Chapter 7

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Ahaha- I will try to eat one out at least once every couple days, school gets out soon so then it will be easier to write!

Uraraka's POV

I woke up and stretched, sitting up. I sat there for a couple seconds blinking before I got up again. I changed, did my hair, and did y makeup. It was Friday and I was so exited for the weekend. We had a three day weekend for some smaller holiday so that was going to be nice.

I walked out of my room and found Todoroki in the kitchen making something. There were other people there but I went over to Todoroki.

" morning, " I smiled to him, leaning against the counter.

" morning, Ochako, " he said back with a slight smile. After putting the eggs on a plate he turned to me and hugged me, I hugged him back. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

" do you want me to make you something? " he questioned.

" n-no! It's cool, I can just make cereal! " I smiled to him.

" Well I don't mind, I can make a little more bacon when I make it and eggs don't take to long. " he said as he looked down at me.

" well if you want to that's ok! " I smile to him as he brakes away from our hug and starts to make some more eggs.

Me and Todoroki walked to class together, we held hands the whole way, " thank you for making breakfast! " I say to Todoroki.

" of course, " he smiles. We reach our class and before we walk in I go on my tippy toes and quickly kiss Todoroki before walking in. We walk over to deku and Iida and I sit down in my seat while Todoroki stands next to me.

" morning Uraraka! " deku smiled with a wave.

" morning deku! " I smile back. Iida does his hand motion and we all talk for a little.

" sooo how did your date go? " deku asks.

" I would like to know as well! " Iida says while doing his hand thingy.

I blush slightly before saying " it was really fun! We got food and went to this one store, then we went and looked at the sun set! "

" no I mean what really happened, like what happened before, what did you talk about, did anything different happen afterwards? " he says. It took me a minute to get what he meant by afterwards but as soon as I did my whole face heat up.

" D-Deku! " I say as I hide my face with my hands in between my fingers I can tell that Iida is still trying to understand what deku meant.

" what did the nerd do now? " I hear bakugou ask. I turn around and see him and Denki standing behind me.

" o-oh nothing! Deku just made a stupid joke, " I smile to Bakugou.

" alright then. Pikachu (I hope I spelt that right-) get back to the group. " Bakugou said in his louder tone before walking back over to his friends.

" alright Bakubro! " Denki says, " bye guys! " Denki says as he runs off.

" was he listening to us? " I ask deku. He nods and laughs a little.

Well this is shorter than I wanted it to be- sorry it's super short I just don't really know what to do-

Go beyond plus ultra!

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