• I'm Here •

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Chapter thirty-four: I'm Here

"Your Majesty!" Eunuch Mook hurried to the King's side when he saw the man wearing a commoner's clothes

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"Your Majesty!" Eunuch Mook hurried to the King's side when he saw the man wearing a commoner's clothes. "Where are you going? The officials are already on the court waiting for you." The Eunuch informed, but only a smile was Jungkook's answer.

"The Prime Minister will handle that." The young King muttered before walking out of the room. Eunuch Mook following him from behind.

"B-But, Your Majesty—"

"I need to visit someone, Eunuch Mook." Jungkook halted for a moment and turned to the attendant. He gave him a small smile. "I need to see how she's doing."

Jungkook brought his own horse to not delay his journey to the mountain. He won't waste time walking through the village, and he certainly won't risk the location of Hyun Ae.

Jun Seok was just lingering around, and Eunuch Mook must be on his tail by now. He don't really care, because his longing to see her blind him.

There was an unknown excitement in him. He was eager to see her.
He've heard the news from Lady Suk. He was right, Hyun Ae is pregnant.
He's going to be a father. For the second time.

It was unfortunate to lose their first child, and for the woman to grieve alone while Jungkook was busied with the court. Those were the nights he would stand outside her palace, contemplating wether to enter or not.
He was a fool for doing nothing, for following his mother's words like a puppet. But now he's awake from that delusion, and he swore to never let even the woman that raised him, to lay her hands on his family.

Jungkook will do what he did not done before.


"Young Lady, it's cold. We should go back now." Said Ji Seok, but I ignored her and kept looking far on the bridge. Still waiting.

I hug my body when another wave of cold breeze hit my skin. My clothes were thick but breeze still manages to penetrate it. Sending shiver down my spine.

"You need to rest. It's almost your afternoon nap." Ji Seok tried again. But I only answer her with a small smile.

"I don't feel like sleeping, Ji Seok." I said, "I've been sleeping the whole day." A sigh left my lips, as my hands feel the little bump on my stomach.
I suddenly miss being able to move around without Ji Seok nor Lady Suk occasionally reminding me of resting.

Ji Seok gave up after that. But she did not left my side. She silently stand there, watching me.

I have no idea how long we stayed there, before the wind blew harsher and it became more colder. I have no choice but to turn my back on the bridge and started walking along with Ji Seok to come back home.

Lady Suk was preferring an afternoon tea when we arrived. She also has desserts ready.

"You cooked too much." I commented upon seeing the amount of food.
Lady Suk gave me a teasing smile before her gaze land on my growing belly.

"Because the little one has been picky, Young Lady." She said. I only smiled.
I noticed that too.

For the past days, I did nothing but give everyone a hard time. Especially Jimin. The man quite have a hard time because I kept asking for so many things, even for a scent I was so sensitive. There was even a time when he didn't get to sleep because I kept bugging him to get me a fresh strawberry, or a fruit he harvested himself, in the middle of the night.
He almost cry.

I silently laughed at the memory. Jimin was out again for the day, he was with Woo Shik. They said they have to meet a friend from the village. I don't know when he'll be back, but I'm looking forward to see what fruit he'll bring me this time.

I sat on the porch, next to the small table where the food are. "And someone will join us." Lady Suk added. That phrase brought a small frown in my face.

"Are the men going back earlier?" I asked. Thinking it will be Jimin and Woo Shik, or the man they will meet on the village.

Lady Suk looks happy when she turn to give Ji Seok a knowing glance.

"Lady Suk! Young Lady!" A familiar voice said, causing me to stand.

Shock was an understatement of what I was feeling upon seeing the familiar Eunuch. The man has a big smile in his face as he neared us. My heart immediately leapt upon seeing the man behind him.

He look much matured than the past months I've seen him. He looks tired but a small smile was etched in his lips. Our eyes met, and I couldn't help but hug myself and feel the growing belly.

He's here.

My King is here.

Your father is here...
I said in my head, hoping it will reach our unborn child.

I was too focused on him that I did not hear what Lady Suk said before she drag Eunuch Mook and Ji Seok away, leaving me and Jungkook alone.

He reached me, and I couldn't help but hug him.
I missed him so much.
His scent was enough to calm me, to give comfort.

He's actually here. I can touch him. I can hug him. I'm not dreaming.

Tears starts pooling in my eyes. I couldn't look away when he broke the hug and touch my face to wipe the tears. "I'm sorry I made you wait for a long time." He whispered.

"I don't mind." I said. My lips shakes as I forced out a smile.

Did he know? Did he notice the bump in my stomach? Or was it hidden because I was hugging myself?
But was that important? He's here now. That's enough for now.

Like what my mother often say, baby steps.

"Baby steps, Hyun Ae. Start little, but kept going."

Jungkook smiled at me and kissed my forehead. His lips linger more in that area before it fall down on my nose, my eyes, my cheeks, and stop inches away from my lips.

"I'm here now." He said, breath fanning on mine.

"I know." I answered.

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