𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓱 𝓪𝓾
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The Krew are ordinary students. Or as ordinary as people who go to magic school can be. In this world, the Krew attend Mystic Magic High School, where their life is a mess. Everyone knows who they are. But not...
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Gold's POV There in front of me stood Lucas and Alec. What were they doing in a female's shop? Walking up to them, I heard a small gasp. Looking around the room, I saw one familiar looking bluenette hiding behind a table. Pulling her off the ground, I turned her to face me. " Funneh, what the heck are you guys doing here? Are you stalking me?" " Uhh.. I-I uhh... No! We were... uhh.. going to buy you a present! Yeah, that's it! A present!" She answered. I gave her a questioning look and turned around to go look for something else to buy. She didn't really think I was that oblivious, right? I grabbed a yellow crop-top and threw it in my basket. If she did, she was gonna be shocked. —————————————— Rainbow's POV I walked around the park nearby our dorm. The green grass was wet with rain, cooling my ankles as I walked by. I pulled my hoodie on top of my head to shade me from the small raindrops that fell from the dull blue sky. Soon enough, my soft pink hoodie was soaked wet, making it seem if I let it absorb anymore water, I wouldn't be so lucky with the laundry. I pulled my hoodie back down, letting the water droplets brush against my hair as I made my way across the park. The birch trees were swaying with the wind, their leaves falling off every once in a while. I passed a black-haired boy, who stopped once he saw me. He looked straight into my eyes, and I could tell he looked heartbroken. " You look a lot like my old girlfriend Valerie..." He mumbled. " Did you say Valerie? My sister Funneh used to be friends with her! I am so sorry for your loss." I said reassuringly. " Oh, you're Funneh's sister? Nice meeting you! My name's Senpai." " Rainbow. Anyway, I've got to go! See you around!" He handed me his black umbrella. " You can have it. My dorm is just over there, so I don't need it." I took it gratefully and headed back to my dorm. Senpai? That name sounded familiar.... Oh well, for some reason, my stomach felt tingly when I was near him. Must just be the cold. —————————————— Draco's POV My eyes filled with tears as I continued yo stare at the bodies in front of the younger Krew. Cursed were coming towards them, meaning that if they stood there any longer, they'd be toast— and not the good kind. I watched as the pod disappeared into the sky, following it with my eyes as it made it's way to earth. Sighing, I took a step back as the cave returned to its normal look. I turned my heels and walked back towards my room. As soon as I reached it, I stepped out of it and went to Funneh's room. " Funneh?" I called out. She wasn't there. I went to Gold's room next. " Gold?" I opened Rainbow's room soon after. " Rainbow?" My voice cracked. I really needed the comfort of one of my sisters right now. Click. The front door opened. Running downstairs, I found Rainbow holding an unfamiliar black umbrella. She caught me staring at it and explained. " This guy at the park lent it to me." " Ooooh!!! Rainbow's got a boyfriend!!" I teased. Not expecting it, she turned bright red and ran upstairs to her room. I followed her, and opened Lunar's room to find her carefully creeping up on an old book soaked wet with water. She got startled once I opened the door and dropped a large unicorn's horn on the hardwood floor of her room. Not wanting to bother her, I closed the door and went back downstairs. Grabbing some chips, I sat down on the light gray couch and turned on the tv. Spongebob? Nah. Saiki. K? Nah. Oooh, what's this? Toasty Toast and the Peanut butter lover. YES!! —————————————— Funneh's POV Watching as Gold wandered off, I grabbed Lucas and Alec and pushed them out of the store. We found Kyran waiting at A&M like planned, but we had to wait until Gold arrived. " I hate waiting." I said. " It's literally been two minutes Funneh..." Kyran shot back. " STILL!!" How long was it supposed to take? Did Gold usually take this long? After waiting an hour or so, we found Gold at the food court. She ordered some chips and ice cream and went to A&M where Kyran was awaiting. Sneaking up closer, we listened in on them. " Hey Kyran! What are you doing here?" " Uhh- I-I uhh... Sister! I'm shopping for my uh- sister!" " Aww, that's nice of you! Have you happened to see Funneh around here? I need to give her these." She pointed to the food in her hands. " Uhh- She uh.. w-went to the w-washroom!" " Ok thanks!" " Wait, Gold!" " Yeah?" Oh my gosh, this is when it's gonna happen! I let out a small squeal. " Bye!" Kyran said. Huh? Wait a damn second- —————————————— Lunar's POV I carefully picked up the tattered old book and placed it on my bed. The white sheets around it started to soak with Spring Water, making the color change to a slight green. I crouched down and read the corner again. Don't open. Why? What was wrong with this book? Forgetting all about the reason I even picked the book up in the first place, I got out my wand. Me, Draco, and Rainbow had went to Hogwarts while Funneh and Gold were at Yandere high since MMH hadn't opened yet. Our current school doesn't require wands, but Hogwarts did. Funneh and Gold had gone there for their first, and second years but for the next two years, they went to YHS. Me and Gold were put in RavenClaw, Funneh and Draco in Gryffindor, and Rainbow in Hufflepuff. Funneh and Gold liked to joke around that Felicia would be put in Slytherin. Anyways, I pulled out my phoenix feather wand. Apparently, it was strikingly similar to Harry Potter's wand! I moved it around and said the words: Vanishimo! (I know that's not a real spell, but I can't think of one). The spell was supposed to get rid of any dark magic that lingered on the book. I picked it up and turned the first page. It read: