Chapter 5: Cigarettes

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Frankie: " Are you kidding me? " he says to his Doctor.

Dr. Jones: " Nope. " he says to his patient, before pulling out his pad and a pin.

Denise: " He just got back to school after being sick and now he has to miss more school. " she says to her son's doctor.

Dr. Jones: " I understand but with him having three fractured ribs, he needs to stay home and rest in order for his ribs to properly heal. " he says to Denise.

Denise: " Okay. " she says to Dr. Jones feeling like she is on an emotional rollercoaster.

Dr. Jones: " I am writing a prescription for a certain pain killer for Frankie to take since he has been in so much pain, there is a pharmacy down the hall on your right where you can get your medication. " he says to Denise.

Denise: " Okay. " she says to the doctor grabbing the signed prescription sheet from him and putting it where it can be found quickly.

Dr. Jones: " Frankie will have to stay home for 6 weeks because that is how long it should take for his ribs to heal, he will have to take this pain killer three times daily which means one in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening. " he tells Denise.

Denise: " Okay. " She says to the doctor writing things down.

Dr. Jones: " Well, I am going to let you go, so you could get home and get Frankie settled. " he says to Denise.

Denise: " Thanks doc. " she says to the doctor signing the discharge papers and checking Frankie out of the hospital and taking him home.

Frankie: " Fuck, that hurts. " he says to himself aloud.

Denise: " Frankie, Watch it. " she says scolding him for swearing.

Frankie: " Well Sorry, I'm in loads of pain at the moment and it is still bad. " he says to his mom.

Denise: " I get it, but you seriously have to watch the language when you are with me. " she says to Frankie.

Frankie: " Okay, sorry. " he says to his Mom.

Denise: " I'll take your backpack. " She says grabbing his things and putting them in the backseat of the car.

Nurse: " Let me help you in the car. " she says pushing the wheelchair to the car and then helping Frankie in the passenger seat after putting a cushion for his back in the car.

Denise: " Thanks. " she says to the nurse.

Nurse: " No problem. " she says to Denise.

Denise: " Are you comfortable? " she asks her son Frankie.

Frankie: " Yes, as I'll ever be. " he says grimacing in pain again.

Denise: " We'll stop at the pharmacy so I can put you prescription in for the pain killers and then we will grab a bite to eat and head home and I will pick up your prescription today. " she says to her son.

Frankie: " Okay. " he says to his mom.

~ Back at school ~

While Jonas Brothers are talking to the class about music and writing, Nick's phone goes off letting him know that he had a call.

Nick's Voicemail: " Hello, you have reached my phone; sorry I can't come to the phone right now but if you leave a message, I will be sure to get back to you."

Denise: " Hey, Nick its mom. Frankie and I just got back from the hospital, and he has three broken ribs on his left side, he will be out of school for six weeks and I was wondering if you could pick up all of his class work and homework from his classes for today and for the six weeks he will be out, thank you sweetie and I love you. " she says before hanging up.

Joe: " Writing is great therapy for when you are feeling a certain way. " he says to the class.

Kevin: " Some of the best songs come when you write about your experiences, if that makes any sense. " he says to the class.

Nick: " When you get your feelings out on paper and then put music to it, you feel so much better and are able to move on with your life and you never know how it could impact people when they hear you song. " he explains to the class.

Jonas Brothers continues to talk to the class about music and writing and answer questions until the bell rings letting them know that class is over.

Dalia: " It was nice to see you all again. " she says to Frankie's brothers and giving them a hug.

Nick: " You as well. " he says to Dalia.

Joe: " You have gotten so big. " he says to Dalia.

Kevin: " I remember when you were little and now you have grown so much. " he says to Dalia.

Dalia: " I know, well I gotta get to my next class but I'll stop by later.

Nick: " That's fine, your always welcome to stop by. " he says giving Dalia a hug.

Dalia: " Alright, thanks. " she says to Nick.

Nick: " No problem, behave. " he says to Dalia.

Dalia: " You know I will, bye. " she says to Nick while walking out of the classroom.

Nick: " Bye. " he says to Dalia before grabbing his phone and unlocking it and then checking his voicemail.

Mr. Johnson: " Thank you for coming in today and talking to the class about music and writing, I do wish that you didn't have to see Frankie in that state. " he says to one of his brothers.

Joe: " Anytime, it's okay. " he says to Frankie's teacher.

Kevin: " We really appreciate you allowing us to talk to the class and you know be their guide. " he says to his brothers teacher.

Nick: " Mom, just left me a message and they are both back from the hospital, our doctor took x-rays and Frankie has three broken ribs. " he says to Kevin and Joe.

Joe: " Your joking, aren't you? " he says to Nick.

Nick: " I'm not joking. " he says to Joe.

Kevin: " Will he be back in school? " he asks Nick.

Nick: " No, he is at home, and he won't be back in school for 6 weeks; so, I have to pick up all of his work for today and for the six weeks he won't be back in school. " he says to Kevin.

Kevin: " Oh my God. " he says to Nick.

~ Back at the pharmacy ~

While Denise is putting Frankie's prescription from the Doctor in at the pharmacy part of the drug store, Frankie goes to the cashier and asks for two packs of cigarettes and lies to the Cashier about them being for his brother Kevin and stuffs them in his pocket after paying with cash that he stole from his mom's purse and then walks outside and gets back in the car after telling his mom that he would be in the car.

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