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No one was surprised when the two lovers had a second date planned by the next day. Both Gemma and Pete were known by their friends and family for being wildly impatient.

Pete had taken a chance this time by asking Gemma to a moderately fancy dinner. He was not good with formal things, so in his eyes an Italian restaurant was fine.

Lucky, Gemma had agreed with him. She had grown up eating tons of Italian food with her parents, so it held a special place in her heart.

As well as being impatient, the two were both know for dressing incredibly casually in all situations. However, they both wanted to impress the other.

Gemma had decided on a black long sleeve mini dress with fishnets and boots. She left her hair in its natural curly state. She had assigned Jacob with the task of choosing her outfit, considering his style was much better than hers.

Pete had also tasked his sibling with picking his outfit. His outfit consisting of a button up shirt and black khakis was so strange on him that even his sister, Casey, had giggled.

While Pete had walked out of his house and driven to the restaurant promptly, Gemma had a little more trouble.

"Okay but Gem, you look so good." Jacob gushed toward his little sister while twirling a water bottle in his hand.

Gemma rolled her eyes and laughed, "You only say that because you picked out my outfit."

Jacob narrowed his eyes at gemma and put his bottle down, "That's true but you're still pretty."

Before Gemma had a chance to answer Matt walked into the kitchen.

"Woah, woah, woah. Where are you going, Harls?" Matt stopped in his tracks, looking her up and down.

"On a date?" Gemma deadpanned. She had been getting fed up with Matt's attitude toward her.

Matt ran his fingers through his hair, "Looking like that?"

Gemma's mouth fell agape and she raised her eyebrows, "Yes, looking like this."

Gemma grabbed her bag off of the kitchen table and spoke again, "I need to go. I don't wanna be late."

Gemma walked toward the door with Matt hot on her heels. "I'm serious, Gemma. You look really nice, but isn't it a little too much?"

Gemma let out a groan and turned sharply around, "This isn't up for debate, Matthew."

Matt looked down at the floor and picked at his nail beds, "Can I at least drive you? I know you don't like to drive when you're nervous."

Gemma smiled tightly, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'm not nervous this time."

Of course that was a lie, Gemma was incredibly nervous. But she had a lot of pride and she didn't want to let Matt feel like he won.

The ride to the restaurant was surprisingly easy. Gemma chalked that up to the fact that she was too angry to focus on her nerves.

However, when she got the the restaurant her deminor changed and she was just as nervous as before she left.

Walking through the front doors of the restaurant, Gemma spotted Pete from across the dining area. She laughed softly to herself at his formal outfit. It's not that he looked bad, in fact, she thought he looked amazing. It was just surprising.

As she walked closer, Gemma noticed the table had a vase with a single rose in it. She smiled at the gesture.

The two caught eyes and Gemma continued to walk gracefully toward the table. Her boots made a thumping noise across the floor that made her look and feel powerful.

love affair; PETE DAVIDSONWhere stories live. Discover now