Chapter 3: Second Hour

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Frankie's Pov: When the bell rang, I was glad to go to my second class which was Music. English was hell because some bastards decided to tear me down.

Mr. Johnson: " Good morning, everyone, I hope that you all enjoyed your break and are ready to get back into what we were talking about. " he says to everyone in class.

Dalia: " Hey Frankie. " she says silently so she won't get in trouble.

Frankie: " Hey Dalia, how are you? " he says back silently to his Childhood friend, so he doesn't get in trouble.

Dalia: " I'm good, how about you? " she replies back.

Frankie: " I'm doing great. " he says putting a fake smile on his face even though on the inside he wasn't okay.

Dalia: " That is good to hear, I'm glad that you aren't sick anymore. " she says smiling at him.

Frankie: " Me too. " he says to Dalia smiling as well.

Mr. Johnson: " Before we get started, I am going to take attendance and then pick up your papers. " he says taking his attendance book out.

- At home -

Priyanka: " Hey honey. " she says to her husband.

Nick: " Hey babe. " he says kissing his wife.

Priyanka: " How was your work out? " she asks her husband.

Nick: " It was pretty intense. " he says to his wife going into the kitchen and grabbing a bottle of water.

Priyanka: " I can tell, your all sweaty. " she says to her husband.

Nick: " It was worth it though. " he says to his wife drinking some more water.

Priyanka: " I agree, you know baby I am really concerned about Frankie and his mental and emotional health. " she says to Nick.

Nick: " So am I, he didn't want to go to school today because he was thinking that the bullying would get worse now that he has changed.

Priyanka: " I hope that he doesn't hit a deep depression. " she says to her husband.

Nick: " Well, I better get showered and head to Frankie's school; Jonas Brothers are going to be talking to his class about music. " he says to his wife.

Priyanka: " Really? " she says to her husband.

Nick: " Yes, his music teacher invited us to speak to the class about music. " he says to his wife kissing her and then going upstairs to the bathroom to shower.

Priyanka: " That's awesome. " she says to her husband.

- Back at school -

Frankie's Pov: " I'm sitting in class and Grayson is throwing paper at me and spit balling me, I'm fucking annoyed to the point that I really want to punch him right now. "

Mr. Johnson: " Looks like everyone is here, today we will be having a special guest in class today who will be talking to us about music and writing. " he says to his class.

Dalia: " I wonder who our guest is. " she says to Frankie.

Frankie: " I already know who it is. " he says to his friend Dalia.

Dalia: " Who is it? " she asks.

Frankie: " You have to wait and see. " he says to Dalia.

While the teacher has his back turned, Grayson walks up to Frankie and starts to harass him.

Grayson: " Hey chubby. " he says to Frankie while pushing him out of his seat and starting to kick him randomly.

Dalia: " Ahh, Grayson stop. " she screams causing their music teacher to turn around and rushing to the scene and trying to help Frankie.

Mr. Johnson: " Grayson, stop! " he yells trying to pull him away.

Frankie: " Ouch! Stop! " he says trying to block each blow but not being successful.

Grayson: " Can't you fight back fatty. " he says stopping.

Mr. Johnson: " Enough! " he yells at Grayson, while tending to Frankie.

Dalia: " Oh my goodness. " she says to herself, starting to cry while she was looking down at her friend Frankie.

Mr. Johnson: " Frankie, are you okay? " he says to Frankie.

Frankie: "No. " he says in pain from each blow that he took.

While Mr. Johnson is trying to help Frankie; his brothers walk in the classroom and rushes to Frankie who is laying there is pain after putting their things down.

Nick: " Frankie! " he says being the first one to run to his little brother.

Frankie: " Nick. " he says groaning in pain.

Nick: " I'm right here. " he says kneeling next to him.

Mr. Johnson: " Your his brother. " he asks him.

Nick: " Yes, I am and over there are Kevin and Joe they are also his brothers. " he says to Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson: " Nice to meet you all but I wish they were in better terms. " he says to Frankie's brother.

Joe: " Frankie, Can you move? " he asks his brother kneeling by him as well.

Frankie: " Barely. " he says before immediately puking on the classroom floor causing his teacher to get up and move.

Frankie: " Hmmm. " he groans in pain again puking a few more times on the classroom floor.

Nick: " Kevin, we need you over here. " he says to his brother.

Kevin: " Coming. " He says making his way to Frankie.

Dalia: " Will he be, okay? " she asks Nick.

Nick: " He'll be okay. " he says to Dalia.

Joe: " Frankie, we're going to help you up. " he says to his brother.

Frankie: " Okay. " he says to his brother.

Nick: " Frankie, we're going to lift you up on the count of three. " he says to his brother when Nurse Smith walks in with the medical team.

Nurse Smith: " I contacted the medical team. " she says walking in the classroom.

Mr. Johnson: " Good but how did you know that we would need a medical team. " He asks the nurse.

Nurse Smith: " I just had a gut feeling. " she says to Mr. Johnson.

Nick: " Frankie, we are about to lift you up. " he says giving his little brother a warning.

Frankie: " Okay. " he says bracing himself for the pain he was about to deal with.

Joe: " Ready? " he asks his brother Kevin.

Kevin: " Yes, on the count of three. " he says to his brother Joe.

Nick: " Okay; One, Two, Three Lift. " he says to his brothers.

Frankie: " Ah! " he screams in agony.

Nurse Smith: " Are you okay? " she asks concerned.

Frankie: " I will be. " he says trying to ease her anxiety.

Medical team member: " We need to get him to the hospital. " he says to the nurse and his brothers.

Nurse Smith: " Okay. " she says to the medical person.

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