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OH Shiitake mushrooms! What they be talking about. Btw, this song is bomb!

Ok, I'll shut up🤐


I turned to look at Levi, who had a hand on the back of his neck. I gave him a strange look, silently asking him why he was acting so weird. His eyes were glued to the floor, glancing around for something to kill the tension in the room.

He noticed my desk and offered, "Wanna sit and just talk?"

"Uh, sure," I agreed awkwardly.

He pulled out the chair from my desk and spun it around to sit in it backward. I sat opposite to him on my bed, fiddling with the hem of my shirt fearfully. The boy groaned, pushing hair out of his face with stress, "Look, don't think you're my friend. I don't wanna be your friend, you bright-eyed brat!"

"Okay, I get the brat," I thought aloud, "but I don't the offense in bright-eyed. Levi, are you feeling okay? Wait, this is a joke, isn't it?"

"What do you mean?" He snarled.

I explained, slightly scooting away from him, "You would only be nice to me to get my hopes up and then crush them in my face. You're going to beat me twice as bad tomorrow."

He stood out of the chair, angrily throwing to the side, and, to my surprise, sitting next to me. I flinched as he stuck out his hand palm up. I was confused and slightly afraid of what he was doing.

I ducked my head as he commanded, "Hold my hand, damn idiot!"

I hesitantly placed my hand in his, prepared to have a broken hand. His grip, however, was tender and warm, dare I say loving? I stared at Levi, worried that maybe he hit his head while riding his bike.

"Levi, are you okay?" I asked with honest sincerity. "Is something wrong?"

Something serious had to of happened for him to touch me without inflicting pain. He scoffed and slid closer to me, laying his head on my shoulder. I was trepidatious, not risking the chance of a pummel if I moved or shoved him away.

"You hate me, don't you?" He softly murmured. "I completely deserve it."

"I don't hate you, Levi," I quickly stated, "I'm afraid of you."

Levi chuckled, "You can't hate something you're afraid of."

My phone suddenly rang, breaking the tension between us. I let go of his hand to grab my phone, but once I got it, Levi snuggled into me, wrapping his arms around my torso. I switched my phone from one hand to the other to let me hold him. Armin's ringtone nearly ended before I picked it up.

"Eren, are you okay?" Armin panicked. "Has Levi hit you yet? Where are your parents? Hide in the closet! Erwin and I are on the way!"

"Armin, calm down," I assured, looking down at the clingy being against me. "We're fine. Everything's okay."

I found myself smiling and lightly laying my head on Levi's. Sure, I was terrified, but if this was real, then Levi needed someone right then, even if it was me. Levi squeezed tighter as I showed affection towards him like he was begging for it.

"W-Wait, for real, though?" Armin sputtered.

"Yeah," I beamed, "we're just fine."

Armin paused for a moment before finally answering, "If you say so, but Erwin and I are still coming over there. Be there in ten."

He hung up immediately after, filling the room with silence. Levi sat up with a gentle frustration on his face. He kept my arm around him as he looked up at me. I gave him a sweet smile and took a chance by leaving my phone next to me and laid my hand on his cheek. He dipped his face in my palm.

His eyes then teared up as he sniffled, "I'm sorry. There I said it!"

"For what?" I asked.

He grabbed my hand from his face and held it tightly to his chest as if he was afraid I would pull it from him. Tears fell from his eyes and onto my arm.

His voice shaky, he admitted, "I hurt you because I can't hate you."

"You mentioned a moment ago you can't hate something you're afraid of," I pointed out, "Are you afraid of me?"

He stayed quiet, softly crying with absolute realness. I decided not to ask any more questions and instead hold him in an embrace that he accepted happily. We stayed in that position for as long as it took Armin to get there. I could tell by the repetitive ring of the doorbell it was him.

Levi didn't react to the noise, so leaned towards his ear and whispered, "Armin and Erwin are here."

"Tell them to go away." He muffled through my shirt.

I rolled my eyes and playfully warned, "We have to go greet them, or my mom will come up here. Don't make me carry you."

He looked up at me with a sarcastic face, telling me something that "yeah right". I shot him the same look before I stood up and place on my hands on my hips. I repeated, "I will carry you!"

He giggled and wiped his eyes on his sleeve. After a huff, he stood up and followed me out the door. He kept rubbing his eyes to hide any trace that he was crying--classic Levi. Erwin and Armin were staring at us strangely like they were expecting one of us to say something. My mother stood happily, looking between each pair.

Breaking the silence, I studdered, "H-Hey, guys! Glad you could come over! Wanna have a movie night?"

We all agreed to just chill in my room watching horror movies about ghosts and possessed dolls. I laid on my bed next to Levi as Erwin and Armin sat on the floor in front of us, scrolling through the Netflix Horror Genre. I was wrapped up in my usual blanket burrito to protect myself from any monsters that might jump through the screen at me. Sure, I was too old for that, but it was tradition when I watch anything scary.

Levi rolled his eyes at me before looking at the two blondes in front of us and asking, "Did you two ride over here together?"

"Oh, yeah," I added on, "Armin called Erwin to pick him up. That does remind me to ask you something, Armin."

He looked up at me and tilted his head as he pondered, "What's that?"

"How do you have Erwin's phone number?"

"How do you have Erwin's phone number?"

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