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Gemma overthought everything. She had a need to please everyone around her in every way that she could. This usually caused an unnecessary anxiety over every small text, word and movement.

Of course her overthoughtful brain was in full force after her text to Pete's best friend. He's probably not going to see it or just think that I'm some random fan trying to get something.

Gemma let out a loud and frustrated groan. After her horrid confrontation with Matt, she found her way to the park. The same one from the time she had smoked and fallen asleep with Pete. The memory brought a smile to her face.

She laid back onto the park bench and looked up at the sky. The clouds covered the sun slightly, and the trees above her head blew back and forth. The sight calmed her anxiety and she was thankful for that, even though she knew it would be back momentarily.

Gemma picked up her phone from her pocket, seeing a new notification that Matt had posted on his Soundcloud account. She let out a pained scoff at the thought of the future. She knew their friendship, at least as they knew it, was over. She wasn't mad at Matt for telling his feelings, she just wished it had been at another time. Maybe in another universe they would have worked, but not in this one. Not when she was so in love with Pete. And she had decided that it really was love. Gemma was head over heels in love with Pete. She just hoped it would work out.

Another notification came from Gemma's phone causing her to jump slightly.

machinegunkelly started following you!

Gemma furrowed her eyebrows. Almost immediately she received another notification. She quickly slid open the notification and read his message.

Hey Gemma! I've heard loads of great things about you.

Gemma smiled at the idea of Pete gushing to his best friend about her. She ran her fingers through her slightly knotted hair as he continued to type.

Finally after what felt like forever, the message came through; I'm sure you know about Pete's struggles with bdp. He goes rouge like this sometimes and it can be really scary. He really likes you so he may think he's done something wrong. I think your best bet is to go check up on him. I would love to help you out but I'm in la right now.

Gemma smiled at the sweet message.

Thank you so much Colson, it means a lot that you're helping out! Hopefully if things go well I can formally thank you in person sometime.

Gemma hit send and hoped that the message didn't come off as weird.

It's no problem, he replied, good luck!

With a newfound confidence, Gemma pulled herself up from the park bench and began walking to Pete's house. She mentally prepared for two things; having to meet his family, and the depressed mood that Pete would more than likely be in.

The adrenaline that Gemma built up on her walk was both invigorating and unnerving. She jumped up and down a few times once she reached the front door in hopes to release some stress.

Gemma walked slowly up the stairs. He boots were loud against the steps meaning there was no chance she could turn around now. Anyone who was inside could most definitely hear her.

She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Gemma's hand shook as she brought it back down to her side. She used her thumb to crack each of her knuckles in an attempt to ease her anxiety.

Gemma let out a shaky breath as the front door opened to reveal a girl that looked a few years younger than her.

"Can I help you?" The girl asked.

Gemma's face flushed bright red as he struggled to think of the right words. "Um, I'm Gemma. I was wondering if-"

"Oh my God, You're Pete's girlfriend!" She cut Gemma off abruptly.

"Oh, um-" Gemma stuttered in surprise.

"I'm Casey, his sister! He's downstairs in his cave right now. Come in!"

Gemma licked her very dry lips as she followed Casey inside the house. She clenched her fingers into her palms so hard that she could feel her nails pierce the skin.

"You're lucky our mom isn't here or she'd ask you a million girlfriend related questions," Casey joked, leading Gemma to the bedroom door.

Gemma smiled and laughed softly. She could totally see how Casey and Pete were siblings.

"Thanks so much, Casey," Gemma smiled at the girl.

She slowly stepped down the stairs, being careful not to make any noise. (but of course that was nearly impossible considering that she always wore her big combat boots)

The room was dark and cold, but Gemma could hear the TV playing softly in the other room. Turning the corner, the light of the screen could be seen illuminating the couch that sat in front of it.

"Pete?" Gemma whispered so softly that her voice cracked.

She got no response.

"Pete?" she said again, louder this time.

Gemma heard a small groan and some rustling before Pete's hair could be seen over the couch.

"G-g-gemma?" Pete questioned with confusion lacing his voice, "What are you doing here?"

Gemma's mouth was suddenly dry. She hadn't thought about what she would say once she was here. A million thoughts raced through Gemma's head at once. All the 'what if's' that she was so worried about in the beginning were back, and they felt stronger than ever.

Pete watched as Gemma opened and closed her mouth multiple times before closing her eyes tightly.

Fuck it. She breathed in sharply, "I love you, Pete." She felt her voice crack and shake as she said it. All her emotions were on display and for the first time in a long time she felt vulnerable.

Gemma held her breath as she waited for Pete's reaction. She felt her throat start to tighten in fear. She had fucked it all up. There was no coming back from this.

But much to Gemma's surprise, he looked down and softly began to smile. "Fuck Gemma," he laughed, "I love you."

Gemma let out a sigh of relief and laughed before walking over to Pete's spot on the couch. She fell onto him in a pile wrapping her arms tightly around her torso.

Pete buried his face into Gemma's hair and inhaled her scent. "I'm sorry I stopped answering. I got scared that I was more attached that you were."

"Believe me, dude," Gemma chuckled, "It's nearly impossible to be more attached than I am to you."

The green eyed girl looked up at Pete as he ran his fingers through her hair. The two started at each other for a moment before Gemma pressed a sloppy and passionate kiss on Pete's lips. It felt like no one else existed in the whole world.

It was only them. They were all that mattered.

SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO UPDATE but hey last official chapter😏😏😏😏

love affair; PETE DAVIDSONWhere stories live. Discover now