𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓱 𝓪𝓾
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The Krew are ordinary students. Or as ordinary as people who go to magic school can be. In this world, the Krew attend Mystic Magic High School, where their life is a mess. Everyone knows who they are. But not...
𝓪𝓬𝓽 𝓪𝓼 𝓲𝓯 𝔀𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓭𝓸 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝓪 𝓭𝓲𝓯𝓯𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓷𝓬𝓮. 𝓲𝓽 𝓭𝓸𝓮𝓼. - William James
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Funneh's POV I stared at my eyes in the mirror. Why? How come out of everyone here, I had to be the one who supposedly got powers. Powers were meant for good people, and I'm obviously not one of them. Last time I used them, things went terribly wrong. Me and the Krew were younger then. We didn't know what was happening. Silly me just had to go and touch a sparkly globe of light, which sent us away. Away from home. Away from our family. The mom and dad we had here weren't even our real parents! Since then, I've hated my powers. Luckily, they were taken away from us as soon as we got here. Everyone but me liked their powers, they were unable to let go of the fact that they were never getting their powers back. But now? Now I don't know what to do. How do I stop?
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——————————————— Lunar's POV I flipped through the pages of every book I had on my bookshelf. My eyes had dark circles under them, and my hands were sore. I had stayed up all night trying to figure out what I could do to help. Rainbow hadn't come out of her room for a while, Funneh locked her door, and only came out to leave the house every once in a while, Gold wasn't doing so well when she found out they could've gotten powers again, Draco's been paranoid, and me... I've been going crazy trying to find a cure for it. I've been losing sleep over this. I've been locking myself in my room, not coming out for anything. I've been going insane. How do I stop? —————————————— Gold's POV Looking at my hands, I turned them over, and moved them into a position. I pushed myself to give it everything I've got. Suddenly, a small orb of light appeared in my hand. I smiled a little, moving my hands around more. The orb grew. I couldn't stop it anymore. It flew around the room, and smashed into the walls, damaging it as it
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(Lol I understand digital art now. I think). passed. Everything was being demolished. I tried stopping it, but couldn't. My hands were moving themselves now, not obeying me as I tried forcing them to stop. The orb got faster and faster, larger and larger, until eventually, it found enough energy to smash through my door, leaving me in my room, my hands still going berserk. How do I stop? ——————————————— Rainbow's POV White. The color of marshmallows, which is what I'm eating right now. The sugary sweet was soft in my hands. I put the bag on my desk and got up. Suddenly, there was a pinkish glow in the corner of my room. Walking over to it, I found a crystal. It had smaller gems all around it, forming a spiral design on the rock. Feeling inclined to touch it, I held out my hand and felt the small gems. Then it started to glow brighter. My eyes started to hurt, and then I found myself in a black room. It started changing colors. Purple. Green. Yellow. Blue. And then pink. The room started spinning, making my head hurt. I felt dizzy, and my hair was flying everywhere. Then the crystal appeared, next to a huge orb of yellow light. They started to merge, coming towards me at full speed. I couldn't run, I couldn't scream, I couldn't leave. How do I stop? ———————————————— Draco's POV My head was moving around the room, looking for a sign of magic. How was I supposed to protect my family if everyone but me had powers? I need to find a way to get powers. Apparently, the magic doesn't think I'm worthy or something so I can't even do that! What makes them think think I can protect my siblings?! I heard a creak. Moving my head frantically, I noticed there was a loose floorboard beneath me. I pried it open to find an entrance to some sort of cave. I walked in, wanting to know what it was. Then, everything around me changed. There was a young Draco playing with a young Funneh and Lunar. It was like it was tapping into my memories.... Then I realized what memory this was. An orb of light appeared near the Funneh and she got off the small swing set she was on to get closer. She held out her finger and touched it. The light coming from the orb grew until it was covering the entire park. I watched as the younger me went up to the orb, too. How do I stop? —————————————— Yandere's POV Smiling, I cleaned the knife of crimson liquid, watching as the blade went from a dark red to a shiny silver. I put it aside and sat down in front of my collage of pictures of Senpai. My mouth formed a wicked grin as I remembered why I was here. School was cancelled for the rest of the week. Why? I killed three girls, that's why. Honestly, I don't know why they don't just shut down the entire school. Then, it'll be easier for me to accomplish my goal. To be with Senpai. I got off the cement floor and walked over to the hidden basement. Opening the hatch door, I climbed down the rusty ladder and jumped over the pool of water at the bottom. I went over to the body room. Opening the creaking door, I looked at an old skeleton in front of me. The smell was horrid, sure, but the pleasure seeing the remains of her made me forget all about it. It was Valerie's corpse. I managed to find where Elijah threw her body and picked up the disgustingly dirty corpse. I went over to the poster on my wall. Who would be next?
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Word count: 992 I might alter the schedule to Tuesdays and Saturdays instead of Tuesdays, Saturdays, and Wednesday's thanks to me being more busy, and taking more relaxation time. Honestly, the She Ra thing was STRESSSSSFFFUUULLL as heck. But now that that's over, I'm just taking some more time over the week to relax and have fun. Don't worry, there will still be posts on Saturdays and Tuesdays, but if the schedule changes to that, I will let you know! Thanks for reading part 14!