Chapter 6

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Someone else's POV? Haha you thought

Uraraka's POV

" I-I don't know mina, w-what if something happens? What if he gets busy? " I say to Mina as Toru does my makeup. She is surprisingly good even though she never wears any.

" your over thinking it! You'll be fine! It'll me fun! " she says, " any the guys are supposed to pay for the bill- " she says

" mINA- shut up! " I say. She laughs a little.

" done! " Toru says. I look in the mirror and the make up looks really pretty! Not to done but not to boring.

" ok ok my turn! " Momo got off my bed and stood behind me. She did something white my hair and fret like 10 minutes she was done. It was a bun with a braid coming from the left side of my head and it went into the bun. There were artificial flowers in my hair and it just looked so pretty. I stood up and remembered I was wearing a dress. It was a peach-pink summer dress with off the shoulder sleeves. She was also wearing tan high heels that were a pain to walk in by she would eat used to it.

" don't you think I'm a little to dressed up? " I ask slightly swaying side to side.

" you look beautiful, no homo- " tsu says. I chuckle and all the girls stand behind me and we look at me in my mirror. There is a silence and we all jut smiled but son the silence was broke by my poke going off. I take it out of the pocket of the dress (I wish I had that dress- it has pockets-) and see that Todoroki texted me hat he was ready to go.

" well I should get going, " I sigh. We all hug and I walk out of my room. I go down the elevator and see deku and Denki talking to Todoroki. They notice me and they all smile. Denki and deku run off and deku waves to me. I wave back and walk over to Todoroki.

" h-hi Shotou, " I smile.

" hello Ochako, " he smiles. He pulls his hands from behind his back and he has a Bouquet of flowers.

" a-are those for me? " I ask. He nods and I take them, our hands touching for a little.

" thank you shotou, " I smile.

" your welcome, " he smiles back. I had never seen his smile and it was so amazing. I held the flowers in one hand and held his hand in the other. We walked out of the dorms and over to his car, which is what I assumed. When we got in there was a guy in the front of the car, he had white hair that was up.

" hello Shotou and hello his girlfriend! " he says. I blush a little.

" Natsuo! Don't just call her that, her name is Ochako, " Todoroki said. I smiled and waved. Natsuo waved back and then him and Shotou talked a little. Soon the car started moving and Shotou smiled to me and we held hands. Soon we arrived at the mall.

" we are going to the mall? " I asked.

" yeah, is that cool? " he asked. I nodded and we got out. I waved at he car drove off and then we headed toward he building.

" thank you for taking me here, " I say to Todoroki as we sit down at a table in a ramen restaurant.

" of course, " he says. Soon our food comes and we eat because it's food- then he pays - even though I said I would- we we leave. We walk around and see a store decorated in Christmas decorations.

" Christmas isn't for another month! " I say laughing a little.

" do you want to go in there? " he asks. I look at the store through the window and see some cute clothes.

" sure! " I say and we walk over to it. We go inside and about 20 minutes later we walk out of the store with one bigger bag. I once again tried to pay but Todoroki ended up paying. As we walk out the door he points out the mistletoe.

" o-oh I didn't even see that! " I say. He takes my hand and kisses the top of it. I smile and blush slightly. He then hold my hand and we walk out of the mall. Natsuo comes and picks us up and he drops us off at U.A.

" thank you! " I say as he drives away.

" your brother seems nice! " I say as we walk towards the dorms.

" yeah he is, anyways I want to take you one last place before our date ends, " he says. I notice the sun start to set.

" ok, but we better hurry up so we don't get in trouble! " I smile. He takes my hand and leads me to the training forest area behind the school. We find a place on the ground where if you look up you can see the sky. We sit down and I rest my head on his shoulder. We just sit there, watching the sun set and the stars appear in silence. Soon the sun is out of sight and I look at Todoroki.

" well we should get going now, " I say. He nods but then leans forward kissing me. I kiss back and we kiss for a little. It was soft but t was amazing for my first kiss. We hen stood up and then walked into he building. We shook past he desk lady and we walk over to the stairs.

" bye Shotou, " I smile.

" bye Ochako, " he smiles back. His smile is so pretty, and sine I don't see it much that makes it ten times better. I lean over and quickly kiss him before waving and running up the stairs. As I turn the corner on the stairs I see all of the girls from class 1-A.

" aH!- " I jump back a little bit I smile at them.

" so how did it go?- " " did he pay for everything?- " " did you guys kiss?- " he girls ask me.

" I will answer those in the dorm- " I say as we all run to my dorm. I answer all of their questions and one after another leave the room until it is just me. I lay on my bed and hold the flowers close to my chest. After a couple minutes I set he flowers down and decide to scroll through Instagram. As I pick up my phone I get a text from Shotou. [good night Ochako ❤️] it says. I smile since I love good night yet and I reply. [Night Shotou! 💗] i then go on Instagram and look on there until I fall asleep.

1123 words- (not including this- ) wow- I feel like I didn't write enough but whatever- leave comments on what you wanna see in the story!

Go beyond plus ultra!

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