Chapter 3

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It was lunch time and I decide to stay here on classroom until a guy name Kirina approach me and ask.

"Hello Diana would you like to join our lunch. Me, Asuto and my other team would meet at the soccer field, you wanna come?" He said which is like to meet their team even I'm a shy and quiet person

"Of course I would love too" I said to him with warm smile that made him blush and then she look back and said let's go and follow him.

After five minutes me and Kirina reach the soccer field and I see Asuto and Kirina's teammates which is I surprise that there a girl has puffy dark green hair and bluish-purple eyes. She has a pale skin tone and average height just like me.

"Ahh Kirana, Diana over here!" Asuto said waving us and we walk approach them but Asuto stand walk over me then he pulled me while Kirina was follow us.

"Minna, this is Diana Hazashi me and Kirina classmate" he said then a guy has tall, muscular guy. He has slightly tanned skin, long, brown hair with straight bangs and light brown eyes.

"Hello my name is Michinari Tatsumi, well you see all of us are from Inakumi island and also soccer players and captain too" he said that makes me impressed to them even I the girl has puffy dark green hair and bluish-purple eyes. She has a pale skin tone and average height like me.

"Even you?" I point to her

"Yes, My name is Umihara Norika and my position is goalkeeper" she said and that make me happy that I thought I'm not the only girl can join soccer again but I was wrong.

"Really, that's was awesome Norika" I said with cheerful smile.

"What about you Hazashi are you playing soccer too?" Asuto said

"Yes, I play soccer when I was 5 years old my father was soccer player too but..." I stop when I remember the accident.

"But?" They said except the small fat guy.

"My parents died at the car accident when I was eight and I'm the only who's survived" I said made them shock.

"I'm sorry Hazashi about your parents" Norika said and I smile to her.

"It's okay and please call Diana, Norika" I said to her.

"Ugh guys are your guys finish to talk because I'm hungry here now" said the guy has tall and muscular boy with dark skin and messy purple hair. He has big eyes with small black irises, a square jaw and thin eyebrows.

"Relax Goujin, we hungry too so come on before bell start soon" a guy tall, muscular boy with neck-length brown hair and blue eyes, with one of his hair locks falling just beside his left eye. He is seen wearing a white cap with blue flap.

After that we starting to eat our lunch and chat together and I see them not just team also like friendship too except the small fat guy who doesn't socialize the other I wonder what his problem.

Time skip

After Class

At last class was over me, Asuto and Kirina head to the soccer stadium to where the others was. After I reach inside the stadium we was greeted by Norika and wave at us and then I saw three figures besides them. The right one has a large, Chinese man with a plump face shape. He has a black moustache that points out downwards and out and a tuft beard. He has a black ponytail. He wears a red long jacket with gold outlines. while the other was has tanned skin, dark eyes, and black hair. He is most often seen wearing a blue jacket with white stripes. And the last one has shoulder-length, light brown hair with the bangs swept to the right side and light brown eyes. She wears Raimon's standard school uniform

"Oooooo oh oh oh oh so you guys finally are here let me introduce myself, my name is Zhao JinYun I'm a head coach of Raimon Soccer team" He said.

"My name is Kameda Yukinori your Assistant coach" the other guy said.

And I'm Ootani Tsukushi I will be your manager. She said.

"Now I need to get straight now, as you can you see the reason why are you here is you want you guys to win against Seishou Gakuen so your soccer club from Inakumi will never disbanded right?" Coach Kameda said and They nodd except me.

'Disbanded what is this suppose to mean?" I said to my self.

"Great now we need to practice because we have one week before the match now go and get change" all of us walking to the changing room but I was stop by head coach.

" I Think you don't want to practice right now until the match of Seishou Gakuen is over, miss Diana Hazashi"He said that make me shock how did he know my name.

"Why? That's because I'm not part of them on situation?, also I'm not from Inakumi? And how did you know my name, I didn't even introduce myself to you?" I said with curiosity on myself.

"I know you, you're a Filipino/Japanese and prodigy players from the Philippines, they call you the 'The Gurdian Angel ' miss Diana Hazashi daughter of Taiga Hazashi a man with a talented player, I suppose you're father will be proud of you Miss Diana because you continue your father's dream but I hope you understand my excuse that you will be not practice and play until the match is over please to understand that" Zhao JinYun said that even my father know who is, this guy knows everything about my father, I have so many questions to ask him but I pass or maybe next time I ask him.

"I understand coach" I said to him then he and his assistant walk away including the manager.

'this guy is mysterious' I said to myself then walk heading home, I didn't say goodbye the others because they already left before I left. But i need to wait until the match is over but maybe I can watch them play then reviewing their skills so I can help to improve it and what they need to do.

'my mission is to help them and their soccer club from Inakumi will never disbanded and my father too'

Finally I finish it and something happen to me when I writing this. When I was actually done this my first make on chapter 3 I accidentally clicked the paste so all of them was vanished and make the other story

Hope you like it

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