1. 07734

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brendong😪: hello

ryanscryin🍑: hello yourself
ryanscryin🍑: do i know you?

brendong😪: lmao yeah but no

ryanscryin🍑: wdym??

brendong😪: we go to the same school but like we don't talk, yk?

ryanscryin🍑: well theres probably a reason lmaooo

brendong😪: nah u just don't wanna speak to 'my kind'


brendong😪: yes and yes

ryanscryin🍑: i dont associate with fuck boys, babe 😘

brendong😪: says the one who has a peach in there name

ryanscryin🍑: their*
ryanscryin 🍑: and its for aesthetic purposes
ryanscryin🍑: but it does look bad...

(ryanscryin🍑changed their name to ryan)

brendong😪: thats lame now

ryan: meh whateva

brendong😪: so wyd tonight baby
brendong😪: want me to suck u off??

ryan: no??

brendong😪: yes?? plz bb i wanna feel u

ryan: ffs brendon im not gay

brendong😪: thats what they all say xxx

ryan: i actually uh yk have a gf

brendong😪: beard***

ryan: fuck you dude. you have hoes of all shapes and sizes that want you.
ryan: i do NOT want you.

brendong😪: ok bb

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