my insomnia bff

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Me: sup my insomnia bby 😀😀

InsomniaBby: wtf

InsomniaBby: aren't you supposed to be sleeping

Me: I could say the same about you

Me: Bby when did you last sleep

InsomniaBby: sunday

Me: but its satrday

InsomniaBby: exactly

Me: *sigh* you wanna come over to maybe

Me: I don't know


InsomniaBby: your asking for the impossible but sure

Me: YAY!!😁

InsomniaBby: I'll be there in 5

Me: k see ya later

Me: love you😘

InsomniaBby: love you too

That night you and Shinso cuddled and watched some movies. During the 5th movie he actually fell asleep. You didn't sleep till 1 in the afternoon.

You texted DADizawa to tell him that you can't come today and Shinso fell asleep. That day DADizasa was like a proud father because you actually got Shinso to finally sleep. He then told Izuku to give you today's work. This is how that went

( I = Izuku, M = you and S = shinso)

I: *Knocks on door*
I: *knocks on door but harder* N/N
I: Oh I'm stupid *gets keys*
I: *unlocks and goes in* N/N?
I: *Locks door and goes up stairs*
I: *goes to your room*

I: *Knocks on the bedroom door*
I: ok I'm coming in *opens door*
I: *sees you but not shinso yet*
I: *pokes your cheek* n/n wake up~
M: *rolls to face izuku* what is *yawn* is It?

I: I have today's work for y--
I: *sees shinso next to you*
M: what is it?
I: *pouting* why is he here?*points at shinso*
M: oh he came over and he actually fell asleep *smiles at shinso*

M: *looks back at Izuku*
M: *sees him pouting*
M: *smirks*
M: are you jealous?
I: *turns into 50 shades of red*

I: w-What n-no
M: *gasp* you are jealous

S: *starts to move*
M: *puts him back to sleep*

M: *gives death glare at Izuku*
M: *whispers* You wake him up I kill you*
I: yes ma'am
M: *gets bean and takes him out of the room*

Outside of the room

M: So what do u need my jealous green bean?
I: I c-came over to give y-you t-todays w-work
I: A-and i-im n-not j-jealous!

M: oh please, saying your not jealous right now its like saying im not depressed
I: i-im not j-jealous...
M: awww its ok zuzu we can cuddle later
M: *hugs blushing/pouting brocoli boi*
I: *hugs back*

M: *lets go*
M: ok how bout later we can have a movie night?
I: ok bye
I: *kisses your cheek*

M: bye bye zuzu
M: *gives him a kiss on the cheek*

He then leaves. He's happy that he can spend time with you but is still a little grumpy about Shinso.

During the movie night, you and Izuku cuddled, baked, and played a little bit of games. During the bakeing though you almost set the house on fire.

After like 2 movies you fell asleep on him. He didnt know what to do for a few seconds, then he choose to leave you be. After another movie he fell asleep too. In the morning (he woke up first) he carried you back to your room.

He was about to kiss your lips but he choose againest it. So he just kissed you on the cheek. Before he left he made you breakfest and left a note that said "I was not jealous".

(A/N: Shinso is the last childhood bff ;)

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