fourth of july or whatever-

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Sksksk so now its summer or whateve

3rd POV

She was standing outside the dorms, waiting for todoroki. They were going to go on a fourth of July date. Soon the duel haired male walked out of the building and over to uraraka. 

" Hello, Ochako. Are you ready for our date? " He asked as he smiled slightly at her.

"Of c- " she said as she was cut off by a small firework, or bakugou, went off, " of course! " she smiled. They walked down to a smaller restaurant that is close to a river where they can get a good view of the fireworks.


" Hello, my name is Kon Kon, and i will be your waiter for today! " said the waiter, " so what drinks can I get started up for you today? "

 " I'll get a strawberry bobba tea! " Uraraka smiled.

" ill get that to, " Todoroki said.

The waiter wrote it down, " alrighty, we will have thoes out for you in just a moment! " he walked away.

" So, what are you planning on getting? " Urarka asked Todoroki.

" The cold soba, what about you? " He said.

" hm, probaly the ramen. " she answered with a smile. Soon Kon Kon walked back over to the couple with their drinks.

" here you two go! " he smiled as he sat the drinks on the table, " and what can I get for you guys to eat? " he clicked his pen

" I'll get the cold soba, " todoroki said.

" The ramen for me! " uraraka smiled.

" alrighty! " kon kon smiled as he walked back to the kitchen.

Urarka smiled at todoroki as she zoned off. Todoroki looked into uararkas eyes as he slightly smiled and rested his chin on his hand. The cute moment was interupted as their plates were slid onto the table.  

" There you go! just grab my attention when you are ready to leave, " Kon kon smiled as he walked away.

Uraraka smiled as she stared down at her ramen. Her and Todoroki had been on a few dates since school let out and had gone to many restaurants but this one was the best by far. she spun her fork aroung, gathering the noodles before slurping them up. she giggled at the noise it made and todoroki slightly chuckeled. 


" Their mochi was amazing! " Uraraka smiled as the two held hands and walked towards the river. they soon found a bench and sat down.

" Again, thank you for paying! I promise one of these days I will save up money and pay- " uraraka said before she was cut off by her boy friend.

" No, it's fine. I know you are strugling a little and thats ok, I have the stuff to pay and thats what it comes down to, " he said in his monotone voice. Uraraka sighed through her nose as she knew Todoroki would never let her pay for anything.

Soon the fire wokrs started going off. one by one all the diffrent colors. Todoroki had to covor Urarakas ears at one poin since some younger kids where messing with pop-its right next to them. Soon the night ended and they started to head back to the dorms. 

" you know Shoto, I love you a lot. " the floaty girl smiled.

" I love you too Ochako, " he said as he slightly smiled but it was to dark to notice. soon the two reached the dorms. 

" Hey, I have a cool idea- " Uraraka smiled. she told todoroki how they should sneak him into her dorm and they could watch movies and cuddle. At first Todoroki refused but after a bit of convincing and puppy dog eyes he agreed. They snuck to her room and decided to watch ponyo. 

" I'm gonna change so you gotta close your eyes! " Uraraka whispered as Todoroki nodded and closed his eyes, and covered with his hands. She changed into a light pink and white striped button up pajama shirt with matching pants. she told todoroki he could open his eyes as she wiped off her make-up and ruffled her hair, since she had a lot of products in it. 

She sat next to todoroki as she wrapped a blanket around both of them. Todoroki started the movie and half way through Uraraka fell asleep. Todoroki finished watching the movie and fell asleep in the end credits. god they got in a lot of trouble in the morning.


Heyo! um I honestly dont know what to do with the actual story line at this point- if you have any ideas coment them or whatever- if not I may just write cute one shots and stuff- but the story wont die- and if I do do the one shot things they may be far apart and stuff- anyways go beyong plus ultra!


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