Do as they say

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It's been already almost 30 years since those days. Luckly, Ben's scar healed. He never talked to his father again. Only on his funerals, he came over. But just so relatives wouldn't ask him stupid questions. Sadly for himself, Ben was glad that his father was gone. After that accident, in a few months, Kay and Phil got married. And a happy mr. Meyer gave his company to his "son". From that day on, Kay became Graham. Of course, she didn't love Phil as much as Ben. But she got used to it. She even thought that she finllay fell in love with her husband one day. But now, Phil is gone. But Ben is here. Looks like the universe is sending signals to her.

It's been almost three months, since Ben got back to work. He was now fully recovered, however, his seizures were still there. He had two of them. Accidentally. But luckily for him, Kay was always next to him. She knew that all she had to do is just bring his head into normal position but when it was happening Kay was panicking. Of course, as any normal human. But at least, Ben's chest and side are okay now.

-So, you think it could be him? Then why would he want to meet with me?

-Maybe he tried to take you down that way? - Ben said.

Kay looked down and crossed her hands.

-But why the killer then? He would have done it before him. It doesn't make sense, Ben.

Kay looked at him seriously. They were discussing, who is possibly the person that tries to kill them. Every night, they called Fritz and talked with him about it. But the list was too big. From Abe till all her workers. Even Fritz.

-Well, that's for sure because of those papers, right? - Ben asked.

Kay raised her head to him and bit her lip.

-Probably yes. I didn't get letters like this before. Maybe Nixon?

-No. I don't think so. If it was the Nixon himself, he would find much better killer and we would already be laying in the ground, Kay. - Ben said ironically.

-Okay. Well then, maybe... - a sudden knock on the door made them both stop the discussion.

-Who is there? - Kay asked loudly.

-Mrs. Graham, Fritz is asking you, he is on the line.

-Got it - Kay replied. She came over to her table and grabbed the phone. Ben sat on the edge of the table and crossed his hands. Kay smiled at him.


-Kay, hey. Sorry for calling during your work day but I don't think there's a lot going on.

Kay giggled. Fritz is far away, yet, he still knows everything about her paper.

-You have something? - she finally asked.

-Yes...I think so.

Kay showed Ben with her hand to get the other phone. Ben jumped up and grabbed the other phone.

-Okay. What is it?

-You see, I have sent some people from police to take your case. Only your case. And they found something. Strange calls were made from your office.

Both Kay and Ben looked at each other confusingly.

-You mean, it's someone from the work? - Ben asked.

-I told them to let me hear the call. And I think I can for sure say that this voice can't be mixed up with any other...

Kay grabbed the phone tighter. Ben noticed that and nodded to her.

-You could be...

-Yes, Kay. I'm sorry. I can't talk any longer. Call me in the evening. Bye. - Fritz hang down the phone. Kay was standing still for a few seconds. Ben put his phone down and walked up to Kay. He carefully grabbed the phone from her hand and put it down.

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