Chapter 3

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The not so long awaited part three is here- I wrote this in the car on a road trip so yeah- I hope you like it 👉👈

Wow Todoroki's POV-

    Me and Uraraka walk to a mochi store in the large mall. We sit down and scan over the menu. After about a minute the waitress comes over and we order our stuff .
    " I'll get the two piece mango mochi please, " I say, I wasn't to hungry so I only got to pieces.
    " I'll get that to but strawberry please! " she says with a nervous smile.
    " is something wrong? " I ask, she shakes her head and before the waitress walks away I order something else.
    " oh could I also get the 6 piece mochi, strawberry please, " I say. The waitress nods and asks if that is all. I nod back and she walks off.
    " why did you get that? " Uraraka asks. I shrug and she sighs slightly before looking away and then back at me.
    " s-sorry that Mina and Tsu left us, I didn't except that to happen, " she says as she rubs the back of head and looks away.
    " it's ok, I'm fine just hanging out with you, " I say as she looks at me. She smiles and blushes slightly.
    " so where do you wanna go next? " she questions.
    " I'm not sure, where every you want is fine, " I say as the waitress walks back over with the mochi. I thank her and give uraraka hers and the 6 I ordered.
    " w-what? Y-you didn't have to get me these! " she says as her face goes red.
    " well I wanted to, " I say before popping one of the mochi in my mouth. It tasted oreally good, I haven't had mochi in a while so it tasted way better than normal. Uraraka eats one of hers and you can tell she is enjoying it.
    " does it taste good? " I ask. She nods her head before eating another one. We eat our mochi and once I am done I scroll on my phone for a little.
    " t-thank you Todoroki-kun, " she says as she looks at the ground.
    " it's fine, that's what friends do after all, " I say as I look up at her. She looks up and smiles.
    " yeah, "


    She walks out of the dressing room in a peach pink turtle neck and black leggings, " do you like it? " she asks. She seems to go through the cloths faster than my sister.
    I smile and nod, " it looks amazing, " she had tried on one outfit before this one and that one was nice to but this one is way better.
    " t-thanks! " she says as a light blush that matches the color of her sweater spreads across her face.
    One of the workers walk out of one of the dressing rooms with a small stack of folded clothes in her arms. She looks over at us and smiles.
" hey, you two are from UA right? " she asked. Me and uraraka nod and I hope she doesn't ask about my dad.
" you two would be such a cute couple! " she says with a smile as me and uraraka's face go red.
" w-we aren't together! " she says, " yeah, she likes midoriya, " I say and her face becomes more red

Uraraka POV

What? Todoroki thinks I like deku? Well by now my face is as red as a tomato and the lady was walked away.
" I-I don't like deku!.. " I say. He blushed a little and looks away.
" oh.. " he says " sorry for assuming, "
" it's cool! " I say, I almost admit I like him but I catch my self.
    " anyways, let's go! " I say as I go back into the changing room and change into my normal cloths. I leave the outfits there since I didn't have enough for both and couldn't pick one. I walk out of the changing room and todoroki looks at me with a confused expression.
    " where did the other clothes go? " he asks.
    " I left them in the changing room, I didn't have enough money for both and I couldn't choose one, " I explain.
    " well I will buy them then, " he says. I blush and shake my head.
    " n-no! I-I mean thank you b-but I c-can't have you buying me a bunch of s-stuff- " I stutter.
    " well I have more than enough money due to him, " he says " and I thought you looked really pretty in them- I mean the clothes were really pretty, " he says. I laughed a little and blush slightly.
    " well fine I guess- " I say. He nods and we check out.
    " well we should head back soon, so we don't get in trouble! " I say. He nods and we head back to the dorms

Hey guys- sorry it's so short but I don't really have any ideas so comment some 👉👈


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