15 - Wanted

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Making my way to the pole room in my hero costume, like I did every day, I find Midnight already there in her hero costume as well.

"Come on you little goblin, let's grab coffee and head out" she says with a smirk as she walks past me.

"Sounds great" I say smiling as we head out the agency, I waved at the receptionist as we headed out, she waved back kindly.  "Have fun and be safe" the she says to us with a smile. I gave her a nod, walking out if the building.

Making our way down the street, it was weird feeling so many eyes on me, I was sure they recognized me from the UA festival, telling by how they looked at me.

Suddenly feeling too exposed in my hero costume, I crossed my arms in front of me nervously.

Maybe they were right, I shouldn't have made my costume so..... Daring I thought to myself, full of doubt.

"Y/N, don't let them get to you. You look stunning, don't be ashamed." Midnight says, using my first name to grab my attention.

"Right" I said, lowering my arms again. I heard a few camera sounds as people took pictures of us as we headed into a small coffee shop.

We both got our drinks, I finished mine within 10 minutes and so did she.

We left the coffee shop and patrolled the streets of Hosu. This went on for an hour or two, at one point I got the privilege to stop a purse theif.

After walking them to the police station, I heard something.

Both Midnight and myself stopped, sensing something was wrong. Suddenly a large bird-humanized creature landed in front of us, it seemed to have leaped from a building.

I recognized the bird creature, I had read an article about these things last week. The pro heroes found a huge warehouse of them, all varying in shapes and sizes. According to further inspection, the scientific community concluded that they take orders from the leader of the league of villians and contained multiple quirks.

Three other large creatures landed on the same street, beginning to create chaos by crushing and hitting everything in their path.

"Nightmare, take nearby citizens to safety. I'll take these guys out." Midnight said as she pulled her whip from its sheath.

"You got it" I say, running to people already caught up in the few crushed buildings and street fires. The sound of Midnight's whip against the nomu's hide propelling me faster.

Using my quirk, I take away the citizen's fear just enough to calm them. Searching for survivors under the rubble, I spot two small children. Crap, they're stuck  I think to myself as I rush to them.

I quickly haul the various pieces of rubble off of both of them.

Putting the child with brown hair on my back, I pick up his little sister. I rush them out of the line of fire and to safety, setting them down gently.

"Both of you stay safe, try and find help, ok?" I asked them, their eyes were bright as they looked up at me.

"Thank you Miss hero, what's your name?" The older boy asked, practically beaming.

"I'm Nightmare, a hero in training. Now hurry and go get find your parents!" I tell them, heading back to the scene at hand.

It wasn't looking pretty. The fire hydrant on the street had burst, creating a slowly building flood into one house while fire engulfed another.

I glanced back to check on the Nomu Midnight was fighting. I realized that it was stumbling slightly but not asleep yet.

I ran into the building on fire, covering my mouth with my hand slightly and calling out to see if anyone was inside.

I D I O T (Bakugou x Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now