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"Jeongsan don't run!" I shouted.
I grip my skirt to avoid tripping on them while I run after him.

He's a handful!

"You'll fall! Don't run!" I kept shouting behind him. Our attendants we're running after us. Afraid that either of me and my child will get hurt.

"What are you doing young man!" I stopped upon seeing my child in the arms of my friend. Jimin looks happy while carrying Jeongsan in his arms.
A shy boy was behind him, hiding between his legs.

"It's good to see you here, Jihyun." I said, smiling. But the kid only gave a small bow before hiding behind his father again.

Jimin smiled at me, still carrying my child in his arms. "How are you, Your Majesty?" He asked, smiling.

I walk to him and took Jeongsan from his arms, letting the boy on the ground to play with Jihyun, Jimin's son.

"We are fine." I answered and gave him a tight hug. "You? How are you?" I know that I hit something by just saying those words. Sadness pass his eyes as he gaze at me.

"Still holding on to my lost love." He whispered.

That pains me.

"I'm sorry." Even after all these years, I am regretting all the pain I've caused him. 

A simple smile was all he give.

"Where's the King?" He asked instead, changing the conversation.

I sighed, "He's with my brother, at the court." I said, eyeing the kids playing not far from us.
"They grew up so fast." I whispered.

"I saw Hwa Young." The smile on my lips ceased. "She don't look too good." Jimin added.

Hwa Young was vanished from the palace. She was stripped off of her titles, from a Princess, a Noble Consort, to a nobi.
I forgave her, but the pain her silence caused me, never left. I never get to punish the people that killed my family, but at least I got justice.
At least the Queen Dowager really got what she deserved.

"Where is Woo Shik?" I asked him instead, not wanting to hear more about a former friend.

Jimin shrugged.

"He's with Hoseok. They will be back tomorrow evening." He answered. Not wanting to tell more.

So many things happened in span of six years. I have a child. The man I entrusted my whole life with actually loves me back. Justice was served to those who cried for it. A new court was established. I am Queen, again, but most importantly, a mother.

So many things happened like a dream, but if it's really a dream, I don't wanna wake up. Let me just stay in this paradise.

Jimin and Jihyun did not stay for the night. They left after some time because the boy still has a school to attend.
I actually offered Jimin to let Jihyun study along with Jeongsan, but he refused.

"Taehyung is still missing?" I asked him. Jungkook smiled weakly before sitting beside me and putting his head on my shoulder.
"You're overworking yourself, Your Majesty. You should rest." I said.

"I am resting." He answered.
A small smile crept into my lips, while my hands play with his clothes.

"Where do you think he've gone?" I asked again.

Taehyung has been missing for months now. We have no clue where he is, or who he's with. Seokjin-oraboni is also worried. But the most painful was, Yoongi is devastated. The man won't even rest unless he found him.

"Taehyung is a cunning fox." Jungkook whispered. When I turn to him, his eyes were already closed.
"He'll come back to us whenever he'll want." But he still utter.

I sighed. "But Yoongi..."
Things really changed. I thought I hated the Chief of Royal Guards, but now, he's one of my most trusted man. A friend even. And seeing the strong man crumble while trying to find Taehyung, is devastating.

"We'll help him." Jungkook assured me.
"But I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Jeongsan grew up well," I know where it will go. "Maybe...we can,, uhh, you know gave him a brother or a sister?" He awkwardly smiled at me, but I only raise a brow.

"I'm pregnant, Jungkook." I blurted.

"Yeah that's why we—what!?" He stared at me, shock. "You're what?" His lips were agape, eyes wide and I suddenly feel annoyed.

"You don't want it?!" I hissed.
Damn him!

"No! I mean, yes, I want it but..I, ah, that's-" He's adorable when flustered.
Annoyance quickly left me and I gave him a feathery kiss, to calm him.

"Focus, you're going to be a father. Again." I laughed.

He smiled before hugging me tight. In these arms, I am safe.

All those 'waitings' were worth it.

Queen of Joseon | jjk • btsWhere stories live. Discover now