7. Wya?

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ross🐝: wya
ross🐝: im so horny rn bren
ross🐝: just come suck me off
ross🐝: i'll fuck u too sooo hard bren come sooner babby

urie💗: uhhhh ryan tht sounds lovely but
urie💗: are you high??

ross🐝: hiiii
ross🐝: oh wait
ross🐝: a lil bit, daddy xxx

urie💗: jfc ryan

ross🐝: please hurry
ross🐝: my cock is so hard waiting for you

urie💗: lmao baby
urie💗: u sound like a porn star

ross🐝: YOUR pornstar <33

urie💗: i just got to ur street corner im walking so its taking a while

ross🐝: lmao im so high rn

urie💗: 😂😂 im here u big goof

ross🐝: i cnt move

urie💗: im- r ur parents home?

ross🐝: who?

urie💗: PARENTS

ross🐝: no just my parents are home

urie💗: do they sleep up or downstairs?

ross🐝: upppp

urie💗: does ur bedroom window have blankets instead of curtains?

ross🐝: ya

urie💗: alr

ross🐝: wait im scared

urie💗: we can just vibe

ross🐝: do u wanna just vibe? :(

urie💗: i want- whatever you want baby

ross🐝: windows unlocked

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