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"Okay Gemma," Jacob laughed grabbing a soda from the refrigerator, "What the fuck is going on with Matt. I've never seen him this bitchy before."

Gemma laughed softly. Matt had been cold toward her since the interaction with Pete the day before. Although she was sad that Matt wouldn't talk to her, she wouldn't trade what had happened for anything.

She explained to Jacob in detail what had happened. Everything from Pete giving her his sweatshirt to falling asleep on top of him.

Jacob smiled at her as she gushed about Pete. He had never seen his sister so happy. She looked like a little girl in a candy shop every time she talked about him.  He would like to say that it was the twin intuition that made it easy for him to tell, but to be quite honest, anyone could that she was in love.

"I'm sure Matt is only mad because you didn't give him attention," Jacob dismissed, "But he isn't important right now."

Gemma raised her eyebrow at her brother.

"What is important," He spoke, "Is that you're in love."

Jacob laughed as Gemma's cheeks flushed red. She picked at her nail beds and smiled sheepishly.

"I'm not in love," she denied, "Infatuated maybe, but not in love."

Gemma moved her hair to the front of her shoulders as she felt her neck heat up. Something that always happened when she lied.

"Infatuation?" Jacob deadpanned, "For five years? Bitch, accept it, you are in love. You're like me when I started dating Shane."

Gemma smiled at the memory from high school. Shane was Jacob's first boyfriend. She remembered the two being so in love back then. Things had changed, and they grew apart, but they were once so good together.

Gemma rubbed her hands over her face and groaned. Of course, Gemma had already come to terms with her feelings for Pete, but admitting them out loud was totally different. Of course she trusted her twin brother fully and she usually told him everything. But this felt like such a big deal, and once she said it out loud, she couldn't take it back and it was solidified as the truth.

Jacob stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. He knew her well enough to know exactly what she was thinking. "Cheer up little sis. You don't have to admit it out loud, but just know that I know and I support you fully. Go after that lanky white boy," he joked.

Gemma smiled softly, "First if all, I was born first. Just because you're taller doesn't mean I'm your little sis."

Jacob let out a laugh, similar to a snort, and ruffled Gemmas already messy hair.

"Second," Gemma stuttered and bit her lip, "Thanks."

Jacob walked around the kitchen island to where Gemma was sitting and gave her a side hug, "No problem, Gem."

Gemma felt a small weight being lifted off her shoulders. It felt nice to admit her feelings to someone.

this chapter is very short and kinda a filler but i realized i hadn't included much about gemma and her brother
the real plot gets set in motion next chapter!!
also thank you for all your comments on the last chapter. they were all really nice and made me genuinely excited about the book.

love affair; PETE DAVIDSONWhere stories live. Discover now