Chapter Three

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Every muscle in his body ached,  although he was fit and probably more fit than most. The grueling ordeal of climbing tested each fiber of your body.  He was exhausted, but having the time of his life. The group was fun, he usually did his climbing alone just because he had preferred it that way. This was a new feeling for him, that feeling of tolerating people, enjoying the company of others. As far back as he could remember, he sought solitude,  the only time he felt like himself.  It sheltered him from the hurt of his childhood.  Learning  at an early age that you were the only one to make yourself happy. Yet, here he was, enjoying the outdoors with six people that he barely knew.

They had reached a resting point,  he needed to catch his breath.  Squatting down, gazing at the vast scenery, it made him think of home.  Was he feeling homesick?   " No, I'm not homesick, I've never been homesick."  He wrestled with the thought.  Aicha came and sat beside him, always there, and always attentive.. She looped her arm with his and put her head on his shoulder. It took him by surprise and shifted his body away from her, thinking how uncomfortable that it had made him.  She smiled at him, but he didn't return the smile, he just  looked at her with a blank stare.. " It's ok Can, this can be what ever you want this to be,  I just want you in my life. " she stated.  

Can took a deep breath, " Look Aicha, my life is complicated right now and the fact that I don't remember the last two years of my life has hindered my ability to make any decisions of this type."  Please don't take this the wrong way, but although my heart may not know Sanem right now, my mind is still searching for you understand what I'm saying. "  He asked, scanning her face for her understanding.  The look she had on her face let him know she wouldn't give up, but she told him she understood  his predicament,  " Sometimes things happen for a reason, and you must except that and move on, or you might miss out on what was suppose to be. " She whispered, leaning in close to his ear and lingering there for a minute.  He didn't move or respond, she got up, put her hand on his shoulder in a gesture of asking him to follow her, as she walked away.  His mind was racing,  had he been suggestive to her?  He didn't need or want this right now.  This trip was suppose to be relaxing, but it was beginning to be anything but, he thought as he rubbed his face and the thought of Sanem ran through his mind..

Four days down and six more to go, all he wanted was a exhilarating workout, that would give him time to clear his mind. Maybe it was a mistake..This feeling he had resembled that of having cheated on someone,  it had him confused. They continued on with the climb but  the enjoyment factor had diminished somewhat,  with the constant looks from Aicha.  

They reached a spot that had a bit of cell service, he felt the need to send a text to Sanem.  He wrote, "  Having a blast but a little out of shape  see you soon. "  He knew Sanem had reservations about Aicha, but he never took her seriously.  He thought she was just jealous and left it at that.  The thought of going home filled his mind and almost made him sorry he had agreed on this trip. Just four more days, he thought, as his phone pinged with a response from her.  " Glad your having fun "    

Sanem had been busy writing everyday, but she knew she needed  to find a job, just for something to fill her days and to be around other people. Her inner voice had become her best friend, but she didn't think that was the way it was suppose to be...On that day Leila was coming for lunch, she was getting take-out because she knew Sanem's cooking skills all too well. She was excited to see her apartment. Ceycey had told her it was a splendid place, but she needed to see for herself.  They lounged on the sofa,  devouring the sandwiches Leila had brought.  She was proud of her sister, what she had been through would have broke most people, but Sanem was a special type, stronger than even she herself knew.  Smart in common sense and in imagination.  So unique, but Sanem never saw that in herself.  They talked about the agency and all the gossip,  Leila begged her to come back to work but Sanem refused saying,  "  It's time for me now, I have to  stand up for me.  Make my life what I want it to be. "  She sounded so sure, but inside she doubted, always doubting.. They hugged and kissed, she told Leila to give mom and dad a big hug from her, as Leila started back to work.. That had been a nice break in her day. She was for sure now that she needed to get that job. She had missed talking to other people....

The afternoon always found her wandering the streets around her apartment.  She studied the actions of the other people around and tried to imagine their story in life.  Her walk carried her a couple of blocks further and she found a small coffee shop. Although coffee had never been her drink, the sign in the window called to her.   There it was...." Help Wanted " It was perfect, just what she was looking for.. She marched in and asked to speak to the manager,  the girl behind the counter smiled,  " Hi, I'm Maya,  the day manager. " How can I help you. " She asked.  Sanem smiled, " I'm here to apply for the job, "  she turned and pointed to the sign in the window.. " Do I talk to you? "  Maya wiped her hands, and came out from around the counter.  Holding out her hand to greet her, she beamed, "  Yes, you sure do, and your name? "   All of a sudden Sanem was nervous, she stuttered" I'm Sanem, my name is Sanem,  I live a few blocks from here, pleased to meet you. "   Maya motioned for them to sit at the table nearby.  She had taken an instant liking to this girl, she seemed sincere.  The job wasn't rocket science so the experience wasn't a factor. The vibe she got from someone was more important to her when it came to filling a position.  "Have you had much experience brewing coffee? "  she quizzed.  Quickly Sanem blurted, " No,  in fact I'm not much of a coffee drinker, I prefer tea.......

Sanem smiled thinking,  " I probably shouldn't have said that........I'm going to lose this job before I even get it......

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