I didnt sleep till 1 am last night

365 5 10

I'm d y i n g

Kaedgay is online

Kaedgay: has anyone seen Miu?

Shuwuchi: no, why do ask?

Kaedgay: I need to tell her something.

Shuwuchi: why don't you just text her?

Kaedgay: well, it would be more special if I told her in person.
Kaedgay: Plus, it would be easier that way.

Shuwuchi: ok..? Well, I haven't seen her. Good luck with whatever you're doing.

Kaedgay: well, I'm gonna go look for her some more.

Kaedgay went offline

Shuwuchi: well that was weird.

Kowokichi is online

Kowokichi: Saihara-chan!

Shuwuchi: don't call me that kokichi...


Makiroll is online

Makiroll: shut up kokichi. Your blowing up my phone.
Makiroll: Shuichi, do you have any idea what Kaede and Miu are doing?
Makiroll: I just saw them together looking all lovey-dovey.

Shuwuchi: no clue. Kaede was looking for her earlier.

Kowokichi: you guys are ignoring meeeeeeee

Shuwuchi: do you have any idea what they could be doing, maki?

Kowokichi: that's cold, Saihara-chan.

Makiroll: I have no clue either.

Cumdumpster is online

Cumdumpster: guess who has girlfriend now, ya virgins!

Shuwuchi: wait...

Kaedgay is online

Kaedgay: it's me.

Shuwuchi: wait wait wait
Shuwuchi: so you guys are a thing now?

Cumdumpster: yep!

Kaedgay: yeah.

Makiroll: good for you guys.

Plain.otaku is online

Plain.otaku: my shipppssssssss
Plain.otaku: yessssssssss

Kaedgay: you ship real people?

Plain.otaku: uhh.
Plain.otaku: you don't?

Kaedgay went offline.

Cumdumpster: awww..I wanted to talk more.

Makiroll: you could always just go to her dorm idiot.
Makiroll: and talk to her in person.
Makiroll: like a good girlfriend.

Cumdumpster: eek! Ok, I'll do that...

Cumdumpster went offline.

Shuwuchi: maki what have you done
Shuwuchi: poor, poor Kaede...

Makiroll: what?
Makiroll: oh.
Makiroll: shit. Sorry Kaede.

Shuwuchi: well, it's too late now...

Kowokichi: I'm still here you know.

Makiroll: shut up cockichi.

Kowokichi: WAAAAAA!

Kowokichi went offline.

I just realized how jealous I made maki sound. Trust me, she's not, I ship maki and kaito. I just think that maki is good friends with Kaede and is very protective of her. Also, the characters will most likely be out of character, so if that bothers you, then this chatfic probably isn't right for you.

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