Funneh's POV
Answering the question, I told the officer everything I knew. Gold did the same, but instead of saying she saw a figure, she said she saw two.
" Gold, what'd you mean you saw two? she wasn't there when you got hit." I whispered to her.
" Kyran said you told Evelyn about— "
" HE SAID WHAT?!" I screamed. The officer looked at me like I was crazy. How would he know what I said? Wait.... He was there when I fell asleep. They were all there.....
" Have anything you'd like to share?" The officer asked us with a questioning look on his face. I rapidly shook my head and everything felt hotter. If he found out, then I could go to jail! Wait, is that legal? Putting the thought aside, I looked at Good who looked a lot shinier. I could tell she was sweating, I mean, she was practically glowing. After he asked us for the details, he led us out to a waiting room.
" Hey Gold, remember when we played that one game called waiting room?"
" Yeah! That was confusing though...." We both got consumed into our individual thoughts. Pondering about being normal was something I did a lot these days. Even though there were murders at Yandere High, we weren't involved in them. Even being the murderer seemed like a more casual thing than learning magic without any powers. Suddenly, another officer came in the light blue room, this time a woman.
" Sorry girls. Turns out the interrogation may take longer than expected. We'll make sure your siblings notify you when they're done. You're welcome to leave and come back once we're finished." We left the police station and talked about where we should go.
" You wanna go to Minebucks?" Gold asked me, an ecstatic expression laying across her face.
" Gold, I don't even like coffee that much. You know I only use it when I do my homework." Her smile turned into a frown and she grabbed me on the forearm. Her gold ring digging into my skin, she yanked me across the street and took me to Minebucks. Unfortunately, we saw two familiar faces. One girl with red hair, and the other dirty blonde. Looking straight at us was Felicia and Brittany.
Alec's POV (ooohhh, new perspectivessss)
I stomped over to Yandere's place, angry as could be. She said she'd leave Funneh out of this when I joined. She even bribed me with it. Then she disobeyed her own rules! Breaking down the door, I saw Yandere standing in front of me.
" Knew you'd be here."
" You said you'd leave Funneh out of this."
" I said I'd leave her out of this if she wasn't a nuisance. She could be some use to us though. I saw her use the duck, slice, and slide move. I saw her in war class. She would be a great asset."
" But you tried to kill her!?!"
" I didn't try to kill her, I tried to stop her from finding out who killed Valerie."
" She almost found out who killed Valerie?"
" She's smart Alec."
Lunar's POV
The officer waited for my answer.
" This girl chucked it at me. I caught it but didn't know it was poison." I lied. He gave me a look and turned away. Sighing, I looked at Draco. He had put the rock the figure had thrown on the table. The police officer took it and asked us more questions. This was gonna take a while.
Funneh's POV
The four girls kept staring at each other until one broke the silence.
" Umm... ironing boards, can you get us our drinks?"
" Why would we do tha— " the brunette started.
" WhAt'S tHe MaGiC wOrD?!"
" What the heck?"
" WhAt'S tHe MaGiC wOrD?!" I repeated.
" PLEASE?!?!" I nodded and went into the store.
" GET ME A MOCHA AND GET BRITTANY A STRAWBERRY FRAP!!!" I heard her scream through the opened door. Staring down at the floor, I walked over to the barista. I hated this part of getting coffee. The social part. I didn't like talking to random people that much. If they seemed like good ones, then I guess I could, but if not, it's a big NO. I looked at Gold awkwardly. She sighed and asked the barista for a mocha, a strawberry frappaccino, a chai iced tea latte, and a dalgona coffee.
" Gold!! Why'd you get four?" I whisper-yelled to her. What made her think I had enough money for that? I only had ten dollars on me!
" Why'd you think? I got you one!" She told me. I tried telling her I didn't need one but she cut me off. " Trust me, you'll love this." I sighed and shook my head. A couple minutes later, we headed outside and gave Felicia and Brittany their drinks. Felicia stormed off and Brittany payed us back. She looked upset. Wonder why she's so down... It seemed like everywhere I went, people were disappointed or sad. I frowned and walked back to our dorm with Gold. We had a pretty big dorm thanks to our parents. Every dorm had at least 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. Lunar and Rainbow shared a bathroom. It wasn't like we all needed our own bathrooms. Me and Good went our own ways, she going to her room, and me going to mine. As soon as I walked in, I put the dalgona coffee aside and jumped onto my bed. Realizing I still had homework to do, I grimaced. I got my laptop and started working on my Spanish homework. I glanced at the coffee, my stomach starting to rumble. I had had pancakes just an hour ago! Then it hit me, I didn't even finish mine. I picked up the coffee, and forcefully pushed my head forward until I touched the brim of the cup. As I took a sip, it seemed like everything was brighter. I felt happier by the second, smiling at the coffee in my hand. I went back to work and finished it a bit later. I got up and went to Gold's room. She was sitting on a yellow floor cushion in front of a mirror, applying makeup to her face. She was putting on eyeliner as I walked in.
" Oh hey Funneh! Do you want me to give you a makeover? I mean, we're going to Evelyn's house in a little!" She asked me. I denied her offer and went to sit next to her.
" I'm bored."
" Did you fini— "
" Yes, I did my homework Gold!" I said sassily.
" NO ONE CAN SASS ME!!!" She yelled, jumping at me and tickling me. Sometimes me and the Krew would just launch tickle wars at each other, even making each other cry of laughter at times. We were really close, so it didn't really matter. My eyes started to water, and I tried pushing Gold off of me with my arms. Unfortunately, it didn't work, and she was still tickling me. I giggled like crazy. Eventually, I managed to push her off of me, my face soaked wet from how hard I was laughing. She giggled and went back to her makeup. Then, she looked at me with a devilish grin, scooting me forward and sitting me right next to her. She grabbed some makeup and started putting it all over me, being careful not to get any in my eyes. I pulled her arm away and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so pretty! The last time she did my makeup was when I went to a concert with Alec, but now, I looked even better! I stared at myself in the mirror, soon being pushed aside by Gold. " You've got the results, now leave me be!" She said jokingly. I laughed and went back downstairs with my coffee. Looking at the beautiful sky, I noticed some people outside. Who was it? Felicia and Brittany.
Yandere's POV
I lifted the knife out of the brunette, smiling as her eyes faded of life. Specks of blood flung off the blade when I pulled it out, meaning I would have to change. I cleaned up the red mess she left behind and dragged her body into the basement. I left her there, as Celeste would clean her up later. I looked at the picture on the wall.

ITSFUNNEH: The Magic Within Us
Adventure𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓱 𝓪𝓾 - - ☄︎ - - The Krew are ordinary students. Or as ordinary as people who go to magic school can be. In this world, the Krew attend Mystic Magic High School, where their life is a mess. Everyone knows who they are. But not...