Back when we were younger 2

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So, after that day at university, Kay's life has changed completely. She and Ben started to talk a little bit. At first, only about their studies. But then, they started to talk more often. The were always sitting together during their journalism classes. Both Ben and Kay were one of the best students in this classes. But since they met each other, they started to take their classes not so serious. Ben and Kay would just talk through the whole class and professor would yell at them once or two. But they couldn't help it. So, they became friends. But it's all known fact that in friendship between a girl and a boy, one will always start to have bigger feelings for another. Kay and Ben weren't an exception. No matter how hard Kay tried to look like a strong and "no need in man" girl, she had to admit it to herself. She fell in love. For the first time in her life. And what about Ben? Well, she didn't know if he had the same thing. And also, she couldn't ask. That would be stupid, right?

It's been already a month since Kay's and Ben's first meeting. Kay and her friends were sitting in the lobby of the university on big sofas.

-So, Kay? How is everything going? - Lily asked.

-What are you talking about?

Both Bianka and Lily rolled their eyes and laughed.

-Oh, come on, Kay! You can hide it from anyone but not from us! We know everything.

Kay raised her head and gave them an ironic smile.

-You know what?

Bianka and Lily looked at each other and giggled.

-You and Ben! You two are like best friends now!

Kay looked down and crossed her hands.

-Well...yes. We are friends. That's all.

Both girls laughed again.

-Come on, Kay! Stop running from it! We know and you know that you have a crush on him.

Kay raised her head and looked at them with shock.

-What...what do you mean?!

-Oh, darling! We're not blind, you know? We see how you look at him, how you talk to him. You love him. Admit it.

Kay made a deep breath. Of course. You can't hide anything from those two.

-Well, okay. Maybe so. But don't you dare to tell anyone!

Bianka and Lily looked at each other again with a shock this time.

-Kay! Of course we won't! We are your friends!

Kay's car arrived to the university and she got up.

-Well, I see you tomorrow girls. Love ya.

-We love you too, Kay. Bye.

The whole ride, Kay was silent like a fish. Of course, Tony noticed that.

-Is something wrong, Kay?

She left her thoughts and blinked fast.

-What? Oh, no. Nothing. I was just thinking.


-Studies. Studies, of course. - Kay lied.

Tony looked at her through the mirror and giggled.

-What? - she asked with confusion.

-Nothing. It's are very bad at lying, Kay.

Kay looked at him.

-What are you talking about? - she asked him.

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