11. Just-

39 0 0

tenaciousd🏀: dude unblock brendon, you fucking asshole

ross💛: uhhh hi?

tenaciousd🏀: cut the crap, ryan

ross💛: dallon?? how did you even get my number?

tenaciousd 🏀: you're joking

ross💛: dude
ross💛: if brendon was really sorry, he would've came to me at school
ross💛: not send one of his apes to attack me lmao

tenaciousd 🏀: just- unblock him ok?

ross💛: uhm like no

tenaciousd 🏀: um like yes

ross💛: why

tenaciousd🏀: because

ross💛: how silly of me
ross💛: its bc he wants to pump and dump and im not about that
ross💛: soooo no.

tenaciousd🏀: ok but jsyk ur a fucking asshole

ross💛: you have made that p clear, dally <3

tenaciousd 🏀: really? fuck you dude.

ross💛: tell me u luv me first daddy dallon

tenaciousd🏀: bye asshole


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