8. High

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brendon opened the window carefully, moving the blanket aside, before entering. the obviously stoned ryan was lying on his back staring at the ceiling. it reeked of weed in there, but ryan didn't seem to mind.

"ryan?" brendon asked stepping closer. despite his act, brendon was afraid too. he hasn't spoken to him in person since they were literally kids. sure, they've exchanged words, but not like this.

ryan sat up and looked at brendon, eyes red as hell. "hey brenny, baby. c'mere and gimme those kisses you told me you'd gimme."

brendon laughed, "are you sure?"

"positive, please brendon." ryan was getting visibly frustrated the longer brendon took to get to him.

"tell me when to stop, baby," brendon whispered. he made his way to the side of ryan's bed and climed on his lap, straddling his hips and began to leave a trail of soft kisses, gently sucking up ryan's neck, causing the boy beneath him to moan.

"brendon...." ryan's eyes were shut, but he was fidgeting around, pressing his crouch against brendon's to get a reaction from brendon. like more neck kisses.

"ryan." brendon kissed his cheek, and then he stopped. ryan opened his eyes as far as he could, which the boy was stoned, it had to of been difficult. "can i kiss you, ryan?"

ryan thought of this and then shook his head no. a tear fell down from his eyes. "i'm scared, ya know?" he laughed at his situation and brendon moved from off his lap. "a kiss leads to something intimate."

brendon nodded in understanding. he really got where ryan was coming from and respected consent.

"i don't want something intimate with you," ryan started and rubbed grabbed brendon's hand. "yet. i need-"

brendon pulled his hand away, "ryan-"

"no. listen, i need to trust you, because i like you brendon. and i don't want to kiss you, if you don't like me. sorry what?"

brendon chuckled but got up from off the bed anyways, "yeah i understand ryan. look, um, do you need me here anymore?"

ryan looked at brendon, but didn't see brendon. he saw the stupid fuckboy he's always been. "no."

"are you sure?" brendon asked and stepped closer, "you're kinda fucked up, baby. i can get you water if you need it."

ryan's throat was dry, but he wasn't going to tell brendon that. "no, i'm fine. just go."

brendon gave him a sad smile and a kiss on the forehead before leaving out the window and disappeared.

ryan groaned and smacked his lips together. they were dry. his mouth was dry. stupid ass should've kissed brendon, but he knew that he made the right choice.

he reached over and got his water bottle from his nightstand and drank it up in a few gulps. his legs were occasionally twitching and he felt relaxed despite everything that happened. he made his way- slowly- to his dresser and grabbed his phone and earbuds. he blasted lil peep's kiss and vibed until he fell asleep.

a typical night in the ross house, with a little more adventure.

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