Chapter one

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Sanem is facing the battle of Cans' memory, or the lack of his memory. All of the love she had for him can't fix what he doesn't have for her..He is distant and unresponsive to all of the situations that she relives with him, trying to spark something in his brain.  A new client has shown a great deal of interest in Can, and as usual Can is blind to the whole thing. Sanem can only sit back and watch, and try to intervene her advances. Woman art cosmetics has taken an interest in Sanem's cream and purchased the formula for a huge amount of money.  Aicha is the niece of the CEO of the company, he ask her to take the account over for him.  Her and Can have a lot in common, they are adventurous and travel the world fulfilling there desire for their freedom. Sanem is having a hard time competing with what Aicha has to offer.  

After a girls night with Meriban, of drinking to much wine and being rude to Can, the next evening she decided to take two teas up to Cans house for a peace offering. She needed to apologize for her actions. As she approached his back patio, she heard loud talking and laughing. She turned, going around the back of his house and saw he had a group of people at his table. She stopped short and thought about turning back, but Can noticed her and invited her in.  Reluctantly she stayed. It was Aicha and her group of mountain climbing friends. They were sharing stories of all their experiences they had on their trips..Can was beaming, laughing and telling about his adventures.  It seemed they were planning a climb after the campaign for the cream was final..Sanem was confused and couldn't believe he was leaving.  Can told the group he needed to get away, the last months had taken a toll on him.  A little embarrassed that he is talking about a trip like that in front of Sanem, he invites her to come along..He asked his new friends if they had any objections about Sanem coming along. They welcomed her to join them, but Aicha was a bit disappointed that Can extended her an invitation. She had hoped to have Can all to herself for a few weeks..His friends got up to leave, vowing to finalize there plans quickly. 

Sanem was clearly upset and embarrassed at the invite. Telling Can it was obvious that she wasn't in his heart or his thoughts. Can confused said  " I thought we talked about this, I am trying to remember, but it's not easy...Sanem stated, her voice dripping with sadness, "  Yes, we talked about things but didn't decide anything. You're guilty and trying  to end this " so called"relationship."   You really don't need to bother. "  she spouted. She turned to leave but Can stopped her, pulling her close, he felt his desire grip him. It was no secret, he was drawn to her, she was beautiful, smart and quite unusual. But the love thing, he just didn't get.  She stopped him as he tried to kiss her,  " Truly Can, it's not necessary. "  I don't want it. "  she whispered. Reeling around, she walked back to her house...She had humiliated herself for the last time. Things had to change..

Can was wondering how this was ever going to work. His memory had evaded him, and everything that he was being told about their love had not stirred his heart.  He read the book of their love and all the troubles they had gone through, still it didn't awake the feelings within him. Maybe going on this climb would let his mind rest and he could open up what had been locked..He needed to get back to him,  from what he had been told, the life he had led the past  2 years was far from what his life was like before.  

Sanem cried herself to sleep that night, knowing she must move on with her life, but she had no life without him.  Her existence depended on his love to carry her through. What will happen when he doesn't want to remember her and their love. She cried, " How can such  a deep love as we had, be erased without a trace. The mind is wonderous thing,  it can protect us from what we fear to remember.  Her heart had to prepare for just such a thing,  be strong and let him go. She had feared this throughout their relationship.  Make your plans and move on...

As Can tries to continue the reality of his life he feels them drifting further apart.  With the campaign for her cream done, all the loose ends are getting tied up.. Sanem keeps her distance and has lost the bubbly and outgoing personality she once had...they seem strained. In making her own plans, she finds a strength she didn't realize she had.  She quietly sat and listened as Can and Aicha planned the climbing trip, excitement raging between them. Aicha had been quite happy that Sanem declined the invitation to accompany them.  The reaction from Can when she told him she she wouldn't come with them, was more of relief than disappointment. But Can was worried about her and the change in her over the past days. 

Emre advised Can not to go, feeling it might hurt his recovery, let alone the damage that it could do to Sanem.  Can spouted, " I not sure what you're talking about Emre,  I'm feeling fine physically, and as far as Sanem is concerned, there's not much of a relationship right now..she is not herself lately , and honestly it might be better that I go."  Emre pleaded, " I think you're making a big mistake, but you always do what you want, no matter the consequences. " 

The night before Can was to leave, he went to Sanem's house. Can again asked, " Sanem are you sure you won't come with us?  You still have time to get ready. "  Sanem smiled and shook her head, " No Can, I'll be fine,  you don't need me tagging along after you. Go have your fun with you're new friends." She answered. "That's not how I meant it, and you know it, Sanem. " Can scowled.  He gave her a hug, " I'll be back in 2 weeks, you get some rest, and maybe the separation will do us good. "  His excitement for the trip oozing from him.  He told her, "  I will text or call if possible. " he hurried out, waving as he went across the lawn. 

 She waved, fighting back the tears, knowing she would not be there when he return....

She cried all night 

Heartbroken, she watches him leave the next morning with his friends. How will I survive what I have to do......

Hello everyone,  Welcome to my new story. Hope you enjoy the read. Please remember to leave me a comment and a vote to let me know how you like it...will update soon!!

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