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—————  M-14

————— OCEANS



————— 10 MILLION TO 100 MILLION (c. 25 ABY)


KOORIVA was a terrestrial, tropical planet located within the Kooriva system of the Inner Rim. The adopted homeworld of the Koorivar species, the planet was purchased by the horned-humanoids after a lengthy legal battle with the Galactic Republic. While the planet suffered an economic crisis under the reign of the Humanocentric-biases of the Galactic Empire, Kooriva recovered and thrived under both New Republic and Galactic Alliance rule.

KOORIVAR were a sentient species of humanoids distinguished by their banded noses and a gracile cranial horn that spiraled upwards from the center of their skull. A shrewd people, the Koorivar strove to make their society one where corporate-mindedness was essential to each citizen. Through the combined efforts of the Koorivar people, these sentients were able to purchase a new homeworld called Kooriva from the Galactic Republic, following the loss of their native planet.

 Through the combined efforts of the Koorivar people, these sentients were able to purchase a new homeworld called Kooriva from the Galactic Republic, following the loss of their native planet

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THE Koorivar were forced to abandon their home when its life-giving star became unstable. Traveling the galaxy, the Koorivar settled on the tropical Inner Rim planet Kooriva, formally leasing it from the Galactic Republic. After centuries of living on the world, they adopted the name Koorivar and petitioned the Galactic Senate to allow them to purchase the world. Upon being turned down, the Koorviar were ousted by Kooriva's indigenous people and were forced to wander the galaxy. Instead of being defeated, the Koorivar strove to gain sway over members of the Senate through bargaining and corporate trickery.

FOR over half a millennium the Kooriva traveled from planet to planet scheming and working to gain enough votes to overturn the decision that lost them their home. The Koorivar were ultimately successful in their endeavors and were able to return to Koorivar, gaining membership in the Galactic Senate and becoming closely tied with the Corporate Alliance. To keep Kooriva's market high, the species seeded the galaxy with agents, trading stocks and selling shares to increase their profit.

DESPITE such successful strides, when the Koorivar attempted to sell war machines to battling peoples on both sides of planetary conflicts, their reputation was ruined and their market crashed following a Republic investigation, blockade and sanctions. To get the Republic to back off, the Koorivar took great strides to comply with all of the Republic's demands and hide any illegal deals more thoroughly.

AS the Republic began to decline, the Koorivar elected Corporate Alliance Magistrate Passel Argente as their planet's representative in the Galactic Senate. During the Separatist Crisis, Argente withdrew Kooriva from the Republic and took up a seat on the ruling council of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. To protect their interests on foreign worlds during the Clone Wars, Argente raised an army of his own people known as the Koorivar Fusiliers, a pivotal fighting force during the war.

AS a society, the Koorivar prized financial prowess so much that all schools and academies on their home planet focused on the business arts. It was not uncommon for children as young as ten standard years old to have begun working or to have started their own business. Marriages on the planet were handled in the same fashion, with love considered to be unprofitable. Most Koorivar found jobs as merchants or nobles, ascending to the top of corporations across the galaxy and locking in a controlling interest in many different enterprises.

IN regards to physical features, the Koorivar prized their central cranial horn as a symbol of dominance and social class. An unofficial class of superior Koorivar evolved to be made up of members of the species with thick, long horns which they decorated and adorned to emphasize their beauty. Females who had given birth to a child and raised a family draped a matron's hood over their head to note their importance in society. Loss of a horn was a damning thing, resulting in the loss of an individual's position in society and on some occasions ended in banishment.

THE planet became involved in galactic-wide politics when its senator, Passel Argente, became an unwitting pawn of Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious. Argente led the planet away from the Republic and took a seat on the governing Council of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a separatist group which would engage in all out war with the Republic. As the Clone Wars erupted across the galaxy, the 20th Sector Army of the Grand Army of the Republic patrolled the area of space surrounding Kooriva.

AS the war raged, the planet eventually fell to the Republic through the efforts of Marshal Commander Cody. In the wake of the war and the rise of the Galactic Empire, Kooriva suffered an economic depression as the Empire punished the planet for its involvement with the Confederacy. Despite this setback, the world flourished under both the New Republic and Galactic Alliance. The Galactic Alliance Committee on Corporate Oversight regarded the Koorivar with suspicion and kept a wary eye on them.

SOURCE: starwars.fandom.com (wookiepeedia)

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