• Punishment or Oppression •

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Chapter thirty-one: Punishment or Oppression

Jungkook can now fully feel the weight of the past

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Jungkook can now fully feel the weight of the past. The burden they'd been trying to hide.

These were the times he wished he never find out the truth.
From the murder of the Crown Prince and his mother, to the fake pregnancy of the person he loved.

"Your Majesty," Eunuch Mook knocked, a little hesitant to interrupt the King's thought. The man has been outside the King's room the moment he returned from the current Queen's palace, and since then, Jungkook did not allow anyone in. Worrying his attendants. "The Royal Queen Dowager is outside, she said she will see you wether you like it or not." Eunuch Mook added, eyes flickering to the old woman beside him, standing firm and intimidating as always.

Jungkook wiped his tears. Sighing as he fix his robe.

"Let her in." He muttered.

The door opened, his Grandmother entered. Just like how she's always been, she stand there staring at him with so much fire in her eyes, but hidden in those fiery orbs, was a concern woman.

"Please sit, Your Royal Highness." He said, motioning to the seat across to him. The woman nod, walking to him.

When she sat down, she did not waste any time to say, "How are you feeling?" She asked.

Jungkook forced out a smile, "I should be the one asking you that, Grandmother." He said, "You look better than the last time I saw you. You look more healthy and energized."

The woman laughed, "Of course I am. If you didn't change all of my attendants and the person that prefers my food, I am certain I won't be able to see the return of the real Queen." The woman sighed, then her smile disappeared. "But I did not go here to talk about that. I have things that I wanted to personally discuss with you."
The woman stared at her. The same firm eyes gazing at his being. "Are you...really going to go against your mother?"

Jungkook stilled.

But again, the wrong should be punished. And the oppressed, should not remain oppressed.

He's a King..but most importantly, a husband, and soon, a father.

Jungkook don't want his child to be born knowing his father was a coward. He don't want his child to grow up around the people that try to harm his mother. He certainly don't want his child to be the victim of another oppression.

And if he has to go against his own mother to avoid all of those, to make the woman face her wrong, then he will do so. Without question.

"Yes." He answered, voice harsh and firm. "I made up my mind. I will make those people regret everything they've done wrong."

The Royal Queen Dowager stared at him.

"I never liked your mother." The woman started. Though he was confused and taken aback by what his grandmother said, Jungkook remained silent. Waiting for what the woman has to say. "The moment she stepped in this palace, I already knew she won't bring good."
"She's not entirely bad as a woman. She was strong minded, witty, intelligent," His grandmother sighed, "But she lack empathy. And a Queen, a true Queen, should always have empathy for her people. Something your mother don't possess." The woman scoffed, shaking her head. "She was stubborn, power driven, power hungry. Selfish, she was so selfish. She didn't do things for others, she do things for herself."

Jungkook knows that. His fear actually coming in reality, because he learn that, on the hardest way.

"I know someday, she'll do things that would ruin someone's life. And I was not wrong. She ruined not just one, but many." The woman's gaze lowered, a lone tear escaping her eyes. Another sigh left her lips, before she wiped her tears and turned back to Jungkook. "I hope you are really ready to punish your own mother."


Taehyung happily sat on the grass, munching on a beautifully ripe peach. The weather is cold, but perfect for him.

It was the first time since he started living in the palace, that he was allowed to visit the village. But instead of mingling along with the merchants and commoners, he gone straight for the river, located right on the foot of the mountain.

He was actually planning to visit the temple, but too lazy to move from where he sat.

"How long are you planning to stay here?" A harsh voice said behind him, ruining the beauty of the scenery.

Taehyung huffed, his head turning to look at the man standing not far form him. Watching him.

But since he's a Royal Consort of the King, he must be guarded anywhere he go. And it just so happen that that task was given to the Chief of Royal Guards himself—Min Yoongi, the very person that Taehyung hates the most.

"Can't you just shut up and let me enjoy my time here? You talk too much." He muttered, eyes narrowed at the man.

Yoongi only shrugged, sitting down on the grass, not minding to move closer to him. Just like how Taehyung likes it. He hates the man and he don't desire to be in close proximity as him. So he better stay out of his space.

"You said you're going to the temple, and not pig yourself with those kids' harvest." The man arrogantly said, bored eyes boring on Taehyung.

This was the reason why he hate him so much.

"I am not a pig!" Taehyung hissed, throwing a handful of grass and soil to the man. "And those kids gave me these fruits! You're just bitter because they did not give you any."

Yoongi did not argue, but he has a small smile on his lips. Because why talk back when he already got the reaction he'd been wanting to get?

The Chief is clearly enjoying to tease the younger.

It was perhaps...because of the blossoming feelings hidden behind all of his snide.

A/N: we have another couple to emerge wuwuwuwuwuuwuwuw, so lemme promote another story first,

FOR MY PILIPINO PEEPS readers, you might like to check this account (it's mine too HAHHAHAHAHAHA,i have this account that i really use before but i lost the password and i just managed to recover it last week, though most of my works on that acc were gone :((, but anyway i have this series that i was planning to publish there and i have this story that i just published) I hope you'll like it :)

I have 3 watty accounts lolololol, the old one, this one, and my other one which originally was just a back-up account 😂

The account's here:

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