If deku eats brockli, is it canniableism 🤔🤔

661 9 12

First time being tagged...

Tagged by: 0___hi___0

1. You have to copy the rules
2. 13 things about you
3. If you dont do it in a week, you get kinkly punished ;-;
4. Its gotta be a chapter
5. Tag 15 people
6. Creative chapter name

13 things:
1) Im a girl
2) Im part of the lgbtq+
3) I like strawberrys
4) I love hoodies/sweaters
5) I love aphmau
6) I like NF
7) I love puns
8) I like to draw/paint (Cant do it very well though 😅)
9) I love spicy food, and sweet food
10) I love anime
11) I sleep alot/barely
12) I like helping people
13) I can cook

15 people:
1. anime_lover119
2. im_3va
3. ShwetaGarg8
4. Am_potato
5. TheActualBakugou
6. choba_tea
7. ImALivingFireHazard
8. I_wanna_yeet_myself
9. LeBrookieUwU
10. briarlightwolf
11. salty-boii
12. MegaBlazethecat
13. Closet_Emo
14. Moongirl-XoXo
15. JustcallmehShy

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