Chapter 9

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The bell signaling that it was the end of 5th period rang through my ears. Groaning I gathered my stuff and shuffled through the door.  Outside the door Blake was waiting for me like always. “How has your first day back going?” Blake asked resting his arm on my shoulders. “Crappy and tiresome” I yawned. He chuckled and we walk into our usual history class except today it was a little different. I looked at him first then he glanced at me and smirked. A new guy was sitting in the seat in front of where I normally sit. After acknowledging the fact that there was a new kid I continued to walk to my seat. The instant I sat down the new kid turned around. “Hi, I’m Alec” he smirked. “Hi Alec. I’m Bree” I smiled at the boy. Alec had jet black hair and gorgeous gray eyes. He also had an adorable dimple in his right cheek. If I wasn’t dating Blake I’d go for him. Alec turned back around in his seat and Mr. Pellin walked in. “Good afternoon class!” he greeted us. “We have a new student today! Alec Nomick? Please stand up and introduce yourself”. Did I hear Mr. Pellin correctly? Nomick like my last name Nomick?!?! So many questions ran through my mind. Who is this Alec? Is he related to me or is it just a coincidence? My thoughts were interrupted when Mr. Pellin called my name. “Bree? Bree? Ms. Nomick?” Mr. Pellin called me.  “Hmm? I mean yes sir?” I looked at him. “Would you mind showing Alec here how things work around here?” Mr. Pellin asked. “Yes, sir. I would love to?” I replied in my ‘I’m a goody two-shoe student’ voice. I was nervous to be around Alec to be honest. He looked so intimidating and you could tell that he was the bad boy type base on first impressions. He wore dark skinny jeans, a plain white shirt, black and white vans, and a typical black leather jacket. Plus he’s always smirking like can you not!? Soon Mr. Pellin began our lesson for the day. I just put my head down and tried not to fall asleep.

In what felt like 5 minutes I felt someone tapping my shoulder. “Hmm? What!” I practically yelled. I fully opened my eyes and saw Niall and Blake with hurt expressions and Alec behind them snickering. I rolled my eyes at Alec and stretched. “Oh crap aren’t we going to be late for 6th?” I panicked trying to get all of my stuff. All three boys were full on laughing now. I stared at them with confused looks. “What’s so funny?” I asked confusion still written all over my face. Niall was the one who let me in on the insight. “You slept through 6th period sweetie” Niall expressed starting to calm down. “I was going to wake you but Mr. Pellin insisted on letting you sleep so I got forced to show him” Blake gesturing toward Alec “where his next class was which was ironically was biology with us so that worked out I guess”. I knew there was a reason that I liked Mr. Pellin. “Well since school is over now do you guys want to go to the ice cream parlor and get some ice cream?” I suggested. “I’m in! Plus we can learn more about Alec” Niall answered. Everyone else nodded in agreement. “Then it’s settled!” I cheered. I walked out the school and toward Niall’s truck and the boys followed. We all packed into the truck. Niall and Blake were in the front and I was stuck in the back with Alec. He kept glancing at me which made me feel slightly uncomfortable.

After 15 minutes of semi- awkward silence we arrived at Yogism Frozen Yogurt. We all popped out the car like popcorn and walked inside the cold shop. We all gathered around the counter to order. “Hello! My name is Mady! What can I get you guys?” the cashier lady whose name is Mady excitedly asked. I went first. “Hi! Can I get chocolate flavored yogurt with brownie bites, mini-M&M’s, chocolate sprinkles, and chocolate chips all covered with chocolate sauce please” I said all in one breath. Alec and Mady looked at me with astonishment. “What? I like my chocolate” I laughed. Mady and the boys all laughed too. The boys all told Mady their orders then we all sat down at a rounded booth. “Sooo…. Alec where are you from?” I blurted out. “I’m from Sweden. Just moved here 3 days ago” Alec responded putting a spoonful of cheesecake flavored yogurt into his mouth. “Cool! How are you liking Ireland so far?” Blake asked stuffing his mouth with his cookies n’ cream flavored yogurt with chocolate syrup and crushed Oreos. “I haven’t really been out of my house to do any sight-seeing but I did meet you guys so, so far so good I guess” Alec smiled and whipped his mouth. Maybe he’s not the bad boy type after all.  Niall was the one who asked the question that has been on my mind ever since 6th period. “So you said that your last name is Nomick. Any relation to Bree?” Niall asked eating the same type of yogurt as me. “Yes” Alec simply said. Whut did he say? Did I hear him right? “Really how so?” Blake implied. “Oh, she’s my sister”



whaaatttt. Bree has a brother?! haha anyway guys i updated because ive been in the wrting mood ^.^  i really dont have much to say...... well i love you guys and i hoped you enjoyed! Picture of Ian Somerhalder because he reminds me of Alec


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~Nia xoxo

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