71 4 0

• MOONS ————— 3

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————— 3

————— F-8


————— 462 LOCAL DAYS

————— CAVES

————— CHISS

————— CHEUNH

————— 8 BILLION
————— 99% CHISS
————— 1% OTHER

————— AC'SIEL




CSILLA was the homeworld of the Chiss, a cold world of glaciers and snowy wastes located deep within Chiss Space and served as the capital of the Chiss Ascendancy. A terrestrial planet in the Csilla system of the Unknown Regions of the galaxy, occupying the second orbit from the star Csilla and located at the junction of the Path of the Houses and the Vaagari Corridor.

CHISS were a blue-skinned, near-human sentient species that possessed red eyes and dark blue hair. They hailed from the planet Csilla.

WITH standard gravity, a frigid climate, Csilla was orbited by three moons and had terrain featuring glaciers and caves

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WITH standard gravity, a frigid climate, Csilla was orbited by three moons and had terrain featuring glaciers and caves. Due to the mineral content of the hydrosphere, glaciers on Csilla were a striking blue in color. A day on Csilla lasted 25 standard hours and a year lasted 462 local days.

IMPORTED resources including foodstuffs, luxury goods, and technology from other Chiss colonies. A network of underground tube transports connected its largest city, Csaplar, to every other area on the planet, including other cities buried in the ice. Cities on Csilla were kept livable by heat from the interior of the planet. Csilla was also the center of Chiss politics. Their Cabinet and Parliament could be found at the House Palace in Csaplar. The Csapla family was responsible for the distribution of resources to the populace of Csilla.

BETWEEN 27,500 BBY and 27,000 BBY, humans reached Csilla in sleeper ships and colonized the planet. Genetic analysis indicated that these humans developed into the Chiss, who quickly developed a global government. The need to manage Csilla's population and obtain resources without damaging their homeworld's ecosystem motivated the Chiss space program, which may have benefited from memories of the original colonization effort.

CSILLA entered an ice age in 5000 BBY. Glaciers covered the normally-warm equatorial regions of the planet, while solid ice locked the poles in perpetual winter. In order to survive, the Chiss built energy-efficient warrens beneath the ice, as close to the warmth of the inner planet as possible, with underground carriage travel routes to connect the various underground sections of Csilla. The iceways were bored through the bedrock of the planet, so that they were unaffected by the shifting ice found on the planet's surface.

LOCKED in an ice age for millennia, Csilla forced many socioeconomic and technological changes upon the Chiss, but few physical changes. Contrary to beliefs in a link between the Chiss skin color and the Csillan temperature, scientists concluded that the Chiss' blue skin was caused by a mineral found in the Csillan hydrosphere.

DURING the Great Galactic War, negotiators from the Chiss Ascendancy and diplomats of the Sith Empire met in a summit, which resulted in the Ascendancy offering resources, tax revenues, and armies to the Empire in return for its sovereignty; as part of the decision, no Imperials would enter Csilla without permission.

CHISS ASCENDENCY was the oligarchic autocracy of the near-human Chiss species and their highly advance civilisation laying beyond confines of the known galaxy. The Chiss Ascendancy were very secretive and strictly isolationist and regarded as mostly a legend even within the Unknown Regions and remaining largely an enigma to the wider galaxy. It had little contact with galactic civilisation, even by the time of the fall of the Galactic Republic and the reign of the Galactic Empire.

THE Chiss Ascendancy favored a more libertarian approach in how it conducted itself in galactic affairs, embracing a philosophy of strict non-interventionism and peaceful diplomacy. Although military service was an important component of Chiss culture and heritage, the very notions of conquest and aggressive expansionism were almost universally disdained by society and such actions would be in fundamental defiance of military protocol. Despite not believing in the preliminary initiation of force, the Chiss supported going to war in the event that the Ascendancy fell under attack by external forces.

WHILE the Ascendancy was not inherently expansionistic, it often sent ships beyond its borders for the purposes of exploration and research. This allowed for them not only to successfully map and chart numerous expanses throughout Wild Space and the Unknown Regions, but also to discover the existence of forces that could serve as grave threats to the Chiss species.

PHILOSOPHICALLY, the Ascendancy vindicated its positions through a kind of utilitarian lens, the Chiss themselves being an empirically-minded species.

CHISS language was known as Cheunh, while written communication was done in Chiss script. In their rare contacts with outsiders, the Chiss used the Sy Bisti trade language, which was used across the Unknown Regions as a means of communication. Most Chiss names were multi syllabic and consisted of three distinct parts. The first portion identified an individual's family, the second was the given name and the third indicated other social factors.

CHISS ASCENDANCY was known for distrusting humans. When Imperial Commander Eli Vanto served the Chiss Defense Fleet, the Chiss treated him similarly to how Grand Admiral Thrawn was treated when he joined the Empire. Nevertheless, all mistrust towards Vanto ended when he proved his worth.

CHISS ASCENDANCY ruled a swathe of space beyond the borders of the known-galaxy. The Chiss cared a great deal for its sovereignty and the lengths that the government went to in order to avoid compromising even the location of its coordinates resulted in the Chiss' becoming a species shrouded in a certain curious air of mystery.

SOURCE: starwars.fandom.com (wookiepeedia)

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