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————— 100 MILLION TO 500 MILLION (25 ABY)

LORTA was a Mid Rim world located on the Cerean Reach, near Jiroch-Reslia. It was was home to the violent and expansionist Lortans.

LORTANS were a violent and expansionist group of Humans native to Lorta.

LORTAN FANATICS, also called the Kopa Khan cultists in the Galactic Empire's propaganda, were a group of warlike beings from the planet of Lorta

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LORTAN FANATICS, also called the Kopa Khan cultists in the Galactic Empire's propaganda, were a group of warlike beings from the planet of Lorta. They embarked on a crusade against the Tunroth, nearly exterminating that species until they were stopped by Imperial intervention in 6 BBY. As a result the Lortan Fanatics were exterminated in turn.

A battle occurred in orbit of Lorta during the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the reconstituted Sith Empire. Republic forces attacked the D-1Z prototype bomber on its maiden voyage but Imperial forces successfully defended the bomber.

FOR centuries, religious fanatics from Lorta threatened the neighboring sectors. They believed that someday a Man-Hutt would sweep evil from the galaxy.

DURING the Imperial Period, expansionist Lortan Fanatics eventually launched their murderous crusade, knows as the Reslian Purge. They swept across twelve star systems and destroyed everything in their path. The Galactic Empire eventually interceded in the conflict and the Lortans were finally stopped in a series of battles.

SOURCE: starwars.fandom.com (wookiepeedia)

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