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Me: Alright Do u guys have everything?

MUSICBby: Yep, i have my speakers

KIRBYBby: Me and mina finished the signs

KERMITBby: We got the water and food for those who need it

BATMANBby: We also got medical kits and masks

Me: Which speakers?

MUSICBby: The big, big ones

Me: Kat, Deku, Todo, Kiri, everyone, Be ready to protect everyone and be ready for anything

Bbymight: Where are you,N/n?

ELSABby: Yeah, you left in a hurry

Me: I had to do a few things

BbyPOM: Like what

Me: stuff

Me: but look is Eri ok?

SANICDAD: Yes. Why did you leave her with me?

Me: Cuz ur one of the most resopable ones

Me: bring her so she can help, make sure she does not get hurt

ELSABby: Why are you being so secretive?

MANLYBby: Yeah, its not manly

Me: Look everything is fine, i just recruited more people...

Bbymight: Who?

Me: you'll see

Me: Now we have to go

Me: Everyone ready?


Me: Good lets go

Everyone in Class 1-A was surprized as their friend, Y/N L/N, got the whole school, the villians, The karens, the witchs and everyone that they could possablely think of.

When they asked her how did she do this. She just said "I just called my friends in".

(A/N: BLACK LIVES MATTER!! Ima say here and now. I dont care who you are or what you do, they do matter. A lot.

I might not be black, but I will always stand with you. Sure people say "All lives matter". I mean yeah they do but is your being threated right now tho?

How many times do I have to see people being treated unfairly? How many times do I have to see people familys crying? How many times do I have to see people DIEING just because of their FUCKING skin color?

I will stand with the black community. And I will try my  Fucking hardest to everything that I can to do so. Oh and if you dont have anything nice to say about this chapter please dont FUCKING say it!

If you all need someone to talk to, Im always here. Im sorry for not posting this sooner, I needed to find the right words to say cause this is  really FUCKING important. I will love you guys no matter what. You will get your justice, freedom, and your equality.

And to all the protesters:

Please be safe.....)

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