I stand in the large chamber Loki and I share. The servants drape the green materials given to me by my spouse. "May I express freely, your majesty?" the young girl on my left addresses. I pivot looking upon her with a grin. "Of course. What need you share?" She smiles fanning out the attire. "You've never resembled more comfortable in all the cycles I have attended to you." I bite my lip staring upward at the emerald gems gifting my neck. "I'm happy someone else has taken notice." She allows me to clasp my shoes before opening the door. "The King has demanded your presence." I furrow my brows. "He understands I have an agenda to maintenance." She stifled a giggle. "His Majesty was very tenacious." I hum grinning, "Oh, I'm very sure he was."
I enter the throne room eyeing the King sitting above on the throne. I stand on the floor in front of his burning eyes. "You wanted me?" his lips twitch into his sly smirk of mischief. He looks over me and to the guards at the entrance and the two at the end of the throne. "Leave us. For a while." They soon open the heavy doors and close them with a loud slam.
"I did want you, love." Loki leans on his knee smirking. "Come forward, Beyla. Right to me." I ascend the golden steps to Loki. Dressed in his complete armor, sitting in the seat of the king. He's never looked more pleased with himself.
He pulls me into his lap chuckling. He moves the hair away from my shoulder and trails a line of kisses up to my jaw. I grasp his shoulder grinning. "I didn't think this is what you are intended to do upon the throne of Asgard, Loki." He hums pulling back from me. Drinking me in with his piercing eyes. "I can fantasize, can't I? You've fancied about this, haven't you, pet?" Loki draws his hands to my thigh.
"Haven't you?" I stare down at him as he reads me clearly. He nods confirming his thoughts. "I thought so." I move to straddle him and grab the two horns of his headwear. He grunts looking up at me with a sinister grin. "I thought I told you not to look into my mind?" His hands brought me closer, fastening our bodies together. "And I've told you not to use your spells on me. Yet, last night you.-" I huff rolling my eyes, letting go of his head. "It only happened one time. It was an accident."
"Care to make it up to me?" I look over his smug face, connecting our lips. "Do the horns stay?" He moves my hands back to the cool gold upon his head. "It's a big part of the fantasy, my Queen."
"I do want to see one thing from you, love." I sit on his lap smiling at him. "What might that be, Loki?" His cheeks turn rosy and he chuckles, lowering his head. I place my hand on his cheek averting his gaze back to me. "What are you laughing about?"
"Remember you had to perform that dance for Thor on his birthday?" I freeze looking down at him. "No." "Darling, everyone was watching then. You can gift it upon my own eyes." I sigh resting my hands on his shoulders. "Do I have to wear the dress?" "Why do you think I'm asking?" I slap his arm laughing. "You're sly." "You love it."
The doors burst open, the Warrior Three and Sif make their way to us. "Allfather, we must speak with you urgently-"
As they raise their heads they gaze upon their new rulers.
Volstagg rings out," What is this?"
Loki smiles leading up to speak to our friends. "My friends... you haven't heard? We are now the Rulers of Asgard." I smile at him as he states our title with pride.
"Where is Odin?"
"Father's fallen into the Odinsleep. My mother fears he may never awaken again."
"We would speak with her." Sif and the Warriors Three exchange a look, thickening my confusion. I speak to Sif with compassion. "She has refused to leave Odin's bedside. You can bring your "urgent" matter to Loki, your King."
Sif covers quickly. "We would ask you to end Thor's banishment."
Bring Thor back? If he were to return he would likely fight Loki for the throne, and if he were to win I would lose Loki's love forever. Maybe Thor will see that Loki makes a fine king and leave it alone. I look at my husband contemplating the choices. "He is your brother, Loki. As well as our friend." He looks at me nodding, then proceeds to address our friends.
My first command can not be to undo the Allfather's last. We're on the brink of war with Jotunheim. Our people must have a sense of continuity in order to feel safe in these difficult times." Sif, the Warriors Three, and I all trade looks, not liking any of this.
"All of us must stand together, for the good of Asgard."
Fandral nods. "Of course."
Sif and the Warriors Three bow their heads and exit and Loki stares after them with an intense glare. What is he thinking?
Thor sits in a chair, staring forward blankly, hands cuffed behind him. Coulson stands across from him. "It's not easy to do what you did. You made us all look like a bunch of mall cops. That's hurtful. The men you so easily subdued are highly-trained professionals, and in my experience, it takes someone who's received similar training to do what you did to them. Would you like to tell me where you received your training?"
Thor sits silently.
"Pakistan? Chechnya? Afghanistan? Then again, you strike me more as the soldier of fortune type. What was it, South Africa?"
Still no answer. Coulson leans in close to him.
"Certain groups pay well for a good mercenary. Especially HYDRA." Coulson waits for a response but gets none. "Who are you?"
"Just a man."
"One way or another, we find out what we want to know. We're good at that." Coulson leaves the room. Thor lowers his head.
"I thought he'd never leave." Thor looks up, shocked to find Loki standing there, dressed in A suit.
"Loki?" He gasps "What are you doing here? Did you bring Beyla?"
Loki shakes his head. "I had to see you." "What's happened? Tell me! Is it Jotunheim? Let me explain." Loki looks to his brother. "Father is dead."
"Your banishment, the threat of a new war, it was too much for him to bear." The implications of Loki's words dawn on Thor, he's responsible for his father's fate. Loki draws close to him, looks into his eyes, consolingly.
"You mustn't blame yourself. I know that you loved him. I tried to tell him so, but he wouldn't listen. It was cruel to put the hammer within your reach, knowing you could never lift it. The burden of the throne has fallen to me now, and I have made Beyla my Queen."
"Can I come home?"
"The truce with Jotunheim is conditional upon your exile."
" But couldn't we find a way to--"
"Mother has forbidden your return." Thor nods lower his head, beaten. "This is goodbye, brother. I'm so sorry." "No, I'm sorry. Loki... thank you for coming here. I am very happy you and Beyla have been allowed to marry. She's loved you for very long."
Loki smirks at the mention of his wife. "Nothing could have stopped me."
Coulson enters the room but seems to take no notice of Loki. "Farewell, brother." "Goodbye."
"Good-bye? I just got back."
Loki and I walk alongside each other on the golden paths of my gardens. "This is beautiful, my love." "You have to say that." Loki bends and plucks a white rose to turn it into a beautiful ruby, then handing it to me. I look at it and then pass my hand over the petals turning them green. "Much better," I smirk laying a kiss on his cheek.
"I have to leave, Beyla. I will return soon." I look at him lovingly. "Could I go with you?" His smile drops and he shook his head firmly. "No, darling." "Where are you going?"
Loki stands tensely avoiding my eye contact. "I have to prove myself to father. I'm going to Jotunheim to fix what Thor has done." "You can't go alone." He smiles kissing my head. "You're persistent. I love you for that, but, Beyla. I have to face this alone. Show father I'm fit for the throne." I nod tucking the flower in his armor. "Hurry back."
"Of course, my Queen."

Beyla ~ (Loki)
FanfictionBeyla: Connected with earth, and known as the goddess of bees. Also the single individual that Loki seems to have a soft spot for. ••• Loki x Goddess Ranked #11 LokiOdinson