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The first thing Gemma did when she got home was throw herself onto the couch. She was still in a good mood from the events earlier in the day, but holy shit, was she exhausted.

She heard movement upstairs followed by her brother Jacob and her roommate Matt coming down the stairs.

"What's up, ugly?" Jacob yelled as he walked into the kitchen. Gemma laughed and lifted her legs so Matt could sit down before dropping them onto his lap.

"I might be ugly, but at least I don't look like I smell," Gemma retorted.

Jacob came back into the living room with a bag of chips and a blunt, "That's Homophobic."

"Yeah and Matt is the Statue of Liberty," Gemma took her lighter out of her pocket.

"Yeah, yeah whatever you say," Jacob threw Matt the blunt before speaking again, "You seem to be in a strangely good mood. Did you see lover boy again today?"

Gemma had told her brother about Pete about a year back when she was having a really bad depressive episode. She had unloaded pretty much everything she had been feeling, which of course included the boy from the coffee shop.

Matt rolled his eyes and grabbed the lighter out of Gemma's hand, "I don't understand what you see in him, Gem. You guys literally live next door to each other yet you never talk. Besides, I bet that I'm much hotter than he is."

Matt took a hit of the blunt before blowing the smoke in Gemma's face. Gemma took the blunt from him and took a hit before answering. "Well, actually Aberdeen he's very attractive and very funny. And I'm starting to think it's a good thing that we never talk outside of the shop. That means he never has to meet your dumbasses."

Matt rolled his eyes and stuck out his bottom lip, "I'm so hurt."

The three sat there and smoked until they were giggly and the room felt like it was spinning. Jacob was asleep in his chair and Matt had slumped over on the couch so that he was now on top of Gemma's legs and she was playing with his hair. The two of them had a fairly close and flirty relationship but Gemma saw him as just a friend and she always had.

"Hey Gemma," Matt shot up excitedly, "Do you wanna hear the song I've been working on?"

Gemma loved being the first to hear all their music, it made her feel special.

Matt took out his phone and played the song for her. Gemma closed her eyes and bobbed her head to the beat. She listened closely to the lyrics, it was clearly a love song for someone.

"Sounds like Matthew Aberdeen is in love," Gemma cooed, drawing out the end of the sentence.

Matt immediately blushed, "Yeah I guess I am." Matt would never tell her who it was. It would cause too many problems.

"You don't have to tell me," Gemma offered, "But she sounds very lucky."

The two resumed their previous positions before Matt spoke, "Thanks, Harley." Gemma smiled at the memory behind the nickname. It had been her father's nickname for her. Her dad had a Harley motorcycle and he joked that he 'Loved Gemma as much as his Harley'. Matt was the only one that still called her that. It was like their little inside joke.

Gemma sighed as she played with Matt's hair, "Speaking of love, do you really think Pete is such a bad guy?" She genuinely cared about Matt's opinion, seeing as he was basically her best friend.

Matt shifted slightly so he could look at her. "Do you want my nice answer or my honest answer?' Matt asked playfully.

"I'm serious I want to know what you think," Gemma whined.

"Well, to be honest, Harl, I don't know. I can't place my finger on it. The way you talk about him combined with the fact that you guys hardly talk just rubs me the wrong way. Like he's leading you on or something."

Gemma felt her heart sink. "I mean he's never really showed interest in me. I think I just read into it too much." She felt her heart rate pick up as her high turned anxious.

Matt yelped as Gemma tugged on his hair a little too harshly. "Or maybe," he started, sounding slightly agitated, "You should give yourself a little more credit. Most guys are dumb and you shouldn't be caught up over him."

Gemma let out a scoff, "It's not that easy and you know it. You literally wrote a song about some chick and by the sound of it, it's not going very well for you either."

The girl wished she could take back her words immediately. But before she could say anything Matt beat her to it.

"You're right," he laughed, "You always are. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, that was really harsh."

And the two Twenty-three-year-olds went right back to their comfortable silence, with Gemma thinking about Pete, and Matt thinking about Gemma.

kinda a filler kinda some character development that'll come into play later on !! i promise pete will be in the next chapter !!

love affair; PETE DAVIDSONWhere stories live. Discover now