in front of her face.

-What? What the-

-You're gonna be late! Get up!

A guy finally moved from her bed, letting her to get up. She opened her eyes and stretched. Kay turned her head around. She was in her room. Her old room.


She quickly jumped up and ran up to the mirror. She was...20...

-What the-

-Come on, you don't want to be late, right? - a smooth voice made her turn around. Her father was standing in front of her.

-What...was it...a dream? - Kay asked herself.

-Had a bad dream, darling? - he asked.

Kay turned her head to him.

-Hu? Oh, no, nothing. I'll be ready soon.

Yes. It was all a dream. All those events...only a dream. Now, she must go to the university. She is running late.

Kay quickly jumps out of her car and runs towards the enter to the university. She says hi to her friends and sits down. Her dream can't leave her alone. It was so...real...

A sudden voice of professor made Kay shake a little. New people are entering the classroom. Just like a dream...

-I'm so sorry, we're late. Can we come in?

-Yes but don't be late ever again, young man.

-Yes, of course! Ben?! Where are you there?! Hurry up!

A fine man walks in the auditorium. Just like a dream... Kay's eyes are wildly opened. Her friends call him to sit next to her.

-Don't worry, sit there. I'll find another sit. - his friend says.

The man slowly sits down next to Kay. Her heartbeat raises. It's him...The man from her dream. He slowly turns his head to her. Her friends are laughing at her but she can't hear them. Kay knew that. She wasn't going to lose her chance again. Never. She knows where it's going to go. She will do everything to not to let that happen like in her dream. God sent her that dream to give her a second chance. And she will use it.

A man holds out his hand. Kay frozes.

-Hi, I'm Ben Bradlee...

The end.

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