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In the days following Gemma and Pete's night together, the two could be found on their phones constantly. They texted each other like two teenagers in love. And to be honest, that's what it was. They were like cheesy high school sweethearts.

This was the happiest Gemma had felt in a long time. Everyone around her could feel it. It was so obvious at work. Her patience with costumers amazed her co-workers, especially considering she normally got annoyed easily.

Jacob would jokingly call her newfound happiness obnoxious. But in actuality, he was so proud of her for finding her happiness. Matt on the other hand actually found it obnoxious. He was so sick of hearing about Pete this, and Pete that. He wished it was him making Gemma happy. (But of course, Gemma was to in love to notice Matt's change in mood)

Gemma sat on her stool at work, picking at her nail beds. The coffee shop was somewhat slow on this particular day which was reliving. Pete has offered to pick Gemma up after work to go into the city and she could barely contain her excitement. She figured that if the store had been any busier than it was now, she may have just short circuted with overstimulation.

Of course, like any instance where you're anticipating something, the day moved by as slow as possible. Gemma found herself doing anything in her power to keep herself occupied. From counting the ceiling tiles to mopping the floor. Gemma's boss found the sight quiet hilarious, but much like Gemma's brother, she was just happy to see the girl happy.

"I've never seen you this anxious about something," Gemma's boss, Carrie, spoke.

Gemma halted her movements and turned to the older lady, "I have a date tonight." Gemma couldn't hide the blush that crept over her face.

Carrie smiled as she began cleaning off the glass case holding the pastries. "Is it that boy that always comes in here and leaves you big tips?"

Gemma cocked her eyebrow and laughed in surprise, "Yeah, it's him."

"I like him, he seems good for you," Carried said, patting Gemma's shoulder, "It's a nice change of pace to see you happy,"

Gemma smiled softly while glancing down at her watch. It was almost 2 o'clock, meaning Pete would be here soon.

Carrie noticed that she was looking at her watch. "Gemma, go ahead and clock out early, i'll finish up for you."

Gemma's mouth fell agape, "Oh my God, thank you Carrie. I promise I'll make it up to you."

"No need, sweetie. Just have fun on your date."

Gemma quickly clocked out before jogging to the back room to gather her things. She had been smart enough to do her makeup before work, and luckily she had no dress code so she was already wearing the out fit she picked.

Pete was once again, in a rush. He always seemed to overestimate the time he had to get somewhere. Lucky for him, he was good at driving fast.

Pete had wanted to surprise Gemma with her favorite things from the local convenient store. He thought it would be a nice gesture and would prove to Gemma that he listened to everything she said. Even the little things, like her favorite flavor of Monster Energy.

But of course, her favorite flavor was also the rarest and hardest to find. He found it slightly ironic. It was almost like a metaphor for their relationship; it was so hard to get there but once they were, it was so good. But then again, maybe it wasn't that deep.

love affair; PETE DAVIDSONWhere stories live. Discover now