Chapter 5

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Uraraka's POV

I sat on the couch waiting for people to arrive. Mina went to get snacks so I was alone. Todoroki walked over and sat next to me on the couch.

    " h-hi todoroki! " I say with a smile and slight blush.

" hello, uraraka. " he says. We sit in silence for a little, not knowing what to talk about before Mina walks over with snacks.

    " o-oh Mina! Those snacks look good! " I say. She smiles at me and sets the plate with small bowls with different chips, popcorn, and pretzels.

    " thanks Ochako! " she says as she sits next to me. We talk about how the party is goin to go and Todoroki makes a comment everyone once in a while. About 10 minutes late people started coming and soon everyone was there, even a couple students from the other classes came!

    " alrighty everyone! " Mina says, as the volume goes down and soon everyone is lookin at Mina, " first, we are gonna play truth or dare! So everyone get in a circle on the ground! " everyone sat down in a circle and we decided what order we would go in.

    " alright, Momo! Truth or dare! " Mina said.

    "  umm, dare! " Momo says

    " ok, I dare you to try to catch a popcorn in your mouth! " Mina says. Mono tries a couple times and eventually makes it in. This goes on for a while and soon Tsu asks me.

    " umm, truth! " I say.

    " do you have a crush, kero? " she asks. I blush and nod.

    " who!? " Mina says. I shake my head.

   " aw c'mon tell me! " she says.

    " you guys already asked me a question! Now it's mine turn! " I say. Mina sighs and frowns.

    " todoroki, truth or dare! " I ask.

    " oh, um truth. " he says.

    " do you like Momo? " I ask.

    " oh, well of course. We are friends and we're partners for the finals. She is very talented with her quirk. " he says

    " no dude, she means do you think she is hot! " Denki says.

    Todoroki blushes slightly and his eyes widen, but in a mater of seconds he seems normal, " no, not in that way. " he says. We play for a little more and Mina asks me.

    " truth! " I smile.

    " who is your crush? " she asks. My face grows red and I look at the ground.

    " dare! " I say. Mina shakes her head.

    " no, you already picked truth! Jut spit it out! " she says.

    " do I have to?! " I ask. She nods and I sigh.

    " t-todoroki.. " I mumbled.

   " stop mumbling! No one will care just say it! " Mina says

    " I-it's todoroki! " I say as I look up at Mina.

    " ok then, your turn! " she says. I can tell she is trying to change the subject.

    " T-Tsu, truth or d-dare, " I stutter. She chooses dare and we continue with the game.

    " uraraka, truth or dare? " Todoroki asks me after Denki whispers something in his ear.

    " d-dare? " I say. Denki whispers something else to him.

    " I dare you to.. what was it? " he asks Denki. He says something quietly to Todoroki.

    " oh ok, I dare you to go on a date with me. " I blush but nod. I can hear Mina ' ooh-ing ' in the background.

    " are you ok uraraka? You face looks really red? " he asks.

    " I-I'm fine Todoroki! " I say.

    " here, have some of my water, that should help, " he hands me his water bottle.

    " o-oh ok thank y-you! " I smiled as I took the water bottle and placed it next to me.

-time skip-

    " alright everyone! It's time to go to sleep! Boys will be staying in one of you guy's dorms and us girls can stay in one of ours! " Mina says. We all nod but then Jiro asks something.

    " wait, where are we going to sleep? " she asks.

    " oh shoot! I forgot the sleeping bags! Todoroki and uraraka, could you guys go get them? " Mina asks before winking at me. I nod and stand up and so does Todoroki we walk out the door of the dorms and the cold breeze immediately blows against my bare arms. I shiver a little.

    " oh uraraka, you seem cold. Wanna borrow my sweater? " he asks.

    " n-no it's ok! " I says.

    " no, it is pretty cold out. Here. " he takes off his black hoodie, revealing his thing long sleeve white shirt. He hands his hoodie to me.

    " b-but won't you be cold? " I ask.

    " I'll be fine, I have long sleeves. " he says. I smile and take the hoodie, slipping it on. It is way to big but it is really warm and comfy.

    " thanks Todoroki! " I say. He nods and we go get the sleeping bags. We walk back into the building and make sure we got enough. Mina takes them and gives them to everyone, Todoroki walks over to Denki and thy talk to each other. once everyone is rest we get ready to go to the dorms.

    " wait, uraraka. " Todoroki says before I walk over to the stairs.

    " what's up? " I say as I turn around and the rest of the girls walk over to the stairs.

    He walks over to me and leans down, kissing my cheek. I blush a lot and he smiles softly.

    " good night, ochako. " he says. I nod and smile at him.

    " you two! " I say before catching up to the rest of the girls.

Oop- sorry for taking forever to make this- online school sucks- I will try to get the next chapter out soon!

Go beyond plus ultra.

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