Back when we were younger

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P.s. for those, who doesn't understand. This part is about when Ben and Kay first met. About their younger ages. Hope you like it

It was a cold and yellow autumn. All trees got rid of their leaves and now, looked like one tree was copied and plented all over the town. For someone, this day is a work day. But for Kay, it's a day if learning. Young Kay has just started her second semester at university. She loved what she was doing. Not looking on the fact that her dad wanted to give the company to her husband, Kay also had rights to have it. So, her father made sure that she gets the best education. Kay never argued. She was born to do these things. So, there is nothing she can do about it. Also, Kay enjoyed her studies. Of course, there is no such speciality in this university as "director of the newspaper company" but, she was studying something called business management. It may seem hard but not for Kay. She was a pretty clever girl and she enjoyed studying. Her parents couldn't be more proud of her. Especially, her dad. He used to say that to her everyday.

-I'm so proud, honey.

Kay would just smile and look down.

-I'm happy to make you proud, dad. - was always her answer.

But, surprisingly for her and, also, for her parents and everyone actually, her favourite class was the journalism class. Kay didn't know why. She just loved it. So, right now, she is sitting in the journalism class classroom with a bunch of young people of her age and waits for her teacher. The door opens and professor walks in the classroom. Everyone got quite.

-Hello, students. - he says loudly.

-Good morning, sir. - is the answer.

-First of all, congratulations on your second semester. Now, it's going to be a little easier. And secondly, we have a few new students. They were having the journalism classes before but professor Kanyl, my dearest friend, may he rest in peace, can't teach them anymore. So, from now on, they will be studying with us. Please, make some seats for them.

Professor walked up to the door and called students in. Kay could see that there was like 30 people there. So now, there will be almost 60 of them!

-That is unbelievable - she said to herself.

-What? You think you won't be the favourite student of our professor now? - Kay's friend interrupted her thoughts.

-Oh, come on, Lily! You know that Kay will always remain the favorite one. Number one forever. - said her other friend, whose name was Bianka.

-Girls, calm down now. I'm just worried that it's too many people. Professor will have to teach so many students for now on.

-Oh, Kay, you're too soft. How can you ever become a leader of the newspaper company with such a soft personality?

Kay raised her head to her friend Lily and smiled. She loved those two so much.

-Oh, and maybe you'll find yourself a man?

Kay rolled her eyes.

-Seriously? - she said to her friends.

-Come on, Kay! You know how your dad want's to have a man standing on the leading position of his paper!

-I don't know what are you talking about. I think I'm fully able to take care of it myself.

Both girls looked at each other.

-Kay, of course we know that you can handle it yourself. But you will need someone anyway. Admit it. Your dad is great but he says that it would be almost impossible without your mom. And on the other hand, you need kids. Well, to take care of your paper after you. So, no matter what, you need a couple. Admit it.

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