𝓲 𝓮𝓪𝓽 𝓬𝓪𝓴𝓮 𝓫𝓮𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼 𝓫𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓼𝓸𝓶𝓮𝔀𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮.
- Pintrest(recognize this? It's in one of the krew's videos!)
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Gold's POV
Pulling the blanket on top of me aside, I woke up and got ready. It was a habit of mine to wake up early. Rainbow was still asleep in her bed, her hair still neat. Walking downstairs, I decided I would go wake up Funneh and Lunar so we could go shopping! Rainbow and me were the same size, so whatever I bought, she could wear too. Besides, it's been a while since Funneh went shopping, and Lunar needs to get out of the house more often. I opened the door to Lunar's bedroom to find her still in bed. Her purple hair was behind her back, peeking through from her shoulders. I walked over to her and shook her until she woke up.
" Gold.. go away...." She groaned. I pulled her out of her bed and pushed her into the bathroom. Then, I went into Funneh's room to find her laying in her window seat, snuggled up with Ender. I went up to her and shook her. She didn't wake up so I had to resort to more affective methods. I walked over to my bathroom and grabbed a bowl I had from making a face mask the other day. I cleaned it and filled it up with cold water. After that, I went downstairs and grabbed some ice from the fridge. I put it in the bowl and headed back upstairs. I opened Funneh's door and dumped the bowl of water directly on her face. She moved around a lot, but still didn't wake up. What is wrong with this girl?!? Great. Now I had to do something else. I picked her up and dragged her to the bathroom. I pushed her in the tub and turned on the freezing cold water. I got more ice and dunked it in. She immediately woke up and screamed from the ice. I walked outside the door and praised myself. A job well done.
Lunar's POV
As I headed out of my bathroom, I heard Funneh screaming and Gold laughing. I walked over to her bathroom to find Funneh struggling to get out of the tub which was filled with ice cold water and Gold standing outside the door, giggling like crazy. I joined her laughter, only to get more screams from Funneh.
" GUYS, I'M LITERALLY NUMB!!" She screamed, which only made us laugh more. I went in and dragged her out of the tub, feeling how cold the water really was. I ran away from the shivering bluenette and changed. I went downstairs with Gold and we waited for Funneh to come down. A couple minutes later, and angry and soaked Funneh came down the steps, shivering. " G-guys, that-t was r-really cold-d..." She told us. We ignored her and went to Gold's car. The three of us went to the mall, only to get more groans from Funneh.
" Hey Gold, how come we're going to the mall at 6? I know school got canceled today, but couldn't we go later?" I asked her.
" Lunar, you need to see the upsides! Waking up early is a good habit, plus we'll be the first ones to get the good stuff!" She told me. I sighed and waited till we got to the mall. The drive took a lot longer than usual, since we went to get MHOP pancakes. We reached the mall around 7:30, but by the time we got there, there were already some people. Gold dragged me and Funneh in the mall and directly to a store full of dresses.
" Goooolddd!!" Funneh whined. " Do we have to go to a dress store?"
" Yes Funneh, we have to. Unlike you, I actually have fashion sense."
" Hey! I have fashion sense too! See, look at this!" She grabbed a light blue dress and showed Gold. " This is fashionable! I do have good fashion sense." Gold shook her head and grabbed a slightly darker, and shorter blue dress from a nearby rack.
" Funneh, that is what a grandma would wear. This is way better." She shoved the dress in Funneh's hands and told her to go try it on. Funneh dragged her sentences out for as long as possible, but was forced inside the dressing rooms by Gold. Gold clicked her tongue and found a teal dress for me. I grabbed it and stayed next to her. She found a golden dress for herself and checked out before Funneh came back, paying for Funneh's dress too. Funneh came out and we dragged her us, not even waiting for her to change. As we walked out of a nearby shoe store with bags in our hands, I turned around, only to find that Funneh was no where to be seen.
Funneh's POV
I ran away from the two, groaning as I reached the food court. I hadn't eaten since we got here, and we've been here for more than 3 hours! Gold spent so long picking out stuff for me and her to wear at Felicia's birthday party. I don't even know if I want to go! I ordered some fries and went to the boba store. I got a Thai bubble tea and headed back to the food court. I found a fairly clean table and sat down. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail so that it wouldn't get in my way when I ate. I mucked on my fries slowly and took some sips from my boba. I looked around to find some people I knew. A read head and a bluenette.
I walked up to them, still holding my fries and boba in my hands. My throat felt clogged and it started to hurt. I put my hand to my throat as I went to them, unable to talk.
" Hi Funneh! What are you doi— " Kyran started, but Alec cut him off.
" Funneh, are you ok? Funneh?" I slowly nodded, still not being able to feel the inside of my throat. It became hard to breath, and I found myself kneeling down on the floor. I couldn't scream. I couldn't tell anyone the pain I was feeling. My throat hurt. My stomach hurt. And now, my head too. I looked up. Yandere was standing in front of me. Then she disappeared. It switched from her to Alec and Kyran. Again and again.
. . . . . . . . . . . .
I woke up to find myself in a bed. My bed. My head hurt like crazy and my stomach felt as if it were bleeding. Looking down, I saw it wasn't. Tears threatened to fall out of my eyes again. I stood up, trying to stop my head from hurting. The pain lessened, but it was still unbearable. I stumbled backwards and fell back on my bed. Alec, Evelyn, Evan and the Krew were sitting on opposites sides of my room. Most of them were asleep, but Alec, Gold, Evan and Lunar were still wide awake. They looked relieved once I started moving again. Unfortunately, my throat was still blocked.
" Funneh, we think you had an allergic reaction or something. What did you eat?" Gold told me. Not being able to respond, I pointed to Alec. He responded for me.
" She was eating some fries and boba."
" Ok, but we've had fries and boba before and you never had a reaction then. Was there something in it?" Lunar replied. I nodded my head. I had been allergic to sesame, but I didn't taste anything in there. I grabbed a small notepad and wrote my thoughts in it before handing it to Lunar. She nodded and read it aloud. Gold shoved everyone outside my bedroom and left me alone. As soon as she did so, Yandere came back.
Gold's POV
I sighed as I led everyone downstairs. Lunar had told me Funneh was acting weird, but I didn't take her serious.
" Guys, she was fine when I came in yesterday." Evelyn said.
" You came in yesterday?" Rainbow asked.
" Yes, but only because I thought you guys were suspicious. I only went in Funneh's room though."
" Anyways, Funneh's been off since everything that happened the other night." Lunar exclaimed. She explained everything that she told me to the others. I glanced at Alec, who looked extremely concerned when she mentioned Yandere.
" But, doesn't that mean Yandere has powers?!" Draco inquired.
" Yup. She's lucky." I murmured.
" What was that?" Evan asked me.
" Nothing!" The Krew responded at the same time. Great, just great that mean they're suspicious? Ugh. The interrogation soon turned into a hangout, meaning we stopped with the Yandere thing. I could tell some people were still thinking about it. Including me.
Funneh's POV
She stared at me with a wide smile before pulling out a bat. The same one from the figure. I looked down and my aching arms to see that they were bleeding. How come they were bleeding here and not on earth? I flinched as I felt my head. It was bleeding like crazy. The whole place around me was soaked with red. Yandere couldn't wait anymore and took the first hit. I screamed as I felt the wood collide with my face. She took another hit, this time going for my legs. The pain was immense.
" W-why are you doing this-?" I squeaked out.
" I'm only doing it because you have something that belongs to me. And, oh I don't know, you didn't agree to my offer?" She hurled at me. She kept hitting me with the bat, each time me screaming louder. How come in this world, you could see the pain anyone is feeling? Inside and out.
Alec's POV
Evan's talking was interrupted by Funneh screaming upstairs. She kept screaming over and over again, for help, for us, for anything else. Gold and I were the first ones up to go to Funneh's room. She opened the door and we found Funneh in her bed, holding her head in her palms, crying. She looked like she was in pain. Gold came up to her and put her hand on her shoulder. As soon as she touched her, Funneh started crying more.
" Funneh, are you ok?" Gold asked softly.
" Y-Yandere was-s there...." Everyone's faces dropped. What the? Yandere said she would leave her alone. It's the only reason I'm still even doing this, isn't it? At least Funneh's throat was better. Funneh started crying more and the passed out again. This time, Gold stayed by her side, shooing us off. None of us really left though, we just leaned against the door. Funneh started whimpering.
" N-no more... please." She trembled. Funneh let out a sigh in relief and was pulled back to reality. She screamed again when she saw Gold, who was asking Funneh more questions after she experienced what her younger sister was going through.
Funneh explained what was happening, but suddenly she was gone. I could hear more screams from outside. All of us rushed over behind the dorm to find Funneh, still crying, kneeled over in pain. I stared into her azure blue eyes as they faded away into a rainbow of colors. Gold asked us to leave and so we did. Something seemed strange about them though. Funneh, her siblings all responding at the same time, Yandere, Funneh's eyes, everything was off. Too much.
Gold's POV
After a while of waiting, I managed to revert Funneh back to normal. " Hey Funneh, I'll call Felicia to tell her we won't go to her party today." I told her.
" Gold, I'm fine! We can still go to the party.." I saw the look in her eyes. She was feeling guilty! I let her have this just because I wanted her to feel better. We changed into our dresses and walked over to Felicia's house. She lived near us, which Funneh was pretty annoyed about. As we reached the front door, I noticed that there were red stains on Felicia's wall. I ignored it and rang the doorbell. A sort of butler, I assume, opened the door and greeted us shakily. Poor guy. Felicia probably did something to him. Walking inside the mansion, I felt someone pull my shoulder.
" Invites please." A blonde teen asked. Her light blue eyes stared into my gold ones and I realized who it was. Evelyn. I handed her my invite and urged Funneh to do the same. Once Evelyn escorted us into another part of the house, I looked over to my side to see that Funneh was gone. I immediately started to panic, before realizing she was at the buffet bar. I chuckled and left her be, making my way over to the others. I wasn't exactly surprised to see them here, as if me and Funneh were invited, they were too. The party wasn't nearly as exciting as I thought it would be. Everyone was either chatting, eating, or exploring the house. Multiple times I saw Funneh being pulled back when trying to get into a room. The thing was, this room had the same red stains on it. What was up with this? I noticed a familiar black-haired girl come up to me and Lunar. Lunar backed off, and left me to deal with the psycho myself. I was the older sister after all. Yandere seemed to pull something out from her pocket and push it into my arm. I tried screaming, but nothing would come out. No one was there anymore, just me in a solid black room. It went from black to purple. Purple to green. Green to blue. Blue to pink. And then pink to yellow. My eyes stung, trying to free myself from whatever sort of mind trick Yandere was playing on me. Is this what Funneh experienced?
" WHAT IS GOING ON?!!?" I screamed.- - 𓃟 - -
Word count: 2318
Okay but for real, I tried making this chapter longer, so I legit finished it last night. Anyway, I am bored as heck, with only sneak peaks of season five of she-ra to entertain meh. And no, I am not sponsored, I just really like the show. Thanks for reading part 13!

ITSFUNNEH: The Magic Within Us
Adventure𝓪𝓷 𝓲𝓽𝓼𝓯𝓾𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓱 𝓪𝓾 - - ☄︎ - - The Krew are ordinary students. Or as ordinary as people who go to magic school can be. In this world, the Krew attend Mystic Magic High School, where their life is a mess. Everyone knows who they are. But not...