Chapter 4: Hospital

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Frankie's Pov: " As of right now, I am being rushed to the hospital so I can get checked out I am in loads of pain, and I can barely move. "

Nurse: " Hello, my name is Jasmine. " she says to Frankie.

Frankie: " Hello, nice to meet you, Jasmine. " he says before going back to screaming in pain.

Nurse Jasmine: " Someone get a doctor. " she shouts after noticing how much pain the patient was in.

Dr. Jones: " What happened here? " he asks the medical team approaching the Gurney and pushing as well.

Medical Person: " Your patient here was kicked multiple time by a student at his high school; we tried to stabilize him while we were in the Ambulance, but he refused. " he tells the Doctor.

Dr. Jones: " Name? " he asks the medical person.

Medical Person: " Frankie Jonas. " he says to the Doctor.

Dr. Jones: " I know him and his family; I delivered all of Denise's children and grandchildren. " he says to the medical person.

Frankie: " Ahhhhh! " he screams again in pain.

Dr. Jones: " Hang in the friend. " he says to Frankie while they are making their way to a hospital room.

Nurse Jasmine: " We need to get him on the bed right now. " she says to everyone is room 202.

Dr. Jones:  " Okay, on my count; One, Two, Three. " he says to everyone and transfers him to the bed.

Frankie: " Ahhh!  " he screams again do to his pain.

Doctor Jones: " I need two milligrams of Fentanyl. " he orders the nurse.

Nurse Paula: " Got it. " she says injecting Frankie with the medicine the Doctor asked for.

Doctor Jones: " This pain killer should help. " he says to his patient.

Frankie: " Okay. " he says to the Doctor before groaning again.

Doctor Jones: " We are going to get some x-rays so we can see what's causing you all this pain. " he says to Frankie and the nurses.

Frankie: " Okay. " he replies back before silently groaning in pain.

Denise: " I got a call from my son Nick and was told that my son Frankie was in the Hospital. " she says to the receptionist in a panic.

Receptionist: " Yes, are you, his mother? " she asks just for safety reasons.

Denise: " Yes. " she replies understanding why she was asked.

Receptionist: " Okay, he is in room 202. " she says to Denise.

Denise: " Thank you. " she says rushing to room 202 where her son is.

Frankie: " Mom. " he says still in pain from the blows he took.

Denise: " Oh my God, what happened to you? " she says feeling concerned.

Frankie: " I was tripped by a kid named Reagan purposely and ended up with black eye in English class after he punched me in the face and then in music class a kid named Grayson was throwing paper at me, spit balling me and harassing me; then he pushed me out of my seat and randomly started kicking me. " he tells his Mom what happened today.

Denise: " Oh my word. " she says feeling her heartbreak for her son.

Dr. Jones: " Hello Denise. " he says to Frankie's mom.

Denise: " Hello Dr. Jones, how are you? " she asks her doctor.

Dr. Jones: " I am doing great, how is the family? " he asks Denise.

Denise: " The family is doing great and so am I. " she says to the Doctor.

Dr. Jones: " That is great to hear, so I gave Frankie 2 milligrams of Fentanyl for the pain; he told me that he could barely move. " he says to Denise.

Denise: " Okay. " she says to the Doctor as he finishes letting her know what was going on.

Dr. Jones: " Seeing how much pain Frankie is in right now, I am going to be taking x-rays to see if something is broken which I hope not. " he says to Denise.

Denise: " Okay. " she says to the Doctor in agreement.

Dr. Jones: " Frankie, I am going to take X-Rays to see what is causing you so much pain. " he says to Frankie.

Frankie: " Okay. " he says to the Doctor.

Dr. Jones: " Nurse Paula, take Frankie to get some X-Rays. " he orders.

Nurse Paula: " Okay, we're about to take Frankie to get some X-Rays. " she says to Denise.

Denise: " Alright. " she says to the nurse and then kisses Frankie on the cheek before they take him away.

When they got to the X-Ray room the nurse helped Frankie lay down on the bed and put a tarp on him and then adjusted the thing and then went in a room to do the X-Ray by hitting a button.

Nurse Paula: " can you lay on your stomach please. " she asks Frankie so she could get another X-ray in a different position.

Frankie: " Okay. " he says getting in the position that the nurse asked grimacing in pain again.

Nurse Paula: " Thanks. " she says before pushing the button again after adjusting it again.

Frankie: " Hmmm. " he groans in pain again.

Nurse Paula: " We are all done. " she says to Frankie, taking the tarp of and helping him off the bed and back in the wheelchair and pushing him back to room 202 and helping him in the bed again.

Frankie: " Hey, mom. " he says to her.

Denise: " Hey, sweetheart. " she says to her son.

Nurse Paula: " The doctor should be in with your X-rays hopefully. " she says to both Frankie and Denise.

Denise: " Okay. " she says to the nurse and starts texting her family.

While Denise is texting her family, she hears the Doctor, and the nurses talk indistinctly about her son's x-rays and how serious this could be and that he might have to miss more school.

Frankie: " Mom, I have never been in this much pain before, since that one time I broke my wrist playing baseball. " he says grimacing in pain.

Denise: " I understand sweetie, we will pray about it. " she says to her son.

Dr. Jones: " Well, I looked at the X-Rays and your son has three fractured ribs on his left side. " he says showing her print outs of his X-Rays.

 " he says showing her print outs of his X-Rays

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Denise: " Oh my goodness. " she says feeling shocked that someone could fracture three ribs by kicking someone randomly.

Frankie: " So what does that mean? " he asks his doctor.

Dr. Jones: " That means that whoever was kicking you fractured three of your ribs and that you are going to have to miss more school so your ribs can properly heal which also means that you cannot do what you normally do especially carrying you backpack because you could make it worse. " he says trying his best to explain the situation.

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